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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @RyanWhalenCT: There is a huge line for this @AOC @Indiawaltonbflo event at Town Ballroom. The line is down the street and around the… —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
See you soon, Buffalo! 👋🏽 It’s time to early vote for @Indiawaltonbflo! 🗳 —
Charlie Baker @charliecbaker
The line for the @AOC event for @Indiawaltonbflo is… long
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Thank you for joining Team Walton, @SenSchumer! —
Chuck Schumer @chuckschumer
Today, I endorse @indiawaltonbflo, the Democratic nominee for Mayor of Buffalo. She's a community leader, nurse, &……
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @1010WINS: .@AOC reintroduces bill to put immigrants who cleared debris after 9/11 on fast track to legal immigration status https://t.c… —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
When you’re in the struggle, it can be hard to see everything you’ve accomplished so far. What @NYTWA has done to fight for the lives of NYC cab drivers is nothing short of remarkable and inspiring. Now they are on a hunger strike to bring it home. Let’s stand with them 💪🏽🚕⬇️ —
NY Taxi Workers @NYTWA
.@AOC telling the story of our campaign for debt relief, back to when we testified before the @FSCDems in 2019. It…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @SSWorks: Thank you, Rep. @AOC, for fighting to #ExpandMedicare! —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @msainat1: News: @AOC is joining the picket line on Saturday afternoon at Catholic Health Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, NY where 2k healthc… —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @repmarkpocan: Israel should rescind their blanket decision to label Palestinian civil rights organizations as terrorist groups. Many of… —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Anyways this one goes out to anyone in any workplace or setting who deep down knows they need to put in Olympic level effort just to be treated as equivalent to a junior varsity walk-on. I see you. It’s not fun, but it’s real - and it’s not in your head. Keep shining ✨ —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
It’s not imposter syndrome when institutions actually do treat you differently yet pretend they don’t It’s not imposter syndrome when institutions treat hardworking newcomers like invaders, yet normalize & accept deep corruption or incompetency from ppl we’re “used” to in power —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
It never stops astounding me how much caution and work goes in every single day to get everything right, 2x as good, to avert even the perception of a mistake, bc if one happens it’s explosive. Just to look aside & know if you did anything close to what your peers do it’d be over —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
I wore a dress a month ago and people lost their minds in vitriol and attack. Meanwhile we have members fraudulently claiming positions to access confidential information, abusing campaign funds, and raking in big pharma cash while blocking leg and we just normalize it and shrug —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Feels like there are a zillion scandals a month Republicans get in that would result in my expulsion or sanction if I ever did the same I know it’s a tired thing to say, but over time it’s a bummer to experience how systematically an institution treats different people —
Annie Grayer @AnnieGrayerCNN
On the House floor, Liz Cheney entered this into the record calling out Jim Banks for sending letters to government…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @gStrachota: .@AOC visits @NYTWA Hunger Fast to #EndCabbieDebt “We were able to get you the money [for your plan] because of YOUR action… —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @NYTWA: Since it seems like the mayoral candidates may need a refresher on our campaign for medallion debt relief, here’s a video. They… —
katie honan @katie_honan
Next Q about helping taxi drivers, with some currently on a hunger strike outside city hall @ericadamsfornyc call…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
It’s true ☺️ Love ya tío @BernieSanders, thank you for your friendship even though you may not see this and don’t have apps on your phone 🧓🏻👩🏽 —
Waleed Shahid @_waleedshahid
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Kudos to @NYCComptroller for crunching the numbers and laying out the plan and @NYCMayorsOffice for executing on it —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
And while it’s important to note that market-based approaches alone will NOT solve the climate crisis (in fact they largely created it to begin w/), divestment mvmts help create the conditions & pressure necessary for even larger leaps. So there’s your good news of the day 🌎🗞 —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
NYC is home to some of the largest pensions in the country. If other cities & states join,we’re talking major shifts for climate. And it’s not only pensions. Univ endowments can divest, too. Want to help? Ask your school or pension to divest from fossil fuels & into climate😉🌎 —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
That’s where workers come in to spark change. By demanding their retirements be divested of fossil fuels, workers and voters are precipitating large shifts of $ out of big oil, gas,etc. That amps up pressure & leaves companies like Exxon w/ fewer places to get fossil fuel money. —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
I sit on the Financial Services Cmte & often see how Wall St leverages risky &/or unpopular investments onto public pensions, taking bets and setting up workers to hold the bag. As fossil fuels sink in popularity, pension funds have been an important source for fossil fuel $. —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Pension funds are massive pools of money that fund retirement for teachers, city workers, and other public employees. These funds invest throughout our economy, & the sheer size of pension plans in the US economy (~$5.5 trillion according to @PensionDialog) make them powerful. —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Actually good, major climate news: today New York City is announcing its public pensions are fully divesting out of the fossil fuel industry and into renewables & climate - a massive shift of about $50 billion. 🌎 This move is led by NYC workers. Here’s why this is a big deal.⤵️ —
Elizabeth Kim @lizkimtweets
Joined by @AOC, Mayor de Blasio today announces $50 billion divestment from fossil fuels + new investment in renewa…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
@2AvSagas @boerumhillnbrs Respectfully, one of the biggest fights we’ve taken on in the infra bill has been pushing mass transit & rail💰 (as well as green NYCHA $). Fed doesn’t have the direct touch city/state does, but transit is critical! Addressing the messed up LGA Airtrain plan has been big too —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Major climate announcement incoming 🌎☺️ and it’s actually good —
Mayor Bill de Blasio @NYCMayor
A recovery for all of us means our city AND our planet. Join me, @NYCComptroller and @AOC at City Hall for a major…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
@chrislhayes One thing I was shocked by here is that one outlet that regularly asks substantive questions for people’s understanding is (wait for it😬) TMZ of all places. They have to ask questions for a broader audience so it’s more “what does this mean for us” instead of“who scored a point” —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
@chrislhayes It’s Beltway Brain. Lots of political press spend their time covering the day’s gossip & maneuvering w/ a number tossed in at the expense of covering impact. Meanwhile 1/2 of these outlets are like “sponsored by big oil & pharma! Today’s guest editor is a right-wing YouTuber.”🙃 —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @chrislhayes: This an example of what I was talking about yesterday. There is a complete and total inability of much of the political pr… —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
RT @Sifill_LDF: The population of Mississippi is nearly 40% Black. —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Sorry the audio doesn’t sync up but my IG always distorts that way when I try to download my stories 🤷🏽♀️ idk what’s up with that —