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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Bolivia's unelected coup government, first few days: -bars opposition leaders from elections -launches military crackdown on protests leaving at least 12 dead, 500+ wounded -threatens to prosecute media who cover protests They're not restoring democracy - they're destroying it. —

Current Affairs @curaffairs

lol wondered how long it would take the "pro-democracy interim president" who "just wants fair elections" to say th…

Posted Nov. 15, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Join me at 8pm on WBZ1030 to weigh in on HRC’s "Russian asset" attack, the 2020 election, war, austerity, repression, climate chaos & hunger for deep change from political parties sold to highest bidder. Call in at 617-254-1030 and join the conversation! —

Posted Nov. 14, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Military pressure & death threats kept Morales' party MAS, the elected majority in #Bolivia, out of congress until last night. Now MAS is working to restore constitutional order. Will the international community support democracy... or the self-declared, military-anointed leader? —

tim anderson @timand2037

Resistance in #Bolivia - MAS MPs gain majority and quorum control of the #Bolivian parliament and elect new preside…

Posted Nov. 14, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Organization of American States paved way for #Bolivia coup with baseless claims of election fraud parroted by media. Yet OAS does nothing about brazen fraud in right-wing dictatorships like Honduras. How long will Latin America let OAS sabotage democracy? —

Posted Nov. 14, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

As a MA resident I've seen how Deval Patrick works. Here's what you should know: Deval Patrick worked for Bain Capital, Texaco & Ameriquest. Deval Patrick worked to help some of the worst corporations screw some of the most vulnerable people. —

Posted Nov. 14, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

The self-declared president of Bolivia, who has said "the city is not for Indians", appointed a new cabinet without a single member of the country's indigenous majority. This coup is clearly aimed at restoring Bolivia’s old racist, classist oligarchy. Do US liberals support this? —

Posted Nov. 14, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Just learned the state of PA has been secretly testing new voting machines out-of-state - an end run around public scrutiny & our legal agreement to "work collaboratively" including "observing the certification process". Why would they hide new machines from outside scrutiny? 🤔 —

Posted Nov. 14, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @BLongStPaul: What we need to have fair elections: ✔️ranked choice voting in all the general elections ✔️federal holidays for voting ✔️m… —

Posted Nov. 14, 2019 Retweet Deleted after 2 years
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

US media are already trying to whitewash racist Jeanine Añez' self-declaration as president of #Bolivia as a coup for women's rights. They won't show you the true face of the Bolivian right - like the mob that kidnapped & publicly tortured a female mayor for supporting Morales. —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Self-declared president of #Bolivia Jeanine Añez believes "the city is not for the Indians" whose spiritual traditions she calls "satanic". This coup is deeply driven by racism & resentment against Latin America's first indigenous president & the marginalized people he empowered. —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

The pictures say it all: an unknown right-wing politician declares herself president of #Bolivia in a parliament nearly empty of elected officials - then takes the seat of power surrounded by unelected military generals and police captains. If this isn’t a coup, what is? —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

BREAKING: Majority party in #Bolivia's congress now trying to return to vote on Morales' resignation. Most have been absent due to threats, denying quorum to self-declared president. Int'l community must watch & demand respect for Bolivians' right to peaceful democratic process! —

teleSUR English @telesurenglish

#Bolivia | Senate President Adriana Salvatierra was assaulted and her entrance to the senate was blocked by police…

Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @QasimRashid: US Foreign Policy: •Funds violent overthrow of 16 Latin American Govts—devastating lives of millions. US Domestic Policy:… —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019 Retweet Deleted
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @BenjaminNorton: This is a huge march to support Bolivia's democratically elected President Evo Morales, against the coup Note how the… —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @ggreenwald: Bolivian Police cutting the indigenous flag - which had been Bolivia's 2nd official flag - off their uniforms. This coup i… —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @GrayzoneProject: Bolivia coup leader Luis Fernando Camacho is a rich oligarch and far-right cadre who emerged from Nazi-saluting fascis… —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @GrayzoneProject: Bolivia's democratically elected president was just overthrown in a violent right-wing coup. @AnyaParampil debunks th… —

Posted Nov. 13, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Media that adoringly covered anti-Morales protests, based on fact-free claims of fraud, are silent as Bolivians protesting to get their democracy back are met with deadly police repression. This is a coup for the elite to retake power & profits - it was never about democracy. —

