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Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Today, it was my honor to present the Congressional Gold Medal to the Merchant Mariners of World War II, in recognition of their bravery and outstanding service. May this medal serve as an expression of our nation's profound respect and admiration for these American heroes. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
As this process moves forward, we are keeping patient safety as the hallmark, and ensuring that support for the staff and residents is maintained throughout. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Laguna Honda has been a pillar of the health and well-being for generations of San Francisco families. I am working hand-in-hand with @LondonBreed and @SF_DPH for a speedy path to Laguna Honda Hospital’s recertification. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Join @LeaderHoyer, @RepDelBene and @NewDemCoalition Members at the U.S. Capitol for a press conference celebrating #25YearsOfNewDems and their role in bringing lawmakers together around a mission to grow and empower America’s middle class. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
RT @VetAffairsDems: This morning, @SVACDems Chairman @SenatorTester and @SVACGOP Ranking Member @JerryMoran agreed to a compromise to advan… —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Join Congressional Leadership, Members of Congress and me at the U.S. Capitol to honor the Merchant Mariners of World War II for their heroism and courage and present them with the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor Congress can bestow. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Yesterday, @HouseDemocrats unveiled a new legislative agenda to ease the unconscionable infant formula shortage. The nutrition babies receive has an immense impact on their entire lives. We must take urgent action to address this emergency. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Greece has been the wellspring of democratic principles for centuries. They were a source of inspiration to the founding of America. Now, the United States and Greece work together as democratic nations. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
We discussed Greece’s role in helping the Ukrainian refugees since the brutal invasion of Ukraine, our fight against COVID and our efforts against climate change. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
As Speaker of the House, it was my privilege to welcome His Excellency Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, to the United States Capitol this morning before a bilateral meeting and his address to the Joint Session of Congress. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Join @LeaderHoyer, @RosaDeLauro, @FrankPallone, @RepJahanaHayes, @SenStabenow & me at the U.S. Capitol for a press conference on two new bills to help parents find safe, affordable formula & ensure our babies get the nutrition they need. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
May today serve as a rallying cry for all Americans to speak out against hate and to rekindle hope for a brighter future. Read my full statement here: —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Many LGBTQ Americans continue to fear for their jobs, their homes and their lives. @HouseDemocrats have long been proud to combat this inhuman bigotry alongside courageous LGBTQ leaders and advocates. We remain unwavering in our commitment to the continued struggle for justice. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Today, and every day, we recommit to rooting out discrimination. That fight remains as urgent as ever, as right-wing forces target trans students, Republican leaders threaten to unwind marriage equality and a radical Supreme Court takes aim at Americans’ most fundamental rights. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is an opportunity to join together in condemning the vile hate that still threatens the safety, well-being and fulfillment of our LGBTQ friends, neighbors and loved ones. #IDAHOBIT —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Join live for a Joint Address to Congress by His Excellency @KMitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, to commemorate the Greek bicentennial, celebrate our longstanding friendship & recommit to building a brighter future for our children. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Join me live as I welcome His Excellency @KMitsotakis, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic to the United States Capitol. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
As Speaker of the House, it was my official honor to welcome the First Minister of Scotland, @NicolaSturgeon, to the United States Capitol. I look forward to continuing our shared work on COVID-19, the climate crisis and so many other issues. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Join me live as I welcome First Minister @NicolaSturgeon of Scotland to the United States Capitol. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
See what else happened around the United Sates Capitol this week with my Medium post, ‘Madam Speaker.’ —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
It brings me great pride that these statues will provide a lesson for all young girls who walk through the Capitol to see the well deserved recognition for these two great leaders of our country. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
This week, I joined @SenAmyKlobuchar and @RepLoisFrankel to celebrate the passage of legislation that will install statues of trailblazing Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sandra Day O'Connor in the United States Capitol. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Today, another community was shattered by the horrors of gun violence. We must never stop fighting to stop the bloodshed — because enough is enough. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
The prayers of Americans across the country are with the Buffalo community in the wake of today’s horrific and hateful mass shooting. Our hearts are with the victims and their families, and we thank the first responders for their heroism. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
For the people of Hong Kong — and for all yearning for freedom around the world — the international community must forcefully speak out against Cardinal Zen’s & his colleagues’ arrests & demand that the CCP end its abuses. My op-ed in the @WashingtonPost: —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
As Republicans seek to control and criminalize women's reproductive health freedoms, Democrats are fighting to enshrine Roe v. Wade into law. We will never stop fighting for patients and their health care providers to defend the rights of women and all Americans. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Republicans want a nationwide ban on abortion. Make no mistake: once Republicans shred long-standing precedent and privacy rights, they intend to wage an all out assault on more of our rights, including access to contraception and marriage equality. —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Today, I joined @HouseDemocrats on the steps of the United States Capitol, across from the Supreme Court, to say to the Supreme Court and to the Senate: hands off women's reproductive health care. #ProtectRoe —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
Ensuring that every precious baby has the nutrition that he or she needs is a matter of the baby’s life and development. We must take urgent action to protect their health and well-being – now and for the rest of their lives. Read my Dear Colleague here: —
Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi
And the following week, Chairman @FrankPallone of @EnergyCommerce will hold another hearing as we continue shining a bright light on this urgent issue and explore further actions the Congress could take. We must ensure that a baby formula shortage never happens again. —