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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Preserving and protecting freedom, democracy & human rights is CRUCIAL to our national security & global stability. Today, I met with community leaders in Tampa to share all I'm doing to STAND WITH freedom fighters & our allies as they STAND UP TO evil regimes & dictators. —

Posted Jan. 11, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Just called @USCG Admiral Fagan with @mcsonews Sheriff Rick Ramsay & discussed the migrant surge in Key West. We asked for answers on how the Biden admin will fix this & support local law enforcement. It's time for action & REAL solutions. We must SECURE OUR BORDERS. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Democrats want to give the IRS a blank check to hire 87K agents to TARGET YOU. Good on @HouseGOP for sending a clear message: Weaponizing the IRS & bankrolling big government IS WRONG. I had a bill to do the same. Let's pass this common-sense policy NOW! —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Parents, not the government, know what is best for their children. That's why, in Florida, I've fought to make sure that school choice isn't just for the elites—it is for everyone. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Every family deserves the chance to send their kids to the SCHOOL THAT BEST MEETS THEIR NEEDS: whether that's a public school, homeschooling or a private school. No family or student should worry that attending a college or university will break the bank. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

đź“» COMING UP: I'll be joining Andrew Colton at 9:10 AM ET on @WIOD's South Florida’s First News to share an update on my statewide #MakeWashingtonWork tour. Listen live: —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

đź“» COMING UP: I'll be joining Andrew Colton at 9:10 AM ET on @WIOD's South Florida's First News to share an update on my statewide #MakeWashingtonWork tour. Listen live: —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023 Just a Typo
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

As governor, I fought EVERY DAY to make our education system the best in the nation. It was great to be with so many education leaders in Jacksonville yesterday to hear their ideas and share my plans to bring the Florida model nationwide. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

The Biden admin's open border policies are allowing deadly drugs to pour into communities all across the country. My END FENTANYL Act will provide border patrol agents with the resources they need to keep these deadly drugs out. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Otra vez el rĂ©gimen de @DiazCanelB/@raulcastroruz mostrĂł cobardĂ­a al detener al activista por libertad y DD. HH. @OscarBiscet a solo dos cuadras de su casa. @POTUS, ¡DEJE de ver a otro lado, PARE el apaciguamiento y EXIJA la libertad para Oscar y todos los presos polĂ­ticos AHORA! —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

.@POTUS, STOP looking to the other side, STOP the appeasement and DEMAND freedom for Oscar and every political prisoner NOW! (2/2) —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Once again, the evil regime of @DiazCanelB/@raulcastroruz demonstrated its cowardice by imprisoning freedom & human rights activist @OscarBiscet just two blocks from his house. (1/2) —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

When it comes to education, parents know best. To #MakeWashingtonWork, we MUST keep the federal government out of decisions best made by families. —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Our brave law enforcement officers are doing everything in their power to stop deadly fentanyl from pouring into our communities, but @SecMayorkas & @JoeBiden's open border policies are making it more & more difficult to keep families safe. Read more ⤵️ —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Don't forget to thank a law enforcement officer today for all that they do to keep us safe! #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

The United States has record-high migrant encounters and wide open borders, and all @JoeBiden does about it is drop by for a PR stunt, leaving our brave border agents and communities on the front lines to clean up his mess. —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

RT @thehill: .@SenRickScott: "I want to thank the brave law enforcement officers across Florida and around the nation for all they do to ke… —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023 Retweet
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Our brave law enforcement officers put lives at risk every day, & ask for nothing in return. As your U.S. Senator, I am proud to serve as your partner in D.C. as we work to make Florida the safest place in the world to live, work & raise a family. #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

.@JoeBiden spent the past two years doing everything he could to OPEN OUR BORDERS, leaving our brave border agents with little resources and in dangerous conditions. A visit to the border and an apology to these agents and their families is the LEAST he could do. —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Instabilidade e violĂŞncia em qualquer lugar Ă© ruim para a segurança nacional, liberdade e democracia do mundo todo. Eu exorto a todos que valorizam a democracia na America Latina a unirem-se e clamar pela paz, pelo respeito a lei, e pela ordem no #Brasil. —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Don't forget: It's taken @JoeBiden YEARS to visit our southern border. —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Instability and violence anywhere are bad for national security, freedom and democracy everywhere. I urge all who value democracy in Latin America to join together and call for peace and respect for law and order in Brazil. —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

I have a plan to SECURE THE BORDER. Does @JoeBiden? Maybe someone should ask him. —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

The catastrophe @JoeBiden created at our southern border has been OBVIOUS for YEARS. Why is he just visiting today? Makes you wonder if the goal is securing our border or distracting us from the problem… —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Deadly fentanyl has been pouring over our southern border and into our communities FOR MONTHS, and @JoeBiden has COMPLETELY and UTTERLY ignored the problem. SECURING OUR BORDER must be a TOP PRIORITY. —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

.@JoeBiden needs to do more than just visit a pre-vetted spot at the border. He needs to go into the communities suffering from his open border policies and see the problems he created with his own eyes. —

Posted Jan. 8, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

To #MakeWashingtonWork, we have to grow our economy by stopping Washington's wasteful spending, promoting business growth and new jobs and cutting taxes. —

Posted Jan. 7, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

I'm fighting to make Congress balance the budget, start paying our MASSIVE $31 TRILLION in debt, cut taxes, promote job growth by cutting burdensome regulations, boost American energy independence and reduce inflation by STOPPING RECKLESS GOVERNMENT SPENDING. —

Posted Jan. 7, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Congrats to @GOPLeader! Kevin stood against the $1.7T Pelosi-Schumer Spending bill & has promised to stand for conservative principles as Speaker. Hopefully, the days of Republicans caving to Dems are OVER. We have a GOP in America & conservatives are building a real GOP in DC. —

Posted Jan. 7, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Prices are up nearly 14% since @JoeBiden took office & his raging inflation is killing the American Dream for FL families by putting financial stability out of reach. It's time for Washington to do what every family & business does: live within its means. —

Posted Jan. 7, 2023