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U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
#Trump's enactment of #Title42 saved thousands of lives by slowing the spread of #COVID & by curbing the flow of #fentanyl into the #US. I'm proud to co-sponsor #HR6531, which allows #Title42 to be used for fentanyl/other drugs which are the leading cause of death for 18-45 y/o. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@JoeBiden's #GoingGreen agenda and his habit of printing money we don't have for his spending sprees are 2 huge contributing factors to his record-breaking #inflation. This #BrokenRecord routine of blaming #Putin or #Democrat mandated #COVID shutdowns won't solve the problem. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@JoeBiden's record-breaking streak continues. Under his sage leadership, @CBP has encountered the highest number of migrants at the southern #border in a single month in #USHistory. 234,088 #Illegals were encountered. —
Bill Melugin @BillFOXLA
BREAKING: There were 234,088 migrants encountered at the Southern border in April, per a DHS court filing today. Th…
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
#Democrats would rather pass #HR7688 -which allows for socialist price-fixing of private businesses- than pass the #AmericanEnergyIndependenceFromRussiaAct, which increases domestic production and boosts energy exports to help our allies become less dependent on #RussianEnergy. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@JoeBiden's record-breaking Presidency set a new all-time high for #GasPrices 8 days in a row. $4.52 a gallon! And a new all-time high for #JimmyCarter's Presidency. Carter moved up one spot to the second #WorstPresidentEver. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@joebidens record-breaking Presidency set a new all-time high for #GasPrices 8 days in a row. $4.52 a gallon! And a new all-time high for #JimmyCarter's Presidency. Carter moved up one spot to the second #WorstPresidentEver. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
I'm not sure what you did Saturday. I'm sure many of you were at work to help pay for rising #Inflation & #GasPrices. Or maybe you were out looking for #babyformula. I'm sure very few of you were on a #ShoppingSpree on #SaksFifthAvenue with @SpeakerPelosi. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
#Democrats are like a #BrokenRecord, shirking responsibility and shifting blame for the energy crisis their #GoingGreen agenda caused. I will be voting 'NO' on HR 7688, a.k.a. the Socialist Energy Price-Fixing Act, which allows unprecedented government control on gasoline prices. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@JoeBiden is deceiving the public once again by painting a rosy picture of the economy, pointing to "strong wage growth" as an indicator of his success. In reality, #inflation is outpacing #WageGrowth in multiple industries, according to @BusinessInsider & @BLS_gov —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
Sometimes when people try and make fun of me, it doesn't bother me at all, especially when I'm standing up for the innocent unborn. Standing up for those that can't stand up for themselves. #ProLife @MORightToLife @momsforamerica —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
As #ProLife support grows, right on cue, the #Democrats have turned to fear-mongering to mislead the public. Read about these 5 commonly repeated false narratives regarding #RoeVWade. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
As #ProLife support grows, right on cue, the #Democrats have turned to fear-mongering to mislead the public. Read about these 5 commonly repeated false narratives regarding #RoeVWade. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@renaultgroup latest move to sell off their #Russian assets is an indication that #sanctions and international pressure on Russia is working. #VladYouDidThis —
Forbes @Forbes
Renault will transfer its entire stake in Renault Russia to the city of Moscow and its majority holding of nearly 6…
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
RT @Forbes: Renault will transfer its entire stake in Renault Russia to the city of Moscow and its majority holding of nearly 68% in carmak… —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
"#GoldenArches to go dark in #Russia as @McDonaldsCorp exits after 30 + years." The corporate exodus will persist so long as Russia continues perpetrating atrocities in #Ukraine or anywhere else it chooses. #VladYouDidThis —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
“#Saudi #oil giant @Aramco's first-quarter profits surge 80%.” As our dependence on foreign oil increases, so do their profits. #JoeBidenYouDidThis #DrillBabyDrill —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
If the #DisinformationGovernanceBoard were to be established, news like this would be censored and classified as 'false.' The government can't be trusted to govern 'truth.' @washingtonpost should award them 4 crackpots! —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
If the #DisinformationGovernanceBoard were to be established, news like this would be censored and classified as 'false.' The government can't be trusted to govern 'truth.' @washingtonpost should award them 4 crackpots! —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@PressSec stated @JoeBiden's administration is not funding #crackpipes via smoking kits and that it's a "conspiracy theory." #WashingtonFreeBeacon found every location they visited - all eligible to receive grant funding this month- provided crack pipes. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
When I Want Your Opinion I'll Give It To You. This week in Long's Short Report, I talk about how very few Republicans want to talk about Roe v. Wade possibly being overturned, instead focusing on the leak alone. I'll always tell you exactly what I think. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
I'm a proud co-sponsor of this resolution which will be vital in protecting the @SCOTUS justices & prevent further intimidation. It's amazing to me that the #Democrats are refusing to condemn the harassment and threats of @SCOTUS justices. —
Rep. Mike Johnson @RepMikeJohnson
NEWS 45 @HouseGOP Members just filed a resolution condemning intimidation tactics used by pro-abortion activists.…
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
If @joebiden had addressed the #babyformulashortage with the same urgency he did sending $40 billion to #Ukraine, we would have averted this serious crisis. In a letter to @US_FDA Commissioner @DrCaliff_FDA and #JoeBiden I urged a swift resolution to this emergency. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
Boat manufacturers reign supreme in my outdoors-minded District, so I was thrilled the @therealnmma folks stopped by my #DC office today. Special thanks to Melanie Ashby, Jeff Coffman of @GoRollick, DJ Cross, John Durnien, and John Lee of @BoatUS. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
RT @ByronDonalds: I’m tired of the not-so-subtle bigotry of low expectations from the Democrats and, in this case, @SecYellen. I grew up… —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
This is a reminder that for the first time in #AmericanHistory, the @POTUS is attempting to control your #1stAmendment rights because he believes the government should dictate “truth.” —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
My constituents spoke out loud and clear before we voted on the $33 billion #Ukraine funding bill- which ballooned to $40 billion over the weekend- they were not in favor of it when we have so many problems that need addressing here at home. —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
Yesterday @joebiden claimed, "they [#GOP] have no plan to lower energy prices." Correction: The #GOP has always had a #drillbabydrill plan. That's why gas was $2.38 Jan. 20, 2021 under #Trump, and now it's $4.43 under the #greenparty. Finish #KeystoneXLPipeline —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
"@PressSec says it's not really #inflation. It's just that things cost more" #GoFigure —
House Republicans @HouseGOP
Inflation is a TAX on all Americans. 📈Gasoline is UP 43.6% 📈Used Cars are UP 22.7% 📈Meats/Fish/Eggs are UP 14.3%…
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
@PressSec just categorized the nationwide attacks by pro-abortion far-left extremists as "vandalism." The #Wisconsin #ProLife HQ firebombing was #terrorism, not vandalism, like how 2$ Billion in damages from looting and rioting by #BLM was not "peaceful protests." —
U.S. Rep. Billy Long @USRepLong
Today I had the honor to greet 81 #Veterans and their guardians at #WorldWarIIMemorial, who traveled here thanks to the efforts of @Honorflightoz. @GovParsonMO's wife, Teresa, was a guardian! —