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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@jlawhorn1975 Ah, I see. As I detail in my article, the advocates of the Brazilian law are all being invited to EU conferences and the like because EU sees this as the lab model for what they want. The Jan 8 building break-ins gave Brazil the 9/11-like pretext for assaulting civil liberties. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

We're devoting our whole @SystemUpdate_ show to this blockbuster story tonight on US Govt's internal division on COVID's origin, but in sum: The same people who shriek that they fight disinformation lied for years (again) by claiming they had conclusive proof COVID was zoonotic —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@jlawhorn1975 You believe there are so humans including politicians who are both so incredibly wise that they will be able to apprehend Universal Truth on a wide range of complex issues, and then ban dissent from those decrees without having it veer into attempts to silence their critics? —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@proprietorunion Lula wasn't one of the leaders who condemned Twitter and FB's president of Trump. That was the Mexican President AMLO who did that, along with German, French and EU/UN officials. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

As the above article documents, this pre-Enlightenment law Brazil is about to pass will empower state actors to not just ban "false ideas" but punish their authors!. It is being *watched and supported* by neoliberal Western authoriites. They all want this online censorship power. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Can you imagine how Bush/Cheney would have used the "Fake News" law that Lula's government is about to implement - to outlaw ideas that government regards as false? Or how it would have been used by Hillary about the wars in Libya and Syria, or Obama on the 2008 financial crisis? —

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

NEW: Law Sought by Brazil's Lula to Ban "Fake News and Disinformation" Online -- and to Punish its Authors -- Threa…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@SalsichaRafael Escrevi isso exatamente para pessoas atrofiadas como você, cuja compreensão da história intelectual remonta a cerca de 5 anos e se estende a apenas um país: —

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald


Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Leandro93810290 Não entendeu o que eu disse. Eu indiquei na primeira tweet que pessoas como Sócartes foi perseguido. Mas os fundamentos intelectuais da liberdade de expressão e o direito/necessidade de desafiar os decretos institucionais da Verdade eram altamente evidentes na Grécia. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

I neglected to include the CNN segment I was referring to, so you can watch it and decide if @BrianStelter was telling the truth when he said CNN never claimed the laptop materials were "Russian disinformation" and thus has nothing to apologize for: —


“To me, this is just classic textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft at work,” former Director of National Intelligence…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

And now, having spent years spreading one outright lie after the next because their liberal audiences demanded it -- even inventing new standards to air insane conspiracies ("improbable but true") -- they now insist you need them to protect you from "disinformation" by censoring. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Just think about that. Why kind of "journalistic outlet" would air to millions of people an inflammatory claim they admit is **improbable** on the ground it "might be true?" Everything falls into that group. But MSNBC and NYMag did it because they knew their audience wanted it. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Corporate outlets invented previously unthinkable journalistic practices to enable them to spread lies with plausible deniability. After @jonathanchait published a NY Mag *cover story* speculating Trump was a Russian agent since 1987, Chris Hayes aired the story with this label: —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Even if Stelter's defense weren't factually false -- we never said *for sure* it was Russian disinformation, just that it might be, that would still require retraction once you learn it's false. But the above-video shows they want *way* beyond that: —

Joe Concha @JoeConchaTV

Feb. 2023: Stelter defends 2020 media coverage of Hunter Biden laptop story: 'We never labeled it 'disinformation'…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

As reported below, @BrianStelter this week vehemently denied CNN ever said the materials about Joe Biden on the laptop were "Russian disinformation," and thus had nothing to explain. Watch this CNN segment 2 weeks before the election and see for yourself: —

Joe Concha @JoeConchaTV

Feb. 2023: Stelter defends 2020 media coverage of Hunter Biden laptop story: 'We never labeled it 'disinformation'…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

When journalists at corporate outlets lie to advance the Cause -- "the Joe BIden reporting is Russian disinformation"; "COVID lab leak is a debunked conspiracy theory"; "Trump takes orders from Putin" -- it actually *helps* their careers. "They're even willing to lie for us!" —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Given how balkanized most corporate media is - where employees only speak to readers and viewers with the same partisan affiliation and ideology - the key attribute for success isn't truth. Only prerequisite is saying anything to advance that side; if it's lying, all the better. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The media employees who spent the weeks before the 2020 election calling the materials about Joe Biden on Hunter Biden laptop "Russian disinformation" have never apologized or admitted error -- literally none one of them -- because their audience wants noble lies. Same here: —

Shant Mesrobian @ShantMM

For me the news about the lab leak theory is just a sad reminder that it doesn't really pay to be right any more. I…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@getulinhomirai Que é a diferença entre "censurar" de opiniões políticas e "estabelecer parâmetros" sobre de opiniões políticas? Eles são idênticos, mas um é um eufemismo. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@toniq84 Exatamente E durante esse tempo, havia leis que criminalizavam o nazismo, e de Moraes estava censurando agressivamente de maneiras agressivas sem precedentes. Você acabou de provar meu ponto - a censura não funciona. E: o partido de Bolsonaro é hoje o maior da Câmara e do Senado. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@geoliberal They did vote on it. The referendum overwhelmingly succeeded. Western opponents of Russia claim, not unreasonably, that referenda with occupying troops present are unreliable, but few serious scholars doubt the vast majority of them identify as Russia, not Ukrainian. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Do the people who absurdly insist that a US war goal should be to retake Crimea for Ukraine believe that a) the majority of people in Crimea actually want to live under Zelensky's rule instead of Moscow's, or b) that their wishes don't matter, the way the people of Kosovo's did? —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@robbybobby1129 @ninaturner You're hallucinating. I didn't say or imply she had "awful views." I've been around the internet a long time and I know if you praise someone's point, many will come and yell at you for other bad things they've said, so I often preface it this way to maintain focus on the point. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

That the US and Boris-Johnson-led UK have repeatedly blocked diplomacy and negotiations to end the war in Ukraine is and always will be deemed a "crazy conspiracy theory" by establishment war supporters despite the ample evidence across 12 months proving it: —

Aaron Maté @aaronjmate

NYT notes that after the chair of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley, argued that "Ukraine was unlikely to make sub…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Independent of other disagreements one might have with her, @NinaTurner is and long has been one of the most vocal and eloquent defenders of the idea that working-class and poor Americans across races have far more in common with one another than differences: —

Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson

CNN guest SNAPS on-air over Democrats ignoring suffering of Americans in East Palestine because they voted for Trum…

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@alexandre_iM A teoria que você foi ensinado a acreditar sobre as origens do COVID sem provas - que veio da insalubre mercados úmidos chineses primitivos - é muito mais xenófoba e racista do que o vazamento do laboratório. Mas a única questão que importa é a verdade. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@thomaschattwill Do you believe that heated debates over Israel and Palestine (and US support for Israel) fall into the category of "a not-yet-agreed upon norm"? I ask because dissent on that issue is one of the most common causes of cancellation and job loss, and many on the right don't object. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@toniq84 —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

So think about that: the COVID pandemic was easily one of the most consequential human events of the last several decades. And yet, the platforms we use to communicate banned any debating or questioning of government decrees of Truth - until the govt. admitted it didn't know. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Due to that shameful Lancet letter - driven by all kinds of undisclosed conflicts of interest - Fauci and the USG pretended they knew for sure the virus was zoonotic. Only when the Biden WH admitted it didn't know did FB reverse its ban and allow debate: —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Many of history's greatest thinkers were imprisoned or persecuted for disseminating "false ideas" which institutions of power had outlawed: Copernicus, Galileo, Voltaire, Descartes, anti-war protesters, etc. Returning to these days where power centers have this power is madness. —

Posted Feb. 27, 2023