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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Cory Gardner keeps running ads about Colorado's outdoors. But when it comes to climate change… or wildfires… or drilling on public lands… or supporting the CORE Act… There's nothing but cowardly silence from Cory. —

Posted Sept. 12, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

I'm joining our incredible volunteers, organizers, and supporters in Boulder this afternoon to kick off our phone-bank! With less than two months until Election Day, we need all hands on deck. Join us at 6:00pm: —

Posted Sept. 12, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Washington said they would help struggling families and businesses, but too much of the relief went to big corporations while the smallest businesses struggled to get any aid. I met with women leaders in business to talk about my plan to rebuild our economy after this crisis. —

Posted Sept. 12, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

So many Coloradans are hurting. They need real relief to help put food on the table and make rent—not political games. —

Posted Sept. 12, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Colorado is facing our worst hard times right now. But we've been through tough times before, and always recovered stronger than ever. Today, I released my plan to rebuild a strong, resilient economy after COVID-19. READ >> —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

When our state flooded, it felt biblical. It didn't look like we could ever build back what we had lost. But Coloradans are resilient. We worked hard and we worked together. It wasn't easy, but we rebuilt stronger than we were before. I know we can do it again. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

The floods hit Colorado after a tough year. We faced the horrific shooting in Aurora the previous July, and a summer of painful droughts and wildfires. I've been thinking a lot about those tragedies this year as we face some of the hardest times our state has ever seen. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Seven years ago, Colorado flooded. After the heaviest rainfall in our state's history, thousands of people were evacuated, homes were damaged and destroyed, and eight people tragically lost their lives. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

19 years ago, we lost 2,997 lives at the World Trade Center in New York City, Arlington, Virginia, and on a plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. Today we honor the fallen, the first responders, and their families. #NeverForget —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Coloradans have been fighting for the CORE Act for years now, and we're so close to the finish line! I'm excited to get to the Senate and work with @MichaelBennet so we can stop stalling and finally pass the CORE Act. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

COVID-19 and the economic recession have made this the worst hard times for so many, and we need to make sure people are getting all the help they need. #WorldSuicidePreventionDay —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Our last stop of the day was at Concorde College. Students are trained in several different health care fields, giving them the skills they need to enter the work force. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

We had an incredible lunch stop at Nile Ethiopian. Words (and elbow bumps) aren't enough to thank chef Esther! —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

This pandemic and economic crisis are the toughest times we've ever seen. But Coloradans are resilient. We've been through tough times before, and I know we'll get through this. Chatted with @GabAFranklin about how we can build back our state stronger than ever before. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Nile Heirlooms Antique Mall has got one of the best antiques selections in Colorado. They, like so many others, were hit hard by COVID-19. I'm going to take my small business background to the Senate to bring change to Washington. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Washington said that they would help working families. But large corporations got most of the relief, and the smallest businesses—especially minority-owned family businesses like M Mart—aren't getting the help they need. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Systemic racism is deeply rooted in all aspects of our society, from schools to health care to our justice system. COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on communities of color. At Specialist Barbers Club, we discussed my plan to fight for equity for all in the Senate. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Coloradans are hurting, and Washington has left them behind. Yesterday, I met with folks in Aurora who are ready for change. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

The GOP's partisan "skinny relief" bill doesn't do nearly enough to help Americans who are struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills. Enough with the bickering and political stunts. Coloradans needed relief months ago—and Washington needs to get its act together. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

NEW AD: As Colorado's Governor, we took action on climate change and replaced fossil fuels with renewable energy. In the Senate, I'll continue that fight to protect our planet and create jobs. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Donald Trump called fallen soldiers "losers" and "suckers." Cory Gardner's silence is an insult to all of our servicemembers, military families, and veterans like Stephen. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

We're in Aurora today listening to small business owners who have been impacted by the pandemic and economic recession. It's crystal clear that Washington hasn't done enough to help Coloradans, particularly minority business owners, make it through this crisis. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Donald Trump and Cory Gardner have already reshaped our courts for a generation with right-wing anti-choice judges. A second term could mean the end for Roe v. Wade and irreversible damage to reproductive rights. We can't let them win. Join us: —

Axios @axios

JUST IN: Trump unveiled his revamped list of potential Supreme Court justices that includes 20 new names, including…

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

If I'm elected to the Senate, my office will reflect the diversity of Colorado. Thank you @InclusiveUS for working to ensure the government workforce is representative of the people it serves. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Coloradans are hurting. The Senate keeps stalling. Cory Gardner needs to get to work for Coloradans, not Mitch McConnell. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

On February 7, Trump said the coronavirus was "deadly stuff." Two weeks later, he came to Colorado to rally thousands of people for Cory Gardner and didn't even mention the pandemic. Trump and Gardner failed Colorado. —

CNN Politics @CNNPolitics

In new tapes, President Trump admits to Bob Woodward he concealed critical details he knew about the coronavirus. "…

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

If you can count to five, you can help flip the Senate. Join our team today, and let's win this! —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

RT @NAACP: Happy Birthday to civil rights activist #RubyBridges —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020 Retweet
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Helping families in need should be the Senate's number one priority. It's unbelievable that Washington has left so many behind. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper

Today, I met with Coloradans from across our state—educators, veterans, small business owners, and parents who are fed up with Cory Gardner's inaction during this crisis. It's not going to be easy to change Washington, but I know we can do it. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020