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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"We cannot take this election for granted. We’ve got to fight for this thing.” —@POTUS: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

“She knows that love trumps hate.” —@POTUS on Hillary —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"If you want higher wages, better benefits...then you should be voting for Hillary Clinton." —@POTUS: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

“Then there’s the other guy, Donald Trump. Don’t boo, vote!” —@POTUS: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"I believe there has never been a man or woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as our president." —@POTUS —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

“A leader who's got real plans to break down barriers and blast through glass ceilings." —@POTUS on Hillary: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"Can I just say, I am really into electing Hillary Clinton. This is not me just going through the motions here.” —@POTUS —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"The choice that you make, that we make, just 8 weeks from today, will determine the direction of this country for a long time.” —@POTUS —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"We lifted 3.5 million people out of poverty. That's the largest one-year drop in poverty since 1968.” —@POTUS —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"Even though I have run my last campaign, I am going to work as hard as I can this fall to elect Hillary Clinton." —@POTUS —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"I could not be prouder of the leader we have nominated to take my place.” —@POTUS on Hillary —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

With just 56 days until Election Day, @POTUS is back out on the trail for Hillary in Philly. Watch live: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

RT @JoeBiden: Every woman in this country deserves to be free from harm and from fear. Proud to celebrate 22 years of the Violence Against… —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Retweet Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

As Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha—a festival of sacrifice, charity, & feeding the poor—let's reflect on those shared values. Eid Mubarak! -H —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Pay-To-Play: The act of making a donation to a politician so they'll help you out. See: Donald Trump. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

"It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans." —Donald Trump, March 2004 —

Justin Wolfers @JustinWolfers

Income gains across the board. 10th percentile +7.9% (ie poor) Median +5.2% 90th percent +2.9% 95th percentile +3.7%

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

RT @texasinafrica: .@HillaryClinton's HBCU plan is really smart. Addresses so many critical issues around access & debt. I'm impressed. htt… —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Retweet Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

7 questions we have about the Trump Foundation (and how Donald used it to stop investigations into his fraud): —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

The @NCAA is right to pull tournament games from North Carolina because of the anti-LGBT HB2 law. Discrimination has no place in America. -H —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Trump says "you can't lead this nation if you have such a low opinion for its citizens." What Trump's also said: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Only one candidate in this race has a plan to tackle these issues. See how her plan would help you: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

A quick search of Trump’s website shows the top mentions of “student debt” and “college” are attacks—not solutions. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Student debt and the cost of college are incredibly important. Why isn’t Donald Trump talking about these issues? —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Student debt is a major drag on our economy, and it's holding people back from moving forward with life. —

Daniel M. Ford @soundingline

Anyway I'll stop complaining but just to be clear, student loans are why I don't own a house and can't contemplate children.

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

We also need to tackle the student debt crisis and help those like @jbrotherston who have already borrowed. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

The cost of attending HBCUs should never prevent @_bxddxss—or anyone—from attending one: —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Paying for college doesn't end at tuition, so we need to help students pay for other costs like books and housing. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

.@sspiderboy's worries are all-too-common. We need to make attending a community college completely tuition free. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

We’ll make in-state colleges and universities tuition-free for families making under $125,000/year. That'll help more than 80% of families. —

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

We need to make college debt-free. You shouldn't have to take out loans (or more drastic measures) to attend college —

Zachery Binks @__ZachAttack__

Does anyone wanna buy my kidney I'll sign it or whatever I just really wanna go to a good college and pay off my student loans.

Posted Sept. 13, 2016 Hibernated