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Cory Booker @CoryBooker
I am a big fan of Dr. Rhonda Patrick @foundmyfitness. She is so loyal to science and very evidence based in her recommendations. It is data like this that helped inspire my Sugar Free Summer Challenge. Not much longer to go until Labor Day. How are my No Sugar People doing? —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
My friends @ironboundfarmnj are proof that if you invest in people and sustainable practices you can create incredible products and big wins for the environment, farmers, farm workers, and consumers. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
I am joining forces with others to make sure our next Federal Farm Bill supports more healthy, sustainable, regenerative, and local food systems. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Many are focusing on more regenerative practices and/or local food systems that support farmers, healthy food, strong environmental practices, humane treatment of animals, good pay and dignity for farm workers, and more. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Too many farmers in America are struggling. Our Federal Farm Bill's massive corporate factory farm subsidies are hurting too many. There are so many in our country like @IronboundFarm who are trying to forge a different way. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
It is important to have hope, but I believe it is even more important to be hope for others. Such light can't be contained, it ignites the way for others. Such hope, truly makes a difference. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Almost 30 years ago on a ferry in Greece, amidst a seemingly hopeless hell of heaving & hurling; I witnessed a guy, suffering like the rest of us, still comforting & helping others. The power of his example inspired me. I have never forgotten how he moved me to try & help others. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
I feel blessed to be learning lessons that apply to many areas of life. I hope perhaps following along with me has been in some way meaningful to you. Thanks for being open to my sharing and for the many who post comments, advice, constructive input or just encouraging words. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
At the start of the year, I said I would run every day (at least 10 mins) through my April birthday. I now have sights on 365 days of running. Thank you to this incredible community following along or taking part in this journey & thank you for listening to my post run stories. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Amidst Congressional debates (and passing epic legislation) and now cross country campaigning; in freezing cold and humid heat; in other countries, multiple cities, and often home in Newark; when I've felt like it and so often when I didn't; I've been getting my daily runs in. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
College @Stanford turned out to be a place where I learned and honed many important invaluable life lessons, most outside the classroom or lecture hall. Lessons that have served me incredibly well over the years. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
"I never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain. As so many students head off to college or go back to school, I share a bit about my insecurities as I went to college and how I overcame them. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
If you believe you qualify for this important relief go to If you believe you qualify for this important relief go to —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
President Biden’s student loan debt relief plan will make a profound impact for Americans. There is more work ahead, but organizers, activists, and voters made this victory possible. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
I send you my condolences, I send you my love, and I send you my hope that the pain of grief diminishes as the love you shared always endures. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
To all those who have lost loved ones during this pandemic; and to all those who lost courageous family who worked serving others despite the risks; and to all those whose hearts still hurt and grief still grips them: —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
They provide a service that is critical to our well-being & functioning as a society. Thomas fulfilled this responsibility with honor & dedication in a neighborhood that is not always easy. I'm told he is survived by an adult son & loving family. My condolences to them all. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
There were so many people whose jobs inherently put them at risk during the pandemic. My postman was one of them. Postal employees are essential workers, one of the few jobs mentioned explicitly in the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8). —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Winning these 5 seats wouldn’t just secure a Democratic Senate, it would give us a clear majority to take action to protect voting and abortion rights. —
Mandela Barnes @TheOtherMandela
Reproductive rights. Marriage equality. Middle class tax cut. Everything is on the line. @JohnFetterman,…
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
…for justice and made a profound difference in the lives of those who lived there. I learned so much from Ms Jones. These two lessons were among many that shaped me as I began my professional career. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
By the 1990s Brick Towers was facing a slew of challenges - from a land lord who would eventually be convicted of crimes to drug dealing that plagued the area. Amidst it all, Ms. Virginia Jones, and other mother's of the comminity, stood in the breach and served, led, fought… —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Dr Seuss said, "How did it get so late so soon?" The minutes fly by as do the years. May we all, best we possibly can, make our minutes matter. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
From Suffrage to Civil Rights; from LGBTQ Rights to Workers Rights; organizing, mobilizing, getting folks active, that is how change has been made. May we be the light workers who don't deplore the darkness but switch on others; who inspire more people to raise their lights. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
I know folks like talking about who they believe is to blame for an awful situation; but change-making comes when more people focus on being responsible for making things right. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Bad things happen when good people do nothing. The leaders I most admire from history are artists of activism; those that effectively motivated or inspired others to get involved and be the change. As Ella Baker implored folks: "We are the leaders we have been looking for." —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
May we all recognize how powerful we are, though our small deeds, to transform someone's wellbeing. May we all realize that often the biggest thing we can do any day is sharing a small act of kindness, decency, or love. Check them out: —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
It is said, no act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted. Larsen Jay took waste and turned it into kindness. He has cited studies at Harvard and beyond that show people who get flowers, and other acts of kindness, have their healing accelerated. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Perhaps the "wit to win" is to love them nonetheless, unconditionally. Even if it takes years and years, love holds open the hope: they may have drawn lines to divide, but one day they may realize your circle truly never let them go. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
I love this poem by Edwin Markham, born in 1852, a poem still impactful to me today in a time of increasing American tribalism and a too prevalent culture of contempt. Or perhaps this is more personal, when a family member or once friend severs ties, excludes or excommunicates. —
Cory Booker @CoryBooker
Speak thoughtfully and speak with kindness, for language echoes out and back – as do our deeds. —