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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

RT @tparsi: Five key developments following Soleimani assassination: 1. Iraqi PM says Soleimani was in Iraq for mediation 2. Iran has becomā€¦ —

Posted Jan. 6, 2020 Retweet
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

BREAKING #2 US-led coalition suspends ISIS mission to deal w Soleimani assassination blowback. After killing most effective anti-ISIS force (along w/ Kurds) new Iran conflict lays groundwork for ISIS revival. Almost like Trump wants to keep ISIS going. —

Posted Jan. 5, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

BREAKING #1 - #Iraq Parliament votes to expel US troops - after nearly 2 decades of illegal war and occupation that drowned the Middle East in misery & violence and laid the groundwork for the rise of ISIS. —

Posted Jan. 5, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Now THIS is grounds for #impeachment - treachery unleashing the unthinkable for Americans & people the world over: Trump asked Iraqi prime minister to mediate with #Iran then assassinated Soleimani - on a mediation mission. —

jane arraf @janearraf

This is stunning - #Iraq prime minister tells parliament US troops should leave. Says @realDonaldTrump called him tā€¦

Posted Jan. 5, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

RT @nytimes: Thousands of people gathered for more than 80 antiwar protests across the U.S. ā€” in cities including Washington, New York, Phiā€¦ —

Posted Jan. 5, 2020 Retweet
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Wisdom rarely seen on MSM: Trump's ignorant, arrogant act of assassinating Soleimani may force total US withdrawal from the Middle East. —

CBS This Morning @CBSThisMorning

Here to discuss the consequences of the death of Soleimani: The director of the Atlantic Councilā€™s, ā€œFuture of Iranā€¦

Posted Jan. 5, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

As Pompeo assures us the assassination of Soleimani saved US lives from imminent attack & the worldā€™s now a safer place - remember Iraqi WMDs, Gulf of Tonkin & Pompeoā€™s famous words that shine so much light on pronouncements by the US security state: —

Posted Jan. 4, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Take to the streets tomorrow, Saturday January 4, to demand that the US stop warmongering against Iran and that the US military get out of the Middle East now. No more blood for oil! #NoWarInIran #NoWarWithIran —

Posted Jan. 4, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

After Trump's reckless provocation against Iran, aided and abetted by both parties in Congress who just passed a $738B military budget with no restrictions on the use of force, we need an antiwar Green voice in DC more than ever. Support peace champion @LisaForMaine! #NoWarInIran —

Lisa Savage for US SenatešŸŒ» @LisaForMaine

I strongly condemn Trump's provocation against Iran. We need a Senator willing to stand up to the president & the Pā€¦ā€¦

Posted Jan. 3, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

This predictable disaster is fully bipartisan - enabled by obscene military budget, D-leaders stripping amendment blocking attack on Iran w/out Congress' OK, Obama's assassination machine, D support on Iran sanctions, etc. It's time for ranked choice voting & a real peace party! —

Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi

The Trump Admin has conducted strikes in Iraq targeting high-level Iranian military officials and killing Iranian Qā€¦

Posted Jan. 3, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Q: Whatā€™s your priority - averting WWIII w Iran or stopping climate fires in Aus today/everywhere tomorrow? A: No choice needed! Fix both w real Green New Deal. Turn obscene bipartisan military budget into wartime-scale mobilization for 100% clean renewable elect+transit by 2030. —

Posted Jan. 3, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

RT @codepink: Donā€™t rally around Trumpā€™s bloody flag. Rally with our protests against Trumpā€™s illegal immoral war,ā€¦ —

Posted Jan. 3, 2020 Retweet
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Trump just poured gasoline on the fires of US empire, with killing of Iranā€™s Rev Guard Cdr. This follows air strikes killing 25, outraging Iraqis, inciting standoff at embassy. Bigger-than-ever bipartisan military budget is fanning the flames of the unthinkable. US out of Iraq! —

Posted Jan. 3, 2020
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

The persecution of Julian Assange isn't just an outrage- it's a chilling attack on our 1st Amendment right to publish truthful information. We need people in Congress like Lisa Savage who aren't afraid to stand up for press freedom & our right to know what our government's doing! —

