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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @davidsirota: .@LeverNews is an independent news outlet that proudly asks readers to help fund journalism. We are now being attacked… —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@PTCuritiba_Of @folha @Twitter Folha: which spent years paying Guilherme Boulos and Gregorio Duvivier and many other leftists to write columns. Folha: the only large newspaper to publish mine and David's anti-impeachment article in 2016. Folha: our first partner in #VazaJato to expose Moro's corruption. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@RapaduraNordes3 Você sabia que a Folha costuma publicar matérias em inglês também? Você já deve ter ouvido falar que pessoas fora do Brasil, inclusive aquelas que não falam português, têm interesse no que acontece no Brasil. O New York Times publica em português.🤯 —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Matthew13299820 @NegDiscountRt I have commented it on many times. You're just too stupid and slothful to look before repeating things you've heard others saying. It's monkey behavior and you're not capable of doing more. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@MrSugarPenis Your name is MrSugarPenis. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@NegDiscountRt Yes, you are correct: the world's largest media corporations are very powerful and influential actors and one key function of journalism is to hold powerful institutions accountable and critique them - including media corporations. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Just randomly pick media figures over 40 who depend on corporate media for their paychecks - reporters, editors, pundits - and compare how radically they changed not just their views but way of speech on all social issues after #MeToo, the 2020 protests, and now the trans wars. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

It's natural elite preservation. I see it in Brazil, too. From 2014-18, anti-PT sentiment was very high in elite circles, so most media figures supported Dilma's impeachment and Lula's imprisonment. After 2018, PT became popular again, so tons of public figures just switched. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@davidberger No. Tucker Carlson rather viciously attacked Sidney Powell for refusing to come on his show and present her alleged evidence for her claims of election fraud when much if not most of his audience believed her. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@conservatismDNA @donlemon Totally - I hate how they spent 5 years trying to scare Americans with a deranged conspiracy theory about how Russia had taken over of country using secret sexual and financial blackmail that Robert Mueller never found. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@igneousbrevity @donlemon Obama was infinitely less woke - and at times was even more anti-woke - than the current crop of liberal leaders. Obama himself always has his finger in the wind and rarely challenges any popular views so he's now on board, too, but previously: —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The vast, vast majority of media figures over 40 with whom I have worked and know completely changed how they talk, what they talk about and what they say about it in the last 5 years. If you think about it, few traits make a journalist more worthless than fear of dissenting. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The reason @donlemon said all this then was because these points, in the Obama years, were the popular views in elite circles. Soon as they became prohibited and it became required to say the opposite, Lemon did a 180. This is how the vast majority of people in media function: —

End Wokeness @EndWokeness

Don Lemon gives a list of 5 things the black community must fix (2013) This is before the woke era. Not a single w…

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@MBmartinsjgs @lucasmo81957144 @folha O Guilherme Boulos também foi colunista da Folha por muitos anos. Ele também escreveu exatamente o que eles queriam? —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@pimanu You obviously did not read the article. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

O ponto principal: —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@F_S_Oliveira Não escrevi o manchete mas o ponto é só isso: —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@__Leandro___ He's had his best month and is doing better than at any point since he's been hospitalized, leaving his doctors and us more optimistic than ever for his full recovery. I'll post an update later because Feb. 19 is the day we treat as our anniversary. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@sapo2025 That's not the argument. The argument is that when deciding whether you approve a law, you shouldn't decide by thinking of that law in the hands of a leader you love, but in the hands of a leader you don't. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@SempleVictor Aprendi que a liberdade de expressão é um valor da esquerda, e que desejar que o estado tenha a capacidade de silenciar a dissidência é algo que a esquerda luta contra, não a favor. Não é minha culpa que setores da esquerda brasileira tenham invertido isso. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@lucasmo81957144 @folha Já provei que jamais trabalharia em qualquer lugar que tentasse censurar meu jornalismo. Já trabalhei com a Folha no passado e confio neles e em sua palavra. Acho que fazem um bom trabalho - não perfeito (quem faz?), mas bom -, para tentar publicar pontos de vista divergentes. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@SempleVictor —

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@guilhermeraiz @folha @TheInterceptBr Concordo 100%. Quando David e eu queríamos publicar um artigo contra o impeac…

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The debut column is on the dangers of a proposed law sought by Brazil's new government that would empower the state to ban "Fake News." Such laws exist in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Qatar, and Turkey, and the results are what you'd expect. We're talking about English translations. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

We're really excited to announce my new column in @Folha, Brazil's largest paper. It will give me the opportunity to do what I always try to do in journalism: air debates and views that seem overlooked to me. I've worked with Folha before and view it as Brazil's best news outlet. —

Folha de S.Paulo @folha

Glenn Greenwald estreia coluna na Folha

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@guilhermeraiz @folha @TheInterceptBr Concordo 100%. Quando David e eu queríamos publicar um artigo contra o impeachment de Dilma em 2016, a @Folha era o único grande jornal a veicular essa dissidência. E foram grandes parceiros na #VazaJato, ajudando a desmascarar a corrupção de Moro e LJ. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

A Folha garantiu a liberdade editorial e, pq ja trabalhava com eles, confio. Quando @DavidMirandaRio e eu queríamos publicar um artigo contra o impeachment de Dilma, a Folha foi o único grande jornal a publicá-lo. E foram grandes parceiros da #VazaJato. —

Plabo Guidoval 🇧🇷🇪🇸 @TheGuidoval

@ggreenwald @folha @TheInterceptBr Será que a @Folha vai publicar o que você escrever sem nenhum tipo de censura?

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

O contexto, claro, é a nova lei pleiteada pelo governo para banir as "notícias falsas." Conforme aponta o artigo, outros países já possuem tais leis: Arábia Saudita, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Egito, Cingapura e Catar. Devemos aprender com esses exemplos. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Minha coluna de estreia é sobre os perigos de atribuir o poder a instituições políticas para decretar a Verdade e banir a Falsidade, algo que -- após a perseguição de Copérnico e Galileu --, o Iluminismo, séculos atrás, concluiu que nenhuma instituição humana deveria ter. —

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Estou muito animado para a estréia da minha nova coluna em @Folha. Quando fundei a @TheInterceptBr em 2016, fiz isso para capacitar os relatórios sobre debates e perguntas que pensei estarem sendo ignoradas ou esquecidas, e é assim que espero usar essa plataforma também. —

Folha de S.Paulo @folha

Glenn Greenwald estreia coluna na Folha

Posted Feb. 19, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

(Just a quick correction on the above tweet. It was written by @alicesperi, not @RyanGrim. Apologies. Still a very worthwhile and amusing story!) —

Posted Feb. 17, 2023