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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Starting LIVE in 5 minutes: Is Yellin acting wisely to protect the US from regional bank collapse, or is this a 2008-style bailout of the rich who fund both parties? We'll talk to @matthewstoller. Plus: cheering foreign dissidents while ignoring our own —

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Tonight on @SystemUpdate_, live at 7pm ET: Is the USG's guarantee of Silicon Valley Bank deposits similar to the 2…

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@ZaidJilani There are multiple books and documentaries on how Hollywood at the highest levels worked directly with the Pentagon and still does to glorify the US war machine. If this is a topic that interests you, watching or reading them is a better use of your time than sniping on Twitter. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@ZaidJilani From John Wayne to Gary Cooper to Rambo to Top Gun to Zero Dark Thirty to a ton of others, Hollywood has done more to glorify the US military and its wars, working with the Pentagon, as countless documentaries that you of course haven't seen have proven: —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@gosuprime21 A citizen's primary duty is to focus on the abuses of their own government, which they have the power to stop (and where the protests thus matter), not the abuses of governments far away over which they're completely impotent, rendering the protests empty and cowardly. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@mrspiderrico @SystemUpdate_ @matthewstoller @DavidSacks @VivekGRamaswamy We will very shortly. We had planned to prior to this. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Plus, what does "Navalny"'s Oscar tell us about how Hollywood liberals -- and liberals generally -- love to rise in defense of dissidents abused by faraway governments who are US enemies, while ignoring the dissidents abused by their own govts (Assange)? —

The Academy @TheAcademy

Congratulations to 'Navalny,' this year's Best Documentary Feature Film! #Oscars95

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Tonight on @SystemUpdate_, live at 7pm ET: Is the USG's guarantee of Silicon Valley Bank deposits similar to the 2008 wealthy-protecting bailouts, or a wise measure to save regional banks? We'll speak to @matthewstoller tonight, and @DavidSacks tomorrow: —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@mtaibbi They'd badger me to go on constantly including when they knew I was deluged with an unmanageable number of global media requests: when we broke the Brazil story, when I was indicted, etc. I always said yes from loyalty. Soon as my Russiagate skepticism got too much, I was banned. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @KanekoaTheGreat: .@ggreenwald says Trump populists are the primary anti-war group left in America and that the Russia Gate hoax convinc… —

Posted March 13, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@lennartreus @KanekoaTheGreat The "Domino Theory" that drove the US role in the horrific Vietnam War for more than a decade never disappears, just like McCarthyism. Russia can barely hold towns in Ukraine but, yeah, they're totally going to re-conquer all of E. Europe and then W. Europe if not stopped now. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

RT @KanekoaTheGreat: .@ggreenwald asks why the USA is willing to risk a nuclear war over who rules Eastern Ukraine? "It was common convent… —

Posted March 13, 2023 Retweet
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

This really seems like a classic story of modern-day American elites, almost impossible to script: —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@ZeroRoomInHell @StevenJCBuckley Maddow and Anderson Cooper are vastly richer than Tucker - extreme multi-millionaires working for billionaires - with the difference being a) Tucker often acknowledges this and b) he rans anti-capitalist segments for more radical than they ever would: —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@SerapChris I genuinely appreciate that and if people (including myself) realized that our views of things are often subconsciously based on social media snippets chosen by politicized actors, we'd all be a lot better off. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Mariusaurus1 Whataboutism is used by weak and immoral people to distract from their own side's crimes - the crimes of their own society and country or themselves - by pointing to the crimes of other countries', their neighbors', other people's. As for bravery and my journalism: I agree. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@SerapChris Tucker Carlson went on a year-long crusade to urge Trump to pardon both Snowden and especially Assange - so, in other words, the truth is the exact opposite of what you just claimed; —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Hollywood liberals feel soooo good about themselves denouncing the abuse of dissidents by far-away governments who are official US enemies. So brave. I'd bet anything that a huge portion of Academy voters are indifferent to supportive of Biden's imprisonment of Julian Assange: —

The Academy @TheAcademy

Congratulations to 'Navalny,' this year's Best Documentary Feature Film! #Oscars95

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@heartofhonor231 Agree 100%. I grew up working class and my husband grew up very poor. But we spend a lot of time talking to our kids to ensure -- despite being non-white and having started life in extreme poverty and deprivation - that they understand the privileged upbringing they now have. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@NegDiscountRt I grew up working class, with a single mother who worked at McDonald's and a father on this third marriage who helped in the little ways he could. Went to public schools and college/law-school on scholarships/loans, with no family connections. I don't pretend now to be poor. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@StevenJCBuckley Tucker constantly and explicitly acknowledges how wealthy and privileged his childhood was (even though it's nowhere near what internet lore claims; it was his step-mother who was the heiress). He doesn't pretend to be oppressed. He acknowledges how he grew up and lives now. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@StevenJCBuckley Tucker constantly and explicitly acknowledges how wealthy and privileged his childhood was (even though it's nowhere near what internet lore claims; his parents weren't rich: his step-mother was). He doesn't pretend to be oppressed. He acknowledges how he grew up and lives now. —

Posted March 13, 2023 Just a Typo
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

It was common for me to hear journalists and editors at the various media outlets where I worked castigate everyone else as "privileged" and depict themselves as victims of "privilege," all despite being from *very* wealthy families, Ivy-League-educated, etc. Class doesn't count. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

I find the way class is very routinely excluded from discussions of "privilege" to be both faulty and revealing. That's what happens when journalists and pundits from wealthy backgrounds or who have become rich define "privilege": everything gets included except class: —

Candace @_candacetay_

@ggreenwald You definitely enjoy giving people a hard time about how they grew up. Amy Goodman grew up with wealth…

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

(by "foreign troops" I meant US troops deployed outside the US....) —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Before Fox and Carlson's lawyers raised this commonplace defense that his statements aren't taken literally, MSNBC and Maddow's lawyers raised exactly the same defense to get her out of a defamation suit, and corporate media *never* mentions it: —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

"I don't want to get into the business of telling troops what they can and cannot watch, but...." [proceeds to argue that foreign troops should be barred from watching Fox News despite how popular it is among them] —

The Post Millennial @TPostMillennial

Eric Swalwell says the broadcasting of FOX News to American troops needs to be “looked at.”

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@Liamjsm @arod_twit I said I thought the whole thing was funny. I wasn't remotely suggesting that was an appropriate joke to tell in that setting. But to depict it as some sort of Harvey-Weinstein-level-crime requiring banishment is also absurd. He's 70. People get tone-deaf to new cultural norms. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

Even when I was one of the most frequent guests on Democracy Now (2008-2019), I was always amazed when Amy Goodman -- who grew up in great wealth to a Harvard-educated doctor and who herself went to Harvard with all her siblings -- would rant about the privilege of *others.* —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

This story -- from Norman Finkelstein's book "I'll Burn that Bridge When I Get to it!" -- on how and why he was banished by Amy Goodman from appearing on @DemocracyNow is both hilarious and revealing. —

Posted March 13, 2023
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Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald

@StephanDuchemin Her family, her friends, the thousands of people who voted for her, the families of murdered police officers whom she helped, and society generally. No healthy democracy can tolerate unsolved assassinations of elected officials. —

Posted March 13, 2023