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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

RT @WJHG_TV: Senator Rick Scott held a roundtable today to talk with leaders about efforts to make the Panhandle the best for military, vet… —

Posted Jan. 17, 2023 Retweet
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Started my day in the panhandle at Dan-D-Donuts & Deli! Like so many incredible small businesses across Florida, their team is feeling the impact of inflation as costs keep going up. —

Posted Jan. 17, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

En Florida usamos nuestros ingresos para pagar deudas, reducir impuestos y regresar más a las familias por los impuestos que pagaron. El fracaso de Washington para lograr eso es gracias a Joe Biden y los demócratas que nos llevaron a este punto con billones en gastos imprudentes. —

Posted Jan. 16, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

🚨 NEW: I joined @RepMariaSalazar to reintroduce the FORCE Act, which STOPS @JoeBiden from normalizing relations with the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime unless freedom and democracy are restored on the island. —

Posted Jan. 16, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Each #MLKDay, we honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and legacy and learn from his commitment to fighting injustice. May today remind us to stand up for what is right and work tirelessly to ensure every American can live their dream. —

Posted Jan. 16, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

A good education is the best way to ensure Florida's future leaders have EVERY opportunity to pursue their American Dream. That starts with understanding that families, not the federal government, are responsible for choosing what's best for their child. —

Posted Jan. 15, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

The 118th Congress should be laser-focused on one goal: Get our fiscal house in order. It's the ONLY way to give hardworking Americans much-needed relief from Democrats' reckless spending spree & the raging inflation it caused. —

Posted Jan. 15, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

It's long past time for Washington to end the reckless spending of taxpayer dollars and start living within its means. I'll be fighting with every tool at my disposal to finally end Biden's raging inflation crisis and bring fiscal sanity back to Washington. —

Posted Jan. 15, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Fighting for freedom and democracy around the world begins with standing up to evil dictators and opposing Communist China's disgusting human rights abuse. I was glad to meet with community leaders and activists in Tampa to discuss tangible ways to take action NOW. —

Posted Jan. 15, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Take Cuba off the State Sponsor of Terrorism List?! In what world would @JoeBiden think it's a good idea to give EVIL regimes EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT, all while they work with our enemies & commit egregious human rights abuse against the Cuban people? Biden owes us an explanation. —

Posted Jan. 15, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Families have lost an average of $7.4K in annual income since @JoeBiden took office. With stats like this, the White House shouldn't be bragging about high prices & lost income. It's an insult to the millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Removing #Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism List gives evil dictators exactly what they want – we cannot let it happen. Biden needs to ditch his failed appeasement agenda that threatens America's national security & stands in the way of global progress & stability. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Either @JoeBiden is an absolute hypocrite or completely clueless. Probably both. We need to get to the bottom of this. How long has he had these…6+ years? Time for accountability. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

The American people should be OUTRAGED by @SecMayorkas' failure to keep YOU and YOUR FAMILY SAFE. Securing our southern border is the ONLY WAY to stop deadly drugs from pouring into our communities and tragically taking the lives of those we love. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

The Obama-Biden appeasement policies have given more power to Cuba's evil communist regime & are funding continued oppression, imprisonment & torture of hundreds of peaceful Cubans, including freedom activists like @jdanielferrer. It's DISGUSTING & MUST STOP NOW. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

While too many in Washington seem to forget that hardworking taxpayers fund these programs, I won't. @USOPM, & EVERY government entity, should have NO TOLERANCE for any waste or misuse of tax dollars & should immediately end ALL wasteful spending. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Biden's appeasement policies AREN'T WORKING. Cuba EXPLOITS the U.S. by stoking instability across Latin America, supporting ruthless dictators like Maduro & Ortega & driving mass migration that benefits the regime & its evil allies in Communist China, Russia & Iran for decades. —

Posted Jan. 14, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

En abril de 2021, el @SenateGOP adoptó por unanimidad mi enmienda a nuestras reglas y se comprometió a aumentar el techo de la deuda solo si se asegura una reforma significativa del gasto estructural. Debemos cumplir esa promesa al pueblo americano que LUCHA por cordura fiscal. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

In April 2021, the @SenateGOP unanimously adopted my proposed amendment to our rules and committed to only raising the debt ceiling if also securing significant structural spending reform. We must keep that promise to the American people by FIGHTING for fiscal sanity. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

It also ensures civilians and service members depending on Social Security, Medicare, and veterans benefits aren't punished for D.C.'s dysfunction. We all know Washington is broken, & reckless spending sprees won't work. Commonsense like this bill is how we fix it. (3/3) —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

This good bill will require the U.S. government to fulfill critical payments to the debt to avoid default and full fiscal calamity if Democrats refuse to take accountability for their wasteful spending with real reforms. (2/3) —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

.@SecYellen's announcement that the U.S. will reach our debt ceiling next week is the prime example of why congress MUST PASS my Full Faith and Credit Act. (1/3) —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Es repugnante cómo la administración busca apaciguar y hacer negocios con dictadores. Restablecer relaciones diplomáticas con Maduro para convertirlo en su aliado comercial por petróleo es un grave error y arriesga la lucha por libertad en LATAM y nuestra seguridad nacional. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

It's disgusting how the administration looks for ways to appease & do business with every brutal dictator. Restoring diplomatic relations with Maduro to become his commercial ally for oil is a serious mistake & endangers the fight for freedom in LATAM & our national security. —

Jorge Agobian @JorgeAgobian

#EXCLUSIVA EEUU no descarta reanudar relaciones diplomáticas con el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. "Tendríamos que ver…

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

In Florida, we used record revenues to pay down debt, cut taxes and give Florida families more for every tax dollar they paid. Washington's failure to do that now is on Joe Biden and the Democrats who put us in this spot with trillions in reckless spending. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

IMPORTANTE: @SecYellen anunció que EE. UU. alcanzará su techo de deuda el 19 de enero. No podemos permitir que la nación acepte UN SOLO CÉNTIMO más de deuda sin fijar un camino hacia la CORDURA FISCAL con reformas de gastos reales y rendición de cuentas a los contribuyentes. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

IMPORTANT: @SecYellen just announced the U.S. would reach its debt ceiling on January 19th. We cannot cave and allow our nation to accept a SINGLE CENT of additional debt without also setting a path toward FISCAL SANITY with real spending reforms and accountability to taxpayers. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

D.C. Democrats don't care about the truth. They just want to perpetuate false narratives to advance their socialist agenda and silence YOU. #TwitterFiles —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Amid disturbing reports that the Chinese Communist Party is running illegal police operations on American soil, I sent a letter to @FBI Director Wray demanding immediate action to end these illegitimate and illegal operations. Read more ⤵️ —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023
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Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Encarcelar a la oposición no es más que #Bolivia volviendo al socialismo autoritario de Evo Morales. El gobierno de Arce va por mal camino. —

Posted Jan. 13, 2023