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Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Managing this public health crisis now will help to prevent long-term consequences that could upend our economy for a longer duration and with a worse outcome. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We also stay home so that we can more quickly rebuild to a thriving economy. It is not a choice between a healthy population and a healthy economy - the two go hand in hand. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We stay home to protect Montanans in our rural communities and our rural health care workers who face long distances to access care. Though many Central and Eastern Montana counties don’t have a case yet, an outbreak in a rural community could overrun a local health care facility —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We stay at home to ensure that our health care workers and first responders have adequate time to receive the supplies to keep them, their patients, and their families safe. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We must do this for our frontline healthcare workers, our rural communities, and our economy. That is why I am extending the Stay At Home directive and related directives until April 24. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We know that staying home will help flatten the curve. For every person we take out of the chain of transmission, the more likely our health care facilities can handle the capacity to respond. The more likely we beat back this virus sooner not later. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
A good reminder I passed by on my morning run. We are in this together. And we’ll get through it! —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
No matter what challenges we face this year, Montanans will prevail. Our spirit and sense of community will carry us through. Happy #406Day to all Montanans. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
As we continue to do everything possible to protect Montanans from the spread of this virus, making sure children and families in our state don’t go hungry is a crucial priority. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We stay at home to slow the spread and save lives, and to protect frontline health care workers in both urban and rural communities. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Today we solemnly learned of another death in Montana from COVID-19. My heart goes out to the loved ones of this fellow Montanan. Each loss of life impacts another community and another family – and indeed, all of us through our shared bond as Montanans. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Thank you, Montanans, for everything you're doing to play your part in slowing the spread of this virus. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
I'm calling for an extension to the Census deadline to accommodate COVID-19 health and safety measures. In Montana, we must ensure that everyone is counted. Our schools, hospitals, highways, communities and families depend on it. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Today is #CensusDay2020 and @LtGovMikeCooney and I are asking all Montanans to fill our their 2020 Census form. In fact, you can do so while staying at home to slow the spread of COVID-19. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Our rural and urban hospitals serve on the frontlines of this crisis and they need our support to continue providing lifesaving care across the state. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
So long as this virus forces Montanans to stay home to save lives, Montanans need a home to stay in. This order ensures that a loss of income won’t lead to Montanans losing their homes or having their heat turned off. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Read the full directive here: —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
While we love our visitors, we would ask that you not come visit while Montanans are watching out for one another by staying at home. Today I directed that travelers arriving from another state or country to Montana for non-work-related purposes undergo a 14-day self-quarantine. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Whether they work in a three bed rural clinic or our largest healthcare system, Montana’s doctors are against a lot these days. And they have risen to every challenge. Join me in thanking Montana’s doctors on this #NationalDoctors Day. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We lost two more Montanans, a total of four, to COVID-19. This is a blow to our statewide community and a heartbreaking reminder to us all that we must continue to do everything we can to slow the spread of this disease. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
I’m saddened that a 2nd Montanan has died from COVID-19. No matter in which community we live, the impact of each loss of life has a ripple effect throughout the state and serves as a reminder of how serious this disease is. Our hearts go out to the loved ones of this Montanan. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Thank you to: The grocery store employees who work tirelessly The truck drivers who keep shelves stocked The emergency responders on duty The teachers who are providing high quality education in creative ways We’re cheering for all those on the frontlines of COVID-19. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
During the Stay at Home order, Montanans are still able and encouraged to responsibly enjoy our public lands. Follow social distancing requirements, avoid crowded trailheads, and recreate near the communities you live. It’s up to all of us to slow the spread of COVID-19. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Thank you to Montana’s health workers – doctors, nurses, CNAs, pharmacists and pharmacy techs, custodians, receptionists, and more – who fight COVID-19, while ensuring Montanans can access other essential medical care to stay healthy. Your work is the backbone of this battle. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
I’m heartbroken to learn of Montana’s first death due to COVID-19. Montana truly is one big small town – this news hits us hard, but we’re in this together. My family and I send our love and support to the family, friends, and community of our fellow Montanan. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
We are all in this together. We can get out in front of this together. And when the time comes again, we will rebuild a stronger community. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
In order to have a healthy economy we need a healthy population. We cannot rebuild our economic strength without doing everything we can now to flatten the curve and slow the spread of this virus. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
I am taking these measures today because we need to stay in front of this pandemic and slow the growth of infections. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
There’s no doubt that COVID-19 is causing a lot of hardship for Montana families. It’s also causing incredible hardships for our front line doctors, nurses and other hospital staff across the country. —
Steve Bullock @GovernorBullock
Businesses and operations can find out if they are deemed essential in the directive at this link: —