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Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
This very good @DavidKlion piece resolves a lot of the mystery around Biden's strange and costly slow-walk on reentering the Iran nuclear deal —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @DLeonhardt: Early in the pandemic, many people thought the death toll in lower-income countries would be much worse than in the U.S. an… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Summing up: To succeed where Obama failed in repealing AUMF warpowers, Biden will need to solve the Gitmo detainee relocation problem that tripped up Obama for years, and overcome the infamously terrible politics around preempting blame for terrorism. Not impossible. Not easy! —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Hurdle #3 is easier: Afghanistan and other existing deployments. Beyond a big Congressional contingent that will want to write in big showy provisions allowing force against Iran, there’s no appetite for expanding these. Can tailor warpowers to how they exist. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
The ISIS hurdle doesn’t apply anymore. But the politics of terrorism are, frankly, terrible in America. If the Caliphate of Tulum emerges tomorrow and Biden lacks warpowers to immediately send the 7th Fleet, voters will severely punish him – and Congress, if it wrote those rules. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Hurdle #2: ISIS and offshoots. This is what sunk Obama’s c.2014 repeal effort. He was ramping up a military campaign in a conflict nobody understood or whose trajectory they could predict. So no one wanted to be blame-able for constraining it by writing new warpowers. DOA. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I **really** doubt that the politics around Gitmo have changed. In January, the GOP mad a big issue of Gitmo prisoners getting vaccinated based on medical need. The Pentagon acquiesced, withholding vaccinations from the detainees —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Obama tried to relocate/release all Gitmo detainees so he could close it, and got pretty far. But he couldn’t move the last few dozen without Congressional acquiescence – e.g., to put them in mainland federal prisons – but Congress blocked him with big bipartisan majorities. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
The first and maybe hardest is Guantanamo. The 2001 AUMF is, sort of absurdly, the legal basis for holding detainees there. There are still 40 at Gitmo, and the US can’t detain them without a legal framework, however flimsy. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @nktpnd: This is a big deal. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
there actually is a carve-out for middle-aged italian american men kissing inappropriately at parties, but only if its your brother and if its the only way to convey that you know he betrayed the family and must have him killed as a result —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
Anyone else having trouble accessing @NotionStatus ? —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @evanchill: On Sunday, the authorities in Myanmar launched their most violent crackdown to date. Our latest visual investigation shows h… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
If you'd asked me a month ago, I'd have said I felt good about "vaccine passports," enabling vaccinated people to safely travel, do stuff, reenter life. But after reporting this, on the ethical and political implications, my feelings are a lot more mixed. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Max_Fisher: —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @CaseyNewton: A+ from @kevinroose —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @evelyndouek: Before you scoff, remember that a tiny prompt if people tried to RT an article they hadn't read led to FORTY PERCENT MORE… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
I’m not naming them because it honestly doesn’t matter who sent it. Our information architecture incentivizes this behavior, if it wasn’t them somebody else would’ve done it, and another will tomorrow. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
There's a false, viral tweet about covid that gets RT'd into my feed every few hours. Been debunked by multiple outlets, flagged by Facebook as misinformation, yet people keep falling for it because it's outrage bait and it was sent by a big name account. 25K RTs and climbing. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @JonasKaiser: 🚨Out now: Fighting Zika With Honey: An Analysis of YouTube’s Video Recommendations on Brazilian YouTube in #IJoC's special… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @dylanmatt: The best was when thousands of people who absolutely did not predict Jan 6 got to lecture the world about how unsurprising a… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Vinncent: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 "The greatest state in the greatest country in the world has been without power. We have food lines, gas lines, and peop… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @Neil_Irwin: "I have napped in hammocks, and I have spoken to people trying to survive on food stamps. The experiences did not seem simi… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @sarah_grossman: “We’re in here freezing to death and starving,” one man incarcerated in Harris County jail told me. With no running wat… —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
@DavidKlion You might want to use a different hypothetical — there’s already a federal loan forgiveness program for public service law —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
It’s hard to overstate how much pointless suffering in the world now occurs as a result of the US treating “sanctions” as a was of signaling condemnation of Bad Countries, rather than as a tool for achieving discrete policy changes in those countries. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
America’s Other Forever War: The US increasingly applies aggressive sanctions that are unlikely to work, but very likely to score domestic political points. The result: millions of the world’s most vulnerable people made to suffer pointlessly. —
Max Fisher @Max_Fisher
RT @MazMHussain: “I’ve never had an ambassador of another country come to my office and literally yell at me, but that’s what I had with th… —