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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Tonight on @SystemUpdate_, live at 7pm ET: A Russian jet collides with and knocks out of the sky a US drone over t… —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@mdrayton @GreiffJames I, too, have noticed this. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@GreiffJames I don't know what makes people like you think you're entitled to spend your day telling lies like this on Twitter but it seems like a poor life choice if nothing else. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@TeamZissou__ Maybe you should try doing the slightest amount of research before publicly expressing accusations like this? Not only have I repeatedly commented on this suit you claim I've ignored, I devoted an entire program to do it one week ago. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Yes, of course politicians say things they think can help get them elected. What's interesting is GOP candidates (except Pence, Pompeo and Haley) know GOP voters want to hear we should stop our role in Ukraine. No Dem could say that and survive: —

Daniel Kimball @DK0311USMC

@ggreenwald I think he’s just trying to play to the base for the upcoming primary.

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@greatluckycharm @newsjunkieww3 —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@newsjunkieww3 @greatluckycharm É uma pena que você queira colocar jornalistas gays judeus como eu em campos de concentração —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@greatluckycharm @newsjunkieww3 Tenho todo o direito de discordar de quaisquer leis brasileiras que eu queira. O STF já decidiu que tenho plenos direitos. Pago impostos ao governo brasileiro; meus filhos e marido são brasileiros. Discordo de muitas leis americanas e brasileiras e tenho o direito de discordar. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Meanwhile, this is the second time in the last month DeSantis has clearly tried to separate himself from the views of the vast majority of the GOP establishment and all Dems on Ukraine, arguing that the US devotion to that war is not remotely justified: — @townhallcom

Tucker Carlson requested that potential GOP presidential candidates clarify their positions on U.S. aid to Ukraine.…

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Most of the media simply ignores the fact that Obama spent years vehemently arguing that Ukraine has never been and never will be a "vital interest" to the US, whereas it is and always will be that to Russia. That was his answer to neocons complaining he didn't do more: —

Max Abrahms @MaxAbrahms

Media went from supporting Obama’s view that Ukraine is not a vital interest to describing the same view as dangero…

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@newsjunkieww3 @greatluckycharm Sim, e o STF aprovou o impeachment da Dilma e tb a prisão do Lula mas eu tb fui contra. Não concordo que a Constituição permita esse nível de censura ou tudo o que Moraes fez, mas mesmo que permitisse, é permitido argumentar que a lei deveria mudar. A lei tb criminaliza o aborto. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@jewishC3PO —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

That I haven't covered this case more is an omission on my part, but it deserves a lot more attention than it's received. This is a helpful thread: —

𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐬 @myth_pilot

Here's the story of Doug Mackey, the twitter poster who helped Trump win the election in 2016, and is now being per…

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Barney Frank helped lobby to rollback Dodd-Frank in 2018 to exclude the now-failed bank on whose Board he sits. In other good news for Dems, Gavin Newsom had his assets protected by the Biden Admin's acts this weekend, so congrats to him. —

Ken Klippenstein @kenklippenstein

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has had personal accounts with Silicon Valley Bank for years; three of his wineries ar…

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@DrJMoneyPHD Yes, Sleeping Giants in Brazil has been far more successful that the version in the US. They pretty much single-handedly came close to destroying the most popular right-wing channel by scaring away all advertisers. That a judge threatens to censor everyone obviously helps. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@billscher I think the big change, as you point out in your article, is that a much larger share of the Democratic Party is now in support of the US Security State that you have been cheering for many years. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@greatluckycharm É uma tática tão baixa e anti-intelectual pensar que vc ganha uma discussão porque aplica rótulos que não entende a pessoas de quem discorda (libertário). Como de praxe, a esquerda brasileira nunca me fez essas críticas - apenas elogios - quando pensavam que eu era escravo do PT. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The reason the US liberal-left (by which I mean both factions of the Dem Party) has embraced CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS and Big Tech censorship is they see them as allies and weapons to use against their domestic political enemies who - being Supreme Evil - render all weapons justified. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

One of the things I appreciate about the censorship debate in Brazil is it's much more honest. In the US, nobody can admit they support censorship, so they need euphemisms: "we just want content moderation." In Brazil: "yes, we will censor, because we're Good and they're Bad." —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

*any* power, I mean —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

"We have to become authoritarian and despotic to defeat authoritarianism and despotism" -- It's shocking and scary how easily you can get people to embrace that view. That's what made the notorious Sam Harris video so important: he laid it out perfectly: —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

I've seen this same thing in parts of Western Europe and most definitely Brazil: If you convince the elite sector that what they're fighting is so singularly Evil, and that therefore they and their cause are so Just and Noble, they will conclude power, literally, is justified: —

Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi

Using the specter of Trump/MAGA to re-market FISA and sell digital censorship has been brilliant, politically. So m…

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

The Democratic Party is the party of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DSH and Big Tech censorship. I've show polls proving this. Their leading magazines argue this explicitly. They revere the neocons who pioneered this view. What else is needed to end all residual doubts about this? —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

From things that would have been mildly shocking a decade ago but now is 100% expected: A liberal journal urges that the establishment wings of both parties unite to block efforts from "the MAGA Trump right" and the left to reform warrantless NSA spying: —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

AOC is apparently "remaking" herself by becoming even more "party-line-toeing" than she already is. This genuinely shocks me since I don't see how it's possible for her to become that even more subservient to the Dem Party, but she apparently sees a way: —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @MaxAbrahms: Professor Tim Snyder thinks it’s shameful and pathetic for Americans and Germans to even discuss concerns about getting nuk… —

Posted March 14, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@tealou What a stupid and pointless thing to say. If you actually have historical points relevant to the discussion, then stating them would at least be a substantive contribution. "Go learn history good heavens" is an empty, banal and whiny comment that contains nothing of value. —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

That the US has effectively kept a journalist and dissident in prison for more than 12 years now is horrific enough. That the only goal of the US was never to try Assange but simply to break him psychologically and physically makes it criminal. Anyway, "Navalny" won an Oscar!🎉 —

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Of the countless ways Australia degrades itself into a vassal state of the US, sitting mute while the US has persecuted its citizen, Julian Assange, is near the top of the long list. I don't believe the Biden DOJ wants the circus of Assange on US soil. This is they way out: —

Brian J. Karem @BrianKarem

I am told that when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia meets @POTUS today he will ask if Biden support's…

Posted March 14, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @townhallcom: Tucker Carlson requested that potential GOP presidential candidates clarify their positions on U.S. aid to Ukraine. Donal… —

Posted March 14, 2023 Retweet