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Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Still need to return your absentee ballot? Take it to your local board of elections to ensure it arrives on time. ▶ The Cuyahoga County drop box is located at 2925 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH. ▶ The Summit County drop box is located at 470 Grant Street, Akron, OH. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
There are still 3 more days of early in-person voting. Check the early voting schedule in Ohio from now until November 2: —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Voting ends in 4 days. Here are the options for making your voice heard in Ohio: —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Congrats to Case Western Reserve University for selecting Eric W. Kaler as its next President! I look forward to working with President Kaler as he leads @CWRU and the Northeastern Ohio community into the future. —
Case Western Reserve @cwru
We're pleased to announce Eric W. Kaler will serve as Case Western Reserve University's next president. Learn more…
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Congrats to the Case Western Reserve University for selecting Eric W. Kaler as its next President! I look forward to working with President Kaler as he leads #CWRU and the Northeastern Ohio community into the future. —
Case Western Reserve @cwru
We're pleased to announce Eric W. Kaler will serve as Case Western Reserve University's next president. Learn more…
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
We are witnessing a coordinated campaign to make it harder for Americans to vote in this election. This is not what democracy looks like. We must restore the Voting Rights Act to full strength, but in the meantime: VOTE. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Voting ends in 5 days. Vote early. Drop off your ballot at a drop box today. VOTE. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Be sure to return your absentee ballot request to your local board of elections. ▶ The Cuyahoga County drop box is located at 2925 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH. ▶ The Summit County drop box is located at 470 Grant Street, Akron, OH. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Are you planning to vote from home? ▶ Request an absentee ballot here: ▶ Track your absentee ballot here: The deadline to request a ballots is October 31, but please do so ASAP to avoid potential delays. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Have you made a plan to vote? Here is the early voting schedule in Ohio from now until November 2: #Vote —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
RT @CLASP_DC: “CLASP is proud to support the Connecting Youth to Jobs Act to provide youth & young adults—particularly young people of colo… —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
RT @farmcredit: ICYMI: #FarmCredit announced an internship program for HBCU students. The Launching Leaders program offers a stipend to any… —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Unemployment rates are historically high for youth of color. Providing young adults with access to career pathways is critical to our recovery from this crisis. Today, I introduced the Connecting Youth to Jobs Act to establish new state and local youth public employment programs. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Voting ends in ONE WEEK. There is still time to vote early and vote from home – but don’t wait! Make sure you execute your plan to vote. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
RT @repjimcooper: HBCUs have historically been underfunded - especially in research. Yet institutions like @MeharryMedical have still been… —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
RT @RepBonamici: The Trump admin’s harmful proposal to misclassify workers would undermine equal pay protections, break time for nursing wo… —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Voting ends in 8 days. Are you planning to vote from home? Make sure to request and return your ballot as soon as possible to avoid potential delays. #Vote —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Today, the Senate will try to push through a Supreme Court nominee just eight days before the election. This is unconscionable, especially since the Senate has yet to pass COVID relief for struggling Americans. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Voting ends in 10 days. Have you voted yet? Don’t delay. Make a plan today to make your voice heard. #Vote —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
HBCUs unlock higher education opportunities for millions of African American students and play a key role in empowering the leaders of our future. On #HBCUDay, we recognize that these historic institutions are as important as ever. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Black and Brown Americans are more likely to get sick and die from COVID-19, lose their jobs, fall into poverty and struggle with hunger. Comprehensive COVID relief isn’t just some “nice-to-have” for communities of color – it’s a matter of life and death. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
House-passed legislation to prevent foreign election interference has now been sitting on Senator McConnell’s desk for 365 days. Protecting our democracy and the integrity of our elections should never be a partisan issue. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
George Floyd was killed 150 days ago today. It’s long past time for a ban on chokeholds, For comprehensive police… —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Proud to join with my @TheBlackCaucus colleagues in expressing serious concerns regarding Nigerian security forces… —
The Black Caucus @TheBlackCaucus
Congressional Black Caucus Sends Letter to President of #Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari on State Sanctioned Violence Agai…
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
The House has passed three bills to protect against foreign interference in our elections, including #HR1, the SAFE Act and the SHIELD Act. Those bills have been sitting on Senator Mitch McConnell’s desk for 594 days, 483 days and 364 days, respectively. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
RT @HouseAdm_Dems: .@RepZoeLofgren: “The House has acted on three separate occasions to provide state and local election administrators the… —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
RT @SenSherrodBrown: 12 Days. Make a plan to vote. Make your voice heard. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
31 states in the “red zone." 4 more than last week. 13 more than last month. Private reports obtained by @COVIDoversight show the White House knew cases were surging, yet continued to publicly downplay the threat of the virus—costing lives and livelihoods. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Today, my staff joined @CleFoodBank to host a virtual discussion on child hunger and nutrition programming in Northeast Ohio. Local anti-hunger groups are working hard to combat rising food insecurity, and Congress must support their efforts by strengthening nutrition programs. —
Former Rep. Marcia L. Fudge @RepMarciaFudge
Voter intimidation tactics have a long, shameful history in this country. We must protect the right of every eligible American to vote freely and without fear of harassment. —