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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

A bill to help our country lead the next technological revolution: the Internet of Things. As more devices start connecting to the internet, this will help make sure the private and public sectors work together to produce well-informed policies on connected technology. —

Posted Dec. 12, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

A bill to fix our missile alert systems and make sure that the public gets the right information about emergency alerts as quickly as possible. That means fixing the flaws we found after the false missile alert went out across Hawai‘i in 2018. —

Posted Dec. 12, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Some days it feels like Washington is growing more partisan by the day, but my responsibility is to dig in, work across the aisle, and get things done. Here's a thread of our bipartisan bills that just passed the Senate and will be sent to the President to get signed into law 👇 —

Posted Dec. 12, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

While HI-EMA has been asked to do much more this year with a lot less revenue, this $9M in new funding will give the state more resources to continue their critical work and protect Hawai‘i residents from disasters. —

Posted Dec. 8, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

We need to do all we can to protect our most vulnerable communities during this pandemic. This $582,000 in federal funding will give Hawai‘i nursing homes more resources to keep their residents safe and healthy. —

Posted Dec. 8, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Telehealth is the future of health care – and during this pandemic, it's been an essential strategy for keeping people alive. All of the changes we enacted over the past few months should be made permanent. —

Posted Dec. 5, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

The READI Act, which will soon become law, will help make sure that in an emergency, the public gets the right information – on their phones, TVs, radios, and computers – as quickly as possible. —

Posted Dec. 4, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

This extension of federal funding for the Hawai‘i national guard means they can continue their essential missions, including contact tracing and food and medical supply distribution, without interruption. —

Posted Dec. 4, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. —

Posted Nov. 26, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

This $350,000 federal grant for Kauai will help those who have lost their job or had their hours cut make rent. During this tough time, we’ll keep working to deliver more relief to help both renters and landlords avoid falling into debt. —

Posted Nov. 25, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Pacific Islanders are getting infected at much higher rates, and we need to do more to fight outbreaks in these communities. This federal grant is a good start. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Pacific Islanders are getting infected at much higher rates, and we need to do more to fight outbreaks in these communities. This federal grant is a good start. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2020 Deleted Just a Typo
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

By ramping up testing and supporting the targeted outreach efforts of local agencies on the ground, we can help stop the spread of the virus in Pacific Islander communities. There’s still more work to do, but this federal grant is a good start. —

Posted Nov. 20, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Since the Revolutionary War, Native Hawaiians & native veterans have put their lives on the line for our country. With this new memorial, we can begin to properly honor their sacrifice. Mahalo to those who've served—especially the more than 120,000 who call Hawai‘i home. —


After 25 years in the making, a new monument on the National Mall is opening on Veterans Day: the National Native A…

Posted Nov. 12, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Families should not have to worry about being evicted in the midst of a public health emergency. This grant will help some of our most vulnerable residents make rent and stay in their homes while we ride out this pandemic. —

Posted Nov. 11, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

For those who have lost jobs or had hours cut, this federal money will help make rent. Read more about this new grant ⬇️ —

Posted Nov. 10, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Ripping away health care is a horrific thing to do during normal times. But it’s particularly egregious during a pandemic that’s already claimed nearly 240,000 American lives. #SaveTheACA —

Posted Nov. 10, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

We all know how important internet access has become during this pandemic as we try work or go to school from home — so this is good news. And we'll keep working to help more people access faster and more reliable internet service. —

Star-Advertiser @StarAdvertiser

.@FCC approves licenses allowing DHHL to build its own wireless networks on neighbor isles, @SenBrianSchatz says:…

Posted Oct. 28, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

RT @nowthisnews: ‘This is the most rank hypocrisy I’ve ever seen ... We’re not the world’s greatest deliberative body, we’re just a little… —

Posted Oct. 26, 2020 Retweet
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

RT @SenBrianSchatz: Today is the last day to take the #2020Census — and you have until 11:59pm HST to respond. It only takes a few minutes… —

Posted Oct. 16, 2020 Retweet
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Today is the last day to take the #2020Census — and you have until 11:59pm HST to respond. It only takes a few minutes, but getting counted will be a big help to your community. You can fill it out online at or call (844) 330-2020. —

Posted Oct. 16, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

RT @votevets: THURSDAY -- VOTEVETS LIVE with U.S. Senator @brianschatz. We'll discuss protecting our nation’s public lands, climate chan… —

Posted Oct. 7, 2020 Retweet
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

This is personal cruelty: President Trump is sick and he’s affecting others physically adjacent to him. He just doesn’t care about the people working right next to him. —

Posted Oct. 7, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Once a safe, effective COVID-19 vaccine is available, Hawai‘i must be prepared to successfully distribute it to families across our state. These federal funds will ensure that we have the infrastructure in place to quickly and widely administer the vaccine —

Posted Oct. 6, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Social media platforms should not publicize election-related misinformation, regardless of whether Ted Cruz or Rick Scott or anyone else in the Republican universe considers that to be biased. Because there are some principles that go beyond our partisan objectives. —

Posted Oct. 2, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Unfortunately, Senate Republicans are still blocking some federal workers, like air traffic controllers, from receiving these benefits. We won't stop pushing until everyone has the right to take 12 weeks of paid family leave. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Today, our #PaidLeave policy for federal workers takes effect. This means that 2 million public servants no longer have to choose between getting a paycheck and taking care of a new child. Hear more about why & how we got it done 👇 —

Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Our new #PaidLeave policy, which will be signed into law today, means that public servants won’t have to choose bet…

Posted Oct. 1, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

Our Family Crisis Cash Assistance Act would provide cash relief during natural disasters or economic crises to those who need it most. Individuals could get up to $2000/month. Families could get up to $4000/month. And the cash would go out automatically after disaster strikes. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

During a crisis, we need to act fast to help families in real need. By making cash relief payments to families automatic and fair, we can quickly provide direct cash aid to those who need it most. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020
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Senator Brian Schatz @SenBrianSchatz

By expanding access to COVID-19 testing and teaching preventative practices to students in rural areas, this grant will help us keep more Hawai'i families safe. I'm proud that UH is leading this effort to bring additional resources to areas that need it most. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020