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Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
yeah finding another adult who doesn't wanna be living with their folks no more is key here. you guys both get jobs and you move in together and pay rent with your combined income. sooner or later if you fuck around you'll find out and there will be more of you. it's wild. —
Ben @RosenkavaIier
@ebruenig as far as I'm concerned, it's the only viable arrangement nowadays unless you've a serious partner, the s…
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@ms_peaceweaver it is —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
intergenerational living is ok imho. i just think you have to go out first and come back, perhaps, because there's got to be some definitive break that causes the parent to realize the 'child' is in fact now a totally independent adult. —
Spellcaster's Local #93 @Elvis_F_Christ
@ebruenig Virtually every other culture around the world has figured out how to manage intergenerational houses. Wh…
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@Winters0ng this is some kind of abuse imho —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
RT @jennyrogersDC: @ebruenig —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
multigenerational living can be good but it should be your parents living with you. you living with your parents fucks you up psychologically because of stuff like this -- it's infantalizing and invasive. —
Jake Hanrahan @Jake_Hanrahan
“Actually it’s good to never be able to afford a home of your own shut up."
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
RT @jonmladd: A quality pundit take right here. —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
morale would be much higher if we replaced The Star Spangled Banner with Party in the USA. i figure its about time…
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
what if it's 'martial hatred' and you just hate war —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@TedIacobuzio @MattBruenig aww that's terrible :( —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
RT @andresbirdland: @FrNickOFMConv @ebruenig This did more to unite the country than anything —
Barstool Sports @barstoolsports
Behind the scenes of the Chilli’s “Baby Back Ribs” song. Generational talent.
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@OctaviusIV i'm praying you took pics —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
this is a true story. i was once in a situation where a tense moment had occurred at a family gathering and a conflict was about to begin, but then @MattBruenig whispered "play red solo cup by toby keith" into somebody's echo dot and suddenly it played and shattered the dark vibe —
RE @reldred79
@ebruenig Red Solo Country
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
morale would be much higher if we replaced The Star Spangled Banner with Party in the USA. i figure its about time we break the glass and start trying some stuff like this —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
lord elrond is it ok if i take a drink into the living room —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
yeah. generally i imagine beloved book characters to be my peers but in this case he has to be given an honorific because he's actually more like my peers' dad —
Clifton Fels @SeeBeeEff
@ebruenig Same for Elrond
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
RT @Ruby_Stevens: Jordan Petersen: "So you're telling me they send...they send him :voice cracking: cheesy movies? :eyes glisten: The worst… —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@EndorphinPro666 juris doctor —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@nut_bunnies only Blessed Virgin Mary can say this —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
just some shit we don't need —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
i'm glad KJV established 'Lord' as the correct honorific for Jesus bc otherwise at the second coming we would be forced to say stuff like "Mr. Jesus" —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@Konakc1 the internet is where everybody goes to do everything —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@counterpunkt liberalism has a recognition within it that constant vituperation and humiliation of particular classes of people will melt liberal societies down, but that's sort of what the right is trying to do —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
i have no idea why this is. probably much younger cohorts included in the dissident right/left categories. but American political culture now largely values the major currency of internet culture -- owns. —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
probably one of the main distinctions i see in politics at the moment is the dissident left and the far right (which has overtaken the moderate right in control of America's conservative politics) intuitively understand the culture of the internet while liberals don't —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@osodeltoro @quesoylibertad this was all decided under judicial review, is the point, and you're behaving as though this was a democratic movement. it wasn't -- it's not in your interest to behave as though it was -- and even if it had been, i never wrote or spoke in favor of either outcome. ever. period. —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@osodeltoro @quesoylibertad i know other media people lie to you about what i've written. they think you won't google + read. they're right. but buddy, there's a whole world of 'ban abortion right now' writing out there, and none of it was written by me. —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@osodeltoro @quesoylibertad i'm just not why this happened. just not. period. i didn't move the needle. the organization that drafted this legislation for mississippi and defended it with MS before SCOTUS was founded in *1991* — a year after I was born. are you kidding me with this shit? —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@osodeltoro @quesoylibertad i am an influential media figure - on the things i *write about,* which are executions, sexual assault, welfare, christianity, Bernie, etc. i have in fact never explicitly espoused any bans or outlawing of abortion, and have only espoused a particular moral opinion. period. —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@Vomax2k nooOOOOOoooooooo —
Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig
@osodeltoro @quesoylibertad that being said, i know i'm annoying and shit. nobody becomes a journalist because they're a functional member of society everyone gets along with and finds easy to integrate into daily life. i'm an 'acquired taste.' i totally understand hating me. but i didn't do this. —