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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@matheusrmd @Daychella99 Esse tweet é um apelo para que as pessoas doem sangue pq o Rio está sofrendo uma grave escassez que está colocando em risco pacientes de UTI, incluindo, mas não só, David. Que petistas como vcs tentem zombar e politizar isso mostra o quão doente e desumano vcs são. Procure ajuda. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@TraceyIzatt @SLCLunk @drnifkin @JohnGlendenni10 @oneunderscore__ @BrandyZadrozny You have no basis to sit in judgment of anyone, and you're not the arbiter of who is leftist. I don't care about that label. But there's a reason that governments, prosecutors and companies like Palantir target me, but never you. You should reflect on why that is. It says it all. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@SLCLunk @drnifkin @JohnGlendenni10 @oneunderscore__ @BrandyZadrozny I don't recall ceasing my advocacy for WikiLeaks.I have been and remain one of their most vocal advocates. I also don't work for Thiel. Even if I did, none can identify right-wing views I espouse. Palantir was trying to get me to stop defending WL. Nobody thinks that happened. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@drnifkin @JohnGlendenni10 @oneunderscore__ @BrandyZadrozny When did I become right-wing and which specific right-wing views do I espouse? —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@wesyang This is one of the truest things ever said on Twitter (👇), and when this particular instance is revealed - soon - it will be one of the most potent examples ever proving its wisdom: —
Shant Mesrobian @ShantMM
The reason why so many extremely woke people turn out to have been bigoted in the past is because bigotry used to b…
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @wesyang: Super aggro male wokesters virtually all have skeletons in their closets they are trying to hide with their displays of allysh… —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@dshwa76 @MarisaKabas Exactly. It started with hateful bigots like you using your platforms to spew hatred and disgust for gay men, Jews and other members of marginalized groups like me. All these insults you're hurling at me are designed to incite hatred and violence against me. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@maryangelaperna @ejdickson @MarisaKabas Yes, "progressive" means supporting NATO wars and putting the flag in your bio of whatever country the CIA has decided to flood with weapons from Raytheon and General Dynamics. You are a good little "progressive." I, sadly, am being denied this glorious title. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@MarisaKabas Beyond a significant portion of my family being murdered in the Holocaust, you may have heard that LGBTs were also murdered in large numbers in those camps. People in inter-racial marriages were treated brutally. So yes, I think I have moral credibility to speak of the Holocaust. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@josephcouture That's false. I only tried to write about the revelations in the laptop and the media's lies about it once the corroborating evidence was available from conservative media and elsewhere, including 3rd party authentication. That's how we authenticate large archives. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Sometimes it's easy to forget how authoritarian US liberals and their journalist allies are because they always herald themselves as the vanguard against fascism. But they are global rogue actors. Here's AMLO eloquently explaining how dangerous they are: —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
A reminder from Mexican President AMLO after tech giants removed Trump:
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Don't worry: I'm sure these billions and weapons flying around DC and Ukraine are being meticulously accounted for. That's why Dems and GOP united to block @RandPaul's amendment for oversight. No need! Raytheon, CIA and Ukraine are famous for transparent, honest accounting. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
A pre-requisite for understanding how US politics functions, and for being able to do or say anything meaningful, is recognizing big liberal media corporations and their employees wield less influence, are despised outside their cliques, and merit contempt and/or indifference: —
TheBlaze @theblaze
DeSantis responds to Trump's criticism of him: "One of the things I've learned in this job is when you're leading,…
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@vanessahauf Você leu o artigo do New York Times? Acredita que os repórteres deveriam esconder os novos estudos médicos sobre os danos a longo prazo dos bloqueadores da puberdade para que os pais não saibam sobre esses riscos e perigos antes de entregá-los aos filhos? Vcodeia a ciência? Sim. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @RepThomasMassie: Taxing Americans, printing money, and taking on more debt, to send billions of dollars overseas with very little overs… —
Mike Pompeo @mikepompeo
Conservatives need to make the case: helping Ukraine defeat Putin is in our interest. It will strengthen our natio…
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@callmebonesaw @HeerJeet I'm in full agreement that the liberal-left wields anti-gay tropes and bigoted homophobic lies to for their own advantage -- and to smear their enemies -- exactly the way the lowest sectors of the American right do. That's my point. Also applies to racism and misogyny. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Sou muito grato pelo excelente e árduo trabalho que a equipe de David em Brasília e no Rio continuou a fazer para avançar e supervisionar seus projetos e emendas, com foco em projetos de renovação nas favelas do RJ, proteção aos trabalhadores e programas educacionais e culturais. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@cynaramenezes O problema é que a quem você confia o poder de decidir verdades políticas e falsidades políticas tem o poder de um tirano. O bolsonarismo continua muito poderoso, incl. 2 juízes do STF. Para eles, muitas de suas visões são mentiras. O poder de censurar assime é *sempre* abusado. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @g1: David Miranda está internado desde o dia 5 de agosto #g1 —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
(By the way, the context of that Chomsky video was his *opposition) to the campaign to fire a French history professor who had engaged in Holocaust denialism. Chomsky has repeatedly affirmed these views through today. He ever signed the Harper's Letter): —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
As @Snowden says, that's one of the most important interviews you can watch. Snepp names names (NYT, TIME, New Yorker). Now, this function is served by CNN (@NatashaBertrand), NYT (@CharlieSavage), NBC (@KenDilanianNBC), etc. But it works exactly the same. This is their function. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Once all that's in place, the only added value you need to provide to an endless flow of clinically neurotic and paranoid #Resistance pablum about how Trump is Hitler and engages in submissive sex with Putin, and the CNN invites and "prestige" magazine jobs will be yours! —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @atrupar: it really isn't when you realize that Snowden's entire purpose right now is using his platform to advance the Russian governme… —
Dan Mitchell @_GreatDelusion
This is kind of remarkable, really. Ed Snowden retweeting Ashley Parker's praise of a George Will column slamming B…
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @NPCEater: Never forget. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@SeanKLeonard @JamisenEtzel @donmoyn Your inability to understand the most basic trains of logical reasoning means I should ignore you, but I'll try. If you click the link, it's Chait blaming Tucker for the Buffalo shooting spree. So I was using Chait's faulty reasoning by applying it to him —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
Jonathan Chait repeatedly used NY Magazine and MSNBC to insist that Trump and his GOP allies were traitors to the c…
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@JamisenEtzel @donmoyn Yes. That's why its idiocy of highest order to try to exploit these long wolf violent attacks clearly driven by mental illness and blame whatever political ideology they most recently consumed. Unless you think Bernie and Maddow are responsible for Steve Scalise almost dying. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @SenatorDurbin: Free speech does not include spreading misinformation to downplay political violence. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
@MikumoOsamuFan He does have bargaining power. There's no question he could incite a great deal of social strife and violence with his words. I guess the question is how much confidence to Brazil's institutions have that the military and police will be behind them to quell such uprising. —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
RT @HistoryBoomer: 82% of black Democrats say violent crime is important to their vote compared to 1/3 of white Democrats. That is my world… —
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
In a major win for Bolsonaro and loss for PT, the pro-Bolsonaro candidate for São Paulo Governor (Tarcisio), defeats PT's 2018 losing presidential candidate @FernandoHaddad. Bolsonaro's party will be the largest in both houses of Congress, and control Governorships of SP and Rio —