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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

We could be in for a double-dip recession. Which is terrible: I wanted mine with sprinkles. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Americans for Prosperity didn't intentionally misprint that WI election form. Just send your vote in on Octogust 35th and you'll be fine. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Happy Birthday, President Obama! #HowDoITweetSarcasmOnThisThing? —

Posted Aug. 5, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

If Obama really cared about our economy, he'd make massive year-cuts to his age. 50? Come on, we're in a recession here! —

Posted Aug. 5, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

They say what you don't know can't kill you, which is why I never learned about gun safety. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

I start each morning with some piping-hot, extra-strong joe. He's the guy at Starbucks who makes my macchiato. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

I can't believe I lost my baby teeth fortune. I'm ruined! Unless...Is there a fairy that pays for grown man's tears? —

Posted Aug. 3, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

The tooth fairy economic model has been a sham since it went off the enamel standard in the '70s. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

The GOP's biggest concession in the debt ceiling debate? It took place within the government. That must have been tough for them. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

We didn't default! I haven't been this excited about averting a voluntary disaster since the time I didn't stick my hand in a paper shredder —

Posted Aug. 3, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

If you ask me, "sliced bread" is a pretty low bar for greatness. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

You can't know a man till you walk a mile in his shoes. Or for faster results, run 30 minutes in his boxers. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Thanks to the Holy Smoke company, after I die, I can give myself my own 21-gun salute. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

It's President Obama's birthday this week! Unless the Republicans made him give that up too. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

The Republicans would have gotten 100% of everything they asked for, but they couldn't find a tutu to fit Joe Biden. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

I mean what I say and I say what I mean. Luckily, I don't have to fill out my taxes orally . —

Posted July 29, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

All those deranged letters to the editor you've been writing? That ends now. —

Posted July 29, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Stand up and be heard without leaving your seat. —

Posted July 29, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Let me know what you stand for so that I can stand for it too, legality and/or existence of loophole permitting. Http:// —

Posted July 29, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

I have a set of unwavering, deeply held principles. Please tell me what they are. —

Posted July 29, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Wal-mart's launching a movie streaming service with over 30,000 titles! Of course, 10,000 of them are High School Musical sequels. —

Posted July 28, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Some people say journalism is like peeling layers of an onion, but I just deep-fry it till it blooms. —

Posted July 28, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

I forget, when you're scrapbooking is it "paste before sticker, never felt sicker" or the other way around? —

Posted July 28, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

We must do something about our dwindling helium supply! Tying balloons to my house was my escape plan once we default. —

Posted July 28, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

I've got a great idea for a social media site that lets you send out messages no longer than 70 characters. I'm going to call it Twit. —

Posted July 27, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

For the last time, I'm not an ice cream truck! I just like public-domain glockenspiel songs at full volume! —

Posted July 27, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

1 week until default. Trying to get in as many tweets as I can before grid goes down and the high council of cannibal elders take over. —

Posted July 27, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Godfathers Pizza just hung up on me when I asked them to deliver a medium with pepperoni, mushrooms, and Herman Cain. —

Posted July 27, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

If Brian Cox wants a real wonder of the universe, he should interview this squirrel. Http:// —

Posted July 26, 2011 Hibernated
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Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome

Still full from all that Manwich. i probably shouldn't have shotgunned each can. —

Posted July 26, 2011 Hibernated