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Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
We must stop the sale of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines. Weapons of war have no place on our streets. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @WLRNSundial: After the tragic condo collapse in Surfside last summer, no condo safety reform was passed statewide. Sundial spoke with… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @WLRNSundial: We're talking with @RepDWStweets about abortion access in Florida. Listen to the conversation now live @WLRN📻 https://t.c… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @TobyBressler: Join the @oncologynursing + @Sharsheret for an educational session on #oncology #nurses role in breast cancer treatment &… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
On this 60th National Peace Officers Memorial Day, we honor all those who laid down their lives or faced injury in the line of duty. Their sacrifice to safeguard fellow Americans deserves our deepest thanks. #PeaceOfficersMemorialDay —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
It's past time to pass sane gun safety laws, but we also need to revisit Section 230 to remove social media company immunity if they amplify radicalizing content and conspiracy theories that promote violence like we saw in Buffalo. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
I'm heartbroken by Shireen Abu Akleh's tragic death. A swift, thorough, objective probe and accountability into her death and her producer's injuries is needed. My condolences to her loved ones. Journalists must work without fear of violence. Press freedoms are vital. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
Another community torn apart by weapons of war, and again, signs indicate hate fueled this slaughter. My heart aches for the victims’ families and people of #Buffalo. It’s disgraceful there are politicians who can try to prevent this, but refuse to even try. —
Spectrum News 1 BUF @SPECNews1BUF
“This is the worst nightmare that any community can face,” says #Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
Another community torn apart by weapons of war, and again, signs indicate hate fueled this slaughter. My heart aches for the victim’s families and people of #Buffalo. It’s disgraceful there are politicians who can try to prevent this, but refuse to even try. —
Spectrum News 1 BUF @SPECNews1BUF
“This is the worst nightmare that any community can face,” says #Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
Women shouldn't be forced into a pregnancy. #BansOffOurBodies #RoeVWade —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
As Republicans plot to control and criminalize women’s basic constitutional rights, @HouseDemocrats will fight Republicans’ anti-women extremism and let the American people know their rights are on the ballot this November. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
May is #JewishAmericanHeritageMonth! Let’s honor Jewish contributions to American culture and values and join forces in the fight against antisemitism. #JAHM2022 —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
Fue un honor reunirme hoy a @RosaMariaPaya, legisladores y activistas para defender una #CubaLibre. Apoyo la lucha de la gente cubana por #PatriaYVida y continuaré defendiéndola en el Congreso. @CUBADECIDE —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
It was an honor to join @RosaMariaPaya, legislators, and advocates today to stand up for a #CubaLibre. I support the Cuban people’s fight for #PatriaYVida and will continue to advocate for it in Congress. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
We went through a lot and shed more than a million tears in this pandemic. Let's be there for each other. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
You never know who you’ll run into walking the halls of Congress. It was great to catch up with Gabriela Peralta. I nominated Gabriela to @WestPoint_USMA in 2018 and she’s a member of the class of 2023. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @ONSAlec: With @DWStweets an @oncologynursing champion and patient-centered care advocate, talking about her cancer survivorship leg… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @AppropsDems: The women and men of the Army deserve a good quality of life in safe & healthy installations. Watch Military Constructio… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @BennieGThompson: Today the House will pass the bipartisan Rights for the TSA Workforce Act to give the frontline workers who keep our s… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @AppropsDems: Yesterday, @HouseDemocrats and @AppropsDems voted to #SupportUkraine by passing a federal funding bill that will equip the… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @SintaviaAM: Yesterday, our local Congresswoman, @RepDWStweets (F-23) visited #Sintavia to learn more about how #additivemanufacturing… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
Research and discovery will help keep our veterans safe and healthy during and after service. This matters to the thousands of veterans in my district, and it matters to me. Watch my hearing with @AppropsDems today at 2 PM ➡ —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
A total picture of campus gun violence will curb these tragedies. Thx @SenatorBennett for filing the School Shooting Safety & Preparedness Act. My House + group allies are w/you: @RepLucyMcBath @RepJahanaHayes @GiffordsCourage @AMarch4OurLives @MomsDemand —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
RT @RepCarbajal: In 49 states, local firefighters don't have to prove their cancer/other illnesses was a result of their job. But for fede… —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
I stood with the Ukrainian people tonight, proudly voting to protect democracy, provide humanitarian aid, and hobble the Putin war machine. #SupportUkraine —
House Appropriations @AppropsDems
We must continue to bring immediate and effective support to the people of Ukraine. That is why @AppropsDems a…
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
It’s reproductive rights or the filibuster. It's choice or the filibuster. It's abortion or the filibuster. The choice is clear. It's time to #EndTheFilibuster. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
I toured @SintaviaAM, a Ft. Lauderdale company defining the future of flight with cutting-edge technologies. They were chosen to represent the Additive Manufacturing (AM) supply chain in a major @WhiteHouse initiative that will be critical to advancing American manufacturing. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
The EAA Reservoir is a vital part of our Everglades restoration plan. Thank you, @POTUS for working with me to prioritize this critical reservoir funding and requesting $407M for Everglades restoration in the ’23 budget; let's build this reservoir! —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
From sea-level rise, intensifying storms, & weather shifts, South Florida is on the front lines of our warming planet and is a leader in coastal resiliency efforts. I was honored to kick off #AspenIdeasClimate and welcome the innovators working to #CombatClimateChange. —
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz @RepDWStweets
Overturning #RoevWade would also damage our economy. Legal abortion access over the past 49 years helped: 🎓Increase women’s chance of graduating college by 72% 📈Raise women's earnings by 11% 📉Cut child poverty #RoeVWadeProtest #OurBodyOurChoice —