Camila @camilateleSUR

El Alto, Bolivia: Funeral held for those killed in yesterday’s confrontations between residents and pro-coup police…

Posted Nov. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Here's the part of Bolivia's transition to democracy where gangs of masked police go door-to-door rounding up the political opposition & their families. It may look like the brutal terror unleashed by every US-backed coup in Latin America, but don't worry: it's NY Times approved! —

redfish @redfishstream

Bolivian security forces and racist right-wing mobs are going door-to-door, rounding up and beating Indigenous peop…

Posted Nov. 12, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

In #Bolivia's capital La Paz the military and police have deployed tanks, helicopters & jets to suppress protests against the coup. Don't expect any mention of this military crackdown from the media outlets & politicians who called the #BoliviaCoup a "restoration of democracy". —

Marco Teruggi @Marco_Teruggi

Tanquetas, helicópteros, y aviones militares, camionetas llenas de policías, eso es lo que sucede a esta hora en la…

Posted Nov. 12, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Those who call themselves progressive must speak out NOW. The bloody history of US crushing democracy in Latin America has gone on far too long to feign ignorance! Stand up & condemn the coup in #Bolivia NOW - or be complicit. —

Rania Khalek @RaniaKhalek

If the US backed right continues to succeed with its takeover, the future of Bolivia will be looting of resources,…

Posted Nov. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Honduras' ex-president, victim of '09 US-backed coup: "They raided my house, kidnapped me in a military plane & called it a constitutional succession. Evo agreed to new elections & the military demanded he resign. They're violating the constitution in full sight & this is a COUP" —

Manuel Zelaya R. @manuelzr

Asaltaron mi casa en la madrugada, me secuestraron a Costa Rica en avión militar y dijeron que era sucesión constit…

Posted Nov. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

US-backed regime change coups are nothing new. What’s new since '80s: the so-called opposition party is effectively silent & complicit in shameless imperialism. It’s past time for a real opposition party with the guts to stand up for peace, democracy & human rights for all! —

Posted Nov. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Which US-backed coup will be the model for Bolivia? -Chile: Pinochet's reign of terror -Guatemala: Ríos Montt's genocide of indigenous -Honduras: Hernandez' violent narco-state -Haiti: Brutal misery long after Aristide's ouster Denounce this Trump-backed right-wing takeover now! —

Camila @camilateleSUR

Within hours, the bloodthirsty fascist right + accomplices sent government leaders and bureaucrats into exile and a…

Posted Nov. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Backers of #Bolivia coup are claiming Evo Morales broke the law or committed electoral fraud. These claims are false. This is classic US State propaganda deployed against popularly elected leftist leaders in Latin America as cover for anti-democracy coups. Help spread the facts: —

Kevin Cashman @kevinmcashman

THREAD: If you haven't been following the situation in Bolivia here's a rundown. Briefly, the OAS, an emboldened op…

Posted Nov. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

BREAKING: #Bolivia President Evo Morales resigns under military pressure. Right-wing opposition launched violent protests after #Morales' recent re-election, demanding a new vote. Morales agreed to new elections- then army forced him to resign. Another RW coup in Latin America 🚨 —

Posted Nov. 10, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @GreenPartyUS: CONGRATS to Green candidate Kat Bruner-James for her election to Ferndale Town Council! Kat a is a civil rights attorney… —

Posted Nov. 9, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

A travesty of justice that Lula was imprisoned in the 1st place. Kudos to @GlennGreenwald & all who went to the mat for his release. Now let’s fight for political prisoners Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning, whose brutal imprisonment makes a mockery of our justice system! —

Democracy Now! @democracynow

Ex-Brazilian President @LulaOficial was released from prison Friday after a supreme court ruling on defendants' rig…

Posted Nov. 8, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

More voting machine madness in PA this week. Screwups by ES&S #ExpressVoteXL show it's insecure, unreliable & violates our agreement with PA for verifiable, auditable paper ballots - the foundation of elections we can trust. Decertify or meet us in court! —

Posted Nov. 8, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

In Canada's election, progressives got screwed by a broken voting system. Together NDP & Greens got 68% as many votes as Liberals, but only 17% as many seats. Canada & US both need #ProportionalRepresentation so we can vote for what we want - and get it! —

Posted Nov. 7, 2019