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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Liberals -- including employees of media corporations -- believe instinctively that they, by definition, cannot be authoritarian or racist, let alone fascist. But they're the ones who have constructed a regime where the internet is censored by this state-corporate union. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Like so many political insults, the term "fascism" is now thrown around so recklessly and casually that it's been drained identifiable meaning. At most, it means: "someone whose views I dislike." But one fixed, defining attribute is the formal union of state and corporate power: —

Mythinformed MKE @MythinformedMKE

Joe Rogan asks @mtaibbi if anything surprised him about the government censorship efforts uncovered by the Twitter…

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

(To clarify: the reporter is now retired but spent 30 years at the NYT, then to Pro Publica, so this was published in the most mainstream venue by a classically mainstream reporter, but all the outlets and reporters found guilty by the investigation pretended it didn't happen). —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Remember 3 weeks ago when Columbia Journalism Review published a scathing 4-part investigative indictment of the corporate media's serial lying and recklessness that drove Russiagate - written by a Pulitzer-winning NYT reporter -- and they all ignored it? —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

🤷‍♂️ —

A-A(Ron) @boma23

@ggreenwald So backwards lol. Dems should be anti war and anti big tech. Smh

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

And, *large majorities of Republican voters* favor use of anti-trust law to break up the monopoly power of Big Tech, and similarly large majorities want laws banning political censorship over the internet. (Many details on culture war issues, too): —

Jon Schweppe @JonSchweppe

New @approject poll just dropped. 80% (!) of GOP primary voters want Congress to use antitrust to rein in the powe…

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

In a new poll of Republican primary voters from @approject, "50% of voters said they were less likely to support a candidate who supported providing military aid to Ukraine." —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@RudeBwoyLOL Algumas pessoas sabem disso. É um dos maiores problemas da política americana. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@yurihamada Só ficamos sabendo das compras de ações por congressistas meses depois, mas sim, têm um talento incrível para comprar e vender😂. Há membros de ambos os partidos tentando aprovar uma proibição de membros do Congresso e seus cônjuges comprarem ações enquanto estiverem servindo. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@DavidSacks @0rf @NicolleDWallace I'm not exactly sure when it started but it's definitely been a few months. I believe, without being certain, that it started pre-Elon but it's still ongoing. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@adrimjv Sem dúvida, porque Pete Buttigieg tem muita culpa por isso e eles o amam. Estamos dedicando parte do nosso programa a isso hoje à noite, e @DavidSirota tem feito um ótimo trabalho fazendo reportagens sobre isso. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Em maio passado, o presidente Biden exigiu US$ 33 bilhões para alimentar a guerra na Ucrânia. O Congresso aumentou arbitrariamente para US$ 40 bilhões. Número de democratas que votaram NÃO: 0. Número de republicanos que votaram NÃO: 68 (57 na Câmara, 11 no Senado). —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@HardRCafe They're the same. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Beyond that, the "flexibility" of left-liberal discourse rules is always fascianting to observe. This is a white guy sanctimoniously lecturing a woman of color on the realities of racism in the US, something that is barred except, as here, when it's done for the right party. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

There's almost nobody in the country I'd rather vote for less than Nikki Haley. She captures everything horrible about the establishment GOP while incorporating nothing new. But this is the scummiest and most racist way to attack her, so of course liberals opt for that: —

Jamie O’Grady @JamieOGrady

Nikki Haley spends the first 1:00 selling the idea that America *isn’t* a racist country anymore. Kind of a weird…

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@JamesMcDaniel —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@AndyWilcoxson @YourCourtesy @JohnWidman3 Of course this law limits parental autonomy. If you decide that your kid is intellectually and emotionally mature enough to use social media to their benefit at the age of 14 or 15, this bill would remove that decision-making right from you and transfer it to the state. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Henriqsve @SystemUpdate_ Alguém nos EUA chamado Joseph McCarthy já usou suas táticas contra pessoas que questionavam as guerras dos EUA, e acabou caindo em desgraça, desacreditado e morrendo prematuramente de alcoolismo: —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

On last night's @SystemUpdate_, we also re-visited the dark and murky story of Pat Tillman's death, in light of the military's use of him in Super Bowl ads, and then reported on how Russiagaters are now turning on each other (starts at 1:00:55): —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @SystemUpdate_: Today, we could call this cruel disparity something like "David Frum Syndrome:" Where cloistered elites preach the nece… —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

On last night's @SystemUpdate_, we dissected the new emerging information about the increasingly significant profiteering motive in the war in Ukraine, and how US banks, vulture funds and industrialists are poised to profit as the war endures: 👇 —

System Update @SystemUpdate_

Looking back at World War 1, Butler described how war’s massive expenditures—parading as acts of patriotism—are sim…

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @SystemUpdate_: It’s impossible to understand a war’s purpose without examining who benefits financially. In 1935, retired Marine Corps… —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@YourCourtesy @JohnWidman3 It is the case now, but conservatives and others have been objecting on the ground that doing that is an infringement of parental rights. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

I'm aware the state already removes decisions from parents for how to raise kids. You can't have your kids drink or see certain films until the age set by the state even if you think they're ready. But then what about what they're taught in schools? Some fixed principles needed. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@JohnWidman3 You think the state is better positioned to understand what is good and bad for people's kids than the kids' parents themselves? So, for instance, the state should decide what kids learn in school about social and political questions because the parents don't know enough? —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Should parents have the right to decide for themselves and their own children at what age their kids are ready to use social media and how, or should that decision be removed from parents and be decided instead by the state? The banner of "parental rights" has been waved a lot: —

Josh Hawley @HawleyMO

Today I’m introducing legislation to set an age requirement of 16 to open a social media account. Protect kids online

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @davidsirota: The Sunday shows didn’t even mention the unfolding disaster in Ohio. MSNBC, CNN & other news stations have refused to cov… —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Starting LIVE in 5 mins.... As it usually does in war, the profiteering motive emerges in Ukraine. Plus: the dark and murky death of Pat Tillman in Afghanistan. And: Russiagate operatives start turning on each other over who will bear blame for lies: —

Posted Feb. 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Tonight on @SystemUpdate_ -- live at 7pm ET exclusive on Rumble: Wall St. Profiteering in Ukraine, Super Bowl's Pat Tillman Propaganda, & Russiagate Rats Turn on Each Other —

Posted Feb. 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

If you're at CNN and you're upset most of the country hates you and places no trust in what you say, start here.☝️You earned that contempt. The most basic rule of journalism is you apologize and retract when you spread false claims. Your refusal to do so is why you deserve this. —

Posted Feb. 13, 2023