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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Remember the next time you read that Joe Biden cares about the working class that he just proposed a budget that would increase taxes by $45 BILLION on oil and gas companies, which all gets passed along to the consumer. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! —

Posted April 19, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Democrats love to hide behind rising inflation in foreign countries as an excuse for the high prices paid by American families created by Washington Democrats’ reckless spending. The truth is inflation in America is rising higher than other countries! —

Posted April 19, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

DOUBLE STANDARD DEMOCRATS: The Biden Administration requires federal employees, contractors, and health care workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine or be fired. But by ending Title 42 he is encouraging unvaccinated illegal immigrants to cross our border in droves. —

Posted April 19, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

After 15 months in office and 2.5 million illegal crossings, Biden’s Border Crisis is getting WORSE. Last month, there were over 221,000 illegal crossings – which is more than the entire population of Des Moines, IA or Baton Rouge, LA It's an epic failure to secure the border! —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

This year, Americans will pay a $5,200 inflation tax from Washington Democrats’ reckless spending - on top of a $3,500 inflation tax last year. Biden’s tax increases would continue to make one-party, Democrat rule in Washington even more unaffordable for American families 8/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Biden’s Budget gives the IRS a 12% increase so they can snoop into Americans’ bank accounts as part of his Build Back Broke agenda. The JCT found that approximately 87 million Americans would be the victim of Biden’s IRS bank snooping scheme 7/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

American energy producers will be hit with $45 billion in new taxes. Biden’s war on American energy is hurting American workers paying more than $4/gallon and instead putting money straight into the pockets of brutal dictators. 6/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

It’s clear Washington has a spending – not a revenue – problem. But now Democrats want to repeal the Trump tax cuts that will raise taxes by $2,000/year on middle-class families while giving millionaires a $700 billion tax cut with the return of the full SALT deduction 5/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Despite Democrat attempts to blame TCJA for driving deficits, the truth is that federal revenues are still up 25%, or $418 billion, so far this year. This is after overall federal tax collections grew by more than $600 billion or 18% last year—the largest increase since 1969. 4/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Biden’s budget levies $58 trillion in taxes over 10 years, including $4 trillion in new taxes. These new taxes will crush the job creators, families, and small businesses already struggling to keep up with the highest inflation in 41 years. 3/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

The $1.5 trillion in taxes from Build Back Broke are back in this budget, once again breaking Biden’s promise to not raise taxes on Americans making less than $400K. JCT estimates that 2/3rds of Build Back Broke’s employer taxes would fall on low- and middle-income families. 2/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Today, on #TaxDay, Americans are reminded how much Washington’s out-of-control spending is costing them. Biden’s Budget would make Tax Day even worse, raising taxes on families and small businesses at a time they can least afford it. 1/8 —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

I am leading the fight to repeal the death tax because it attacks our rural way of life. I appreciate the work being done by Missouri Farm Bureau to highlight why this tax hurts Missouri farmers so badly. —

Posted April 18, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

On Easter, we are thankful for religious freedom in America. It is my prayer that Christians around the world, especially those living in persecution, find peace in John 16:33: “Take heart, for I have overcome the world.” Read: The Miracle of Easter —

Posted April 17, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

He is risen! May you enjoy this Easter holiday with your loved ones. —

Posted April 17, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Biden’s budget eliminates the Hyde Amendment. Plain and simple: Taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for abortions! —

Posted April 16, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Under President Biden’s budget, America’s children and grandchildren will be paying for his reckless spending for generations to come. —

Posted April 16, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

This Good Friday, we remember the hope and promise that Sunday is coming. —

Posted April 15, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

President Biden is fond of saying, "Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value." It's clear he values a radical climate agenda over hard-working Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families. —

Posted April 14, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

In 2021, the IRS was told it had sent earlier COVID-era checks to dead people. The IRS ignored the warning and sent $13M in checks from the Biden Bailout Bill to dead people. Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. —

Posted April 14, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Hey, @Twitter —

Posted April 14, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Hey Twitter —

Posted April 14, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Once again, Joe Biden has nominated a radical gun control activist to head the ATF. The 2nd Amendment is CRYSTAL CLEAR – Americans have a constitutional right to bear arms. The president needs to go back to the drawing board on this nomination. —

Posted April 13, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Make no mistake, President Biden and Washington Democrats don't care about securing our southern border. On his first day in office, Joe Biden froze funding for the border wall, sending a signal to the world that he would not enforce America’s immigration laws. —

Posted April 13, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

In Biden's America, real wages have dropped 3.6%. Families are struggling to keep up with the rising price of everything thanks to reckless Washington Democrat spending. —

Posted April 12, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Americans are paying 89% more for each gallon of gas at the pump than the day President Biden took office. Working families are the victims of Biden's war on American energy. —

Posted April 12, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Since Joe Biden took office, inflation has increased 10.4%. Families are struggling to keep up with the explosive rise in prices, and yet Washington Democrats think the cure for inflation is to spend more money. Totally out-of-touch. —

Posted April 12, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Biden's budget adds $4 trillion in new taxes, including $1.5 trillion from "Build Back Broke" that would crush American families and businesses, already struggling to keep up with inflation. —

Posted April 12, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

The measure of price inflation paid by blue-collar families (CPI-W) increased 9.4% year over year - even higher than today's headline inflation data. Further proof, inflation is NOT a "high-class" problem. Americans can't afford the Democrats' reckless spending agenda. —

Posted April 12, 2022
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Rep. Jason Smith @RepJasonSmith

Biden's inflation crisis has turned the American dream into an unaffordable nightmare. His budget doubles down on the same failed policies that created the highest spike in prices in 40 years. Read my full statement here: —

Posted April 12, 2022