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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@LizMair Oh, I couldn't agree more. As we saw with Biden's demands for Ukraine war funding, the vast majority of GOP continue to be old-school standard war hawks and CIA/NSA supporters. But there's no denying there's a non-trivial minority of skeptics and opponents largely due to Trump. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

They may allow a Squad member or 2 to vote NO provided Biden, Schumer and Jeffries have all the votes needed to get the law renewed, rendering the Squad's NO votes irrelevant symbols. But if their support is needed, I'd bet anything it will be provided. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @a_newsman: Good thing the White House has Nicolle Wallace in their corner to help sell it again, only this time to progressives. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

(Just to fix the vague time-line in my first tweet: the illegal warrantless spying on Americans was authorized in secret by Bush/Cheney in 2002. Only the Gang of 8 - including Pelosi - were briefed, and they approved. It was exposed in 2005 by NYT, which won a Pulitzer for it.) —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

When Section 702 was passed - and again, its only purpose was to retroactively legalize Bush/Cheney's illegal domestic warrantless spying - civil liberties groups warned it would destroy 4th Am values. Now, the only chance to prevent Biden's renewal demands is with GOP votes.🤷‍♂️ —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

I'd bet that enough Republicans join with Dems to give Biden what he wants. But note: NYT says it will be hard because many Republicans "have adopted Trump's distrust of security agencies and surveillance." Distrust of the CIA/NSA/FBI is basically non-existent among Dems now. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

In 2005, Bush/Cheney authorized the NSA to spy on the international calls of Americans without the warrants required by law. In 2008, Congress - rather than imposing accountability - enacted a law to retroactively legalize the spying. Biden is now demanding renewal of this law: —

The New York Times @nytimes

The Biden administration urged Congress on Tuesday to renew a controversial warrantless surveillance law, known as…

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Thus, public faith and trust in these media institutions - already at an all-time low - will continue to plummet. They deserve all of this public contempt; it's all well-earned. But since they never hear criticisms from inside their insular circles, they will never self-reflect. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The employees of media corporations who spent 18 months insisting COVID's zoonotic origins were proven, and the lab leak theory was definitively debunked, know they lied. But they also know there's no pressure to confront this since their audience and corporate bosses approve. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

What they rely on most is the difficulty of remembering all their lies. They just move from one disinformation campaign to the next. On last night's @SystemUpdate_, we did a full review of the deceit and dissent-banning of Fauci and his media allies: —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The most staggering aspect is that this disinformation axis -- the corporate media, the US Security State, the establishment wings of both parties -- demand you view them as Arbiters of Truth, and empower them to censor dissent from or questioning of their claims as "fake news." —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

On the most vital debates and questions, the US corporate media gets caught lying and deceiving over and over, usually because they serve as obedient propaganda outlets for state officials. And the one thing they never do is apologize. That's because they're doing their jobs. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Not only did most US corporate media emphatically assert that COVID's origins were zoonotic, they went way further. They lied and said that the "lab leak" theory was "debunked." They called those supporting it deranged conspiracy theorists. They cheered the banning of that view. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

On Sunday, @BrianStelter had the limitless audacity to insist CNN and similar outlets never called the Biden laptop "Russian disinformation." LOL. He knows you remember them repeatedly doing it, but just brazenly lies instead of accepting accountability. —


“To me, this is just classic textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft at work,” former Director of National Intelligence…

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

What you're seeing in real-time is them revising and re-writing history: just creating a completely false universe in which they acknowledged a lack of certainty from the start. That's what they do when they get caught lying: they deny they spread those lies. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

If this were a case where establishment institutions admit error -- "we know we insisted for 18 months that COVID's origins were dispositively proven but now see we were wrong" -- that would not only be commendable but would also re-build trust. But they're incapable of that. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Note how the official claim about COVID's origins has become: "we don't really know for sure and will likely never find out. " But for the first 18 months of the pandemic, the official govt/media claim was the *exact opposite*: We know for sure COVID's origin was zoonotic. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Em suma, nada é mais irracional do que confiar no governo, ou na mídia, ou bilionários americanos no FB e Google, para decretar a Verdade Absoluta e proibir o que eles afirmam ser falso. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Ainda não sabemos as origens do COVID. Mas sabemos que os EUA tinham muitos motivos para negar a teoria do vazamento, incluindo que os EUA financiaram e trabalharam de perto com cientistas no lab de Wuhan. Instituições de autoridades geralmente têm incentivos para enganar. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Esse episódio, como muitos outros, mostra a frequência com que autoridades governamentais, corporações de mídia e 'experts' ou mentem ou estão grosseiramente equivocados, enquanto afirmam que têm a Verdade Suprema. A verdade é encontrada através do debate humano, não da censura —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Agora sabemos que alguns dos grupos científicos de ponta dos EUA apoiam teoria do vazamento. A CIA resiste. Isso mostra que o debate sempre esteve em aberto. No entanto, vários governos afirmaram sua Verdade Absoluta e denunciaram toda divergência/dissidência como 'fake news'. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Este é o ponto principal, com muita relevância agora: No início da pandemia, os EUA e grupos aliados afirmaram ter provas de que a COVID era zoonótica, uma certeza que eles *não tinham*. Isso interditou o debate sobre o assunto. Quem questionava era banido do FB e outras redes. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Sobre a origem do COVID, a única questão relevante: é zoonótico ou vazou de um laboratório? Muitos alegaram que a teoria do vazamento era racista. Mas é o contrário: a ideia de que o vírus veio de mercados chineses úmidos, insalubres e primitivos é muito mais racista e xenófoba. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The key lesson from all of this: by now, the world's most irrational people are those who want to vest the world's governments and/or media corporations with the power to act as arbiters of Truth and Falsity and - even worse - to outlaw "false ideas." —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

That parts of the USG believe "lab leak" is most likely doesn't provide proof in the other direction. It means the debate over COVID's origin is - **and always was** - unresolved. The WPost today explains that the DOE team supporting "lab leak" is the top, elite scientific unit: —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The journalistic crime here was shutting down debate by falsely claiming the USG had Absolute Truth, and anyone suggesting a "lab leak" was therefore a deranged conspiracy theorist pushing a "debunked" theory. I'll bet anything not one journalist will acknowledge what they did. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

She was absolutely pilloried by others in media for that story, in large part because her article exposed the massive conflicts of interest and other corrupt influences that drove the propaganda: Fauci's unlimited power to control budgets and the media's reverence for him. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

On the decade's most consequential story - the COVID pandemic - the US corporate media repeatedly lied, including claiming COVID's origins had been definitively proven to be zoonotic. But @KatherineEban deserves major credit for this well-reported article against the consensus: —

Katherine Eban @KatherineEban

BREAKING: my months-long @VanityFair investigation on #COVID19 origins is live. Interviews w/ over 40 people, revie…

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Zelensky, even with martial law declared, is having so much difficulty finding Ukrainian men willing to fight and die in the war that they are using extreme and often violent means to conscript unwilling soldiers. Corruption is one of the few ways out: —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@kantwistaye He's repeatedly expressed his contempt for white Westerners who insist he's a victim, but is just too stupid and duped to see the truth of his life. Even though you don't know him, you really believe you understand his life better than he does because you're a grotesque racist. —

Posted Feb. 28, 2023