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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Billionaires game a rigged system to get rich, then use a fraction of that money to rig the system even more, tightening their control over our lives. It's past time to tax their unneeded, unearned surplus wealth so the 99% can have jobs, healthcare, education & a livable planet! —
Existential Comics @existentialcoms
Bill Gates, the supposed "good guy" billionaire not being sure if he would vote for Trump rather than have a 2% wea…
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Big win for democracy as NYC overwhelmingly votes for #RankedChoiceVoting! Cities & states across the US are joining the groundswell to fix our broken elections. Let's free everyone to vote FOR what they actually want, not against what they fear! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Bernie erased. Tulsi & Greens smeared as Russian assets. Max Blumenthal arrested, Julian & Chelsea tortured for blowing the whistle on abusive power. Connect the dots & resist ALL these intolerable attacks on political & press freedom while we still can! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Bernie erased. Tulsi & Greens smeared as Russian assets. Max Blumenthal arrested, Julian & Chelsea tortured for blowing the whistle on abusive power. Connect the dots & resist ALL these intolerable attacks on political & press freedom while we still can! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Potential big win for democracy: New York City votes today on #RankedChoiceVoting for elections! RCV makes it impossible to "split the vote", ensures winners have majority support, & makes lesser evil voting obsolete. Vote Yes on 1 to bring #RCV to #NYC! #ElectionDay #VoteOnNov5 —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Congratulations to @claudialopez on her historic victory as the first woman, openly gay person, & Green Party member elected Mayor of Colombia's capital Bogotá!🇨🇴 The party for people, planet & peace is growing globally! 💚🌻🌎 —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Green New Deal, Medicare for All, free public higher ed & a student debt bailout: all these ideas came from Greens. With just a trickle of media exposure, we've changed the national debate. Think what we could do with the kind of airtime they gave Trump. —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
As revolt spreads against the neoliberal order - from Haiti to Ecuador, Chile, Iraq, Lebanon, UK, France & more - corporate media is silent. Democracy needs a real free press. Thanks to independent media for giving voice to the global struggle for justice! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
.@HowieHawkins20 is right: instead of blaming Greens, Russia, & everyone but themselves, Clinton & the Democrats should join the fight to fix our broken elections with #RankedChoiceVoting. Make vote splitting impossible & end "spoiler" hysteria for good! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
"Look how much they've perverted democracy: if you think you can vote for or participate in any political party outside the 2 corporate ones chosen by the donor class & pushed by the mainstream media, then you're a traitor to this country." -@jimmy_dore —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Kudos to independent media for covering what corporate media lapdogs don’t dare touch! Great convo w/ @jimmy_dore about HRC's McCarthyism, the corrupt 2-party trap, plan B for progressives, US state propaganda, #JulianAssange, ranked choice voting & more! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
BREAKING Massive dislocation by 2050 on current climate trajectory, says new report. Yet another imperative for the REAL emergency Green New Deal. Demand Ranked Choice Voting to make “spoiled” elections impossible & liberate Green power to save our future! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Don’t take it sitting down! Join me to fire back at McCarthyism, empire & political repression that threaten democracy, justice & the planet. As fires rage, bombs fall & the surveillance state tightens its grip - join the convo at 2ET & build the uprising! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Live at 2pm ET: I talk w/ @acTVismMunich about Hillary's Russia smear, the 2020 election, @GreenPartyUS, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Greta Thunberg, climate crisis & militarism. Join the conversation at —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
BREAKING: Journalist Max Blumenthal arrested as police threatened to break down door, held 2 days, shackled for long periods, denied call - for trumped up assault charge for bringing food to Ven embassy protectors *5 m ago*! First they came for Max..... —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @ajamubaraka: If you don't support war policies of democrats and ruling class you are a foreign asset, and if you believe that a real de… —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @ajamubaraka: In a system that needs more democracy then less, the democrat party, which is now a right-wing party, has embraced a posit… —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @HowieHawkins20: It's always so much easier to blame the Russians and malign the Green Party than in recalling her own failures and long… —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @jimmy_dore: Jill Stein Smashes Hillary & Defends Julian Assange! w/@DrJillStein —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @StatusCoup: .@DrJillStein Responds to @HillaryClinton's Russian Asset Smear: "A Sick Era of McCarthyism." FULL INTERVIEW:… —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
NBC published a story about Russian bots supporting Tulsi Gabbard based on claims by Dem-linked firm #NewKnowledge - AFTER NewKnowledge was exposed creating a fake Russian social media botnet to meddle in a US election. Yet THIS "Russian meddling" scandal was barely reported 🤔 —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
The firm behind claims that Russian bots support me & Tulsi Gabbard was caught staging a false-flag operation using fake Russian bots they created to meddle in a US election. That firm, #NewKnowledge, then wrote a Senate report on Russian meddling! —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
HRC's "Russian asset" conspiracy theory shows the establishment is losing its grip. They're using McCarthyism to attack the left & avoid the real reasons they lost 2016: a rigged primary & a party sold out to Wall Street & war profiteers. —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @DrJillStein: HRC calling me a "Russian asset" - or Tulsi Gabbard, or anyone who dissents from DNC dogma - is an unhinged conspiracy the… —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
RT @DrJillStein: What's w/ people saying "Tulsi Gabbard is the next Jill Stein" - do they not get that @GreenPartyUS is an independent part… —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Green New Deal, Medicare for All, & free public higher ed are in the news daily. Does the media ever mention these came from @GreenPartyUS? No, instead they shriek about Greens & RUSSIA! Corporate media is an establishment asset paid to keep you from joining the real resistance. —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
At RT's Moscow conference I criticized Russia for excessive military spending to the detriment of human needs, & spoke against Russia bombing Syria. The false idea I was somehow "supporting Putin" shows how US media spreads propaganda for the ruling elite. —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Remember that secret conference in Moscow I spoke at where Putin came to dinner? We tried so hard to keep it secret that when it happened we tweeted & sent press releases - to the same media who later acted like they had no idea what I was doing in Russia. —
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Spoke in Moscow abt how US & Russia waste huge amts of money on military spending that doesn't make us safer.
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
Another aim of Russia hysteria: demonizing Julian Assange so that liberals accept the political imprisonment of the world's most important publisher. Now they're slowly torturing him to death for the crime of exposing US political elites' corruption to the world. #FreeAssange —
Tristan Kirk @kirkkorner
Today in court, Julian Assange struggled to say his own name and date of birth as he appeared in the dock. He claim…
Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein
HRC attacking independent campaigns as "Russian assets" is a warning to voters: don't you DARE #DemExit when the DNC sabotages progressive candidates again. Any challenge to the corrupt 2-party cartel that most Americans despise is an evil foreign plot! —