Lisa Savage for US SenatešŸŒ» @LisaForMaine

Julian Assange is a political prisoner, persecuted for the crime of revealing the corruption & war crimes of powerfā€¦ā€¦

Posted Dec. 19, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

RT @BLongStPaul: Ahem. Youā€™ve never cared that the mediaā€™s flawed formula ensures no actual competition from third parties while it pusheā€¦ —

Posted Dec. 15, 2019 Retweet Deleted after 2 years
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Key point in #UKElection getting lost in the fray: Conservatives got less than 44% of votes, yet took 56% of seats. Tyranny of the minority, due to first-past-the-post voting system. Without #RankedChoiceVoting & #ProportionalRepresentation, there's no real democracy. —

Make Votes Matter @MakeVotesMatter

There's going to be loads of analysis of #GE2019 coming out in the next few days. Here's the most important thing tā€¦

Posted Dec. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Biden wants people to "stay Republican" & thinks "we need" the GOP. Wow. Just wow. How much more evidence do Americans need that the Democratic Party is not real opposition to the Republicans? They're partners in crime. —

wideofthepost @wideofthepost

Joe Bidenā€™s ā€œreally worriedā€ that Dems might win too many seats, and tells voters to ā€œstay a Republicanā€ because heā€¦

Posted Dec. 13, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

If you're sick & tired of both war parties voting to waste trillions on weapons while they tell us there's no money for healthcare, education, housing & a #GreenNewDeal, support Lisa Savage for US Senate - a Green in a #RankedChoiceVoting race who will bring the war dollars home! —

Lisa Savage for US SenatešŸŒ» @LisaForMaine

Both Democrats & Republicans voted overwhelmingly for a $738B military spending bill - while at the same time they'ā€¦ā€¦

Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

At the same time Democrats were saying Trump is a mortal danger who must be impeached, they quietly: -renewed PATRIOT Act to hand Trump unrestrained spying power -backed Trump's new NAFTA trade deal -gave Trump $738B military budget They're not resisters- they're collaborators. —

Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

The Democrats say Trump is a threat to the world - then vote overwhelmingly to give him a $738B military budget, complete with "space force". More money to kill around the globe, less to save lives at home. It'd be hard to better sum up the stupidity & evil of the 2-party system. —

Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Does anyone care about Trump making blatantly anti-semitic statements? While he pushes the smear campaign that progressives (including Jews) who support Palestinian human rights are anti-semitic, the reality is that anti-semitism on the right is common, tolerated, & dangerous. —

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action @jewishaction

Here's Trump pushing blatant antisemitism last night. He says Jews are "not nice people at all." Then he claims Jā€¦

Posted Dec. 12, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Lisa Savage's campaign in Maine US Senate race is showcasing #RankedChoiceVoting as the real solution to the ā€œspoilerā€ hysteria used to shut down Green & progressive opposition to the parties of war & Wall Street. Help @LisaForMaine break the 2-party trap! —

Posted Dec. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Americans: watch the UK election to see what happens when a real progressive gets close to power. The military-intelligence complex is fighting Corbyn. So is the rich man's media. Every arm of oligarchy is straining to stop a person of integrity & vision from taking leadership. —

The Grayzone @TheGrayzoneNews

Days before Britainā€™s historic election, the UKā€™s military-intelligence apparatus is turning to the media and US goā€¦

Posted Dec. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

RT @LisaForMaine: The US detained 70,000 immigrant children in the past year. These children face neglect, abuse & lasting trauma. This isā€¦ —

Posted Dec. 11, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Everyone knows the DNC cranked up Russia hysteria to distract from the fact that team HRC sabotaged Sanders, teed up Trump, & still lost. BTW I paid my own way to Russia to call for a ceasefire in Syria, while Bill Clinton went there to pick up $500K from a Kremlin-linked bank. —

Neera Tanden @neeratanden

Did you pick up all this gaslighting from your dinner with Putin in Moscow? Hillary won the nomination by 4 millionā€¦

Posted Dec. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Check the record, Neera. HRC called for deporting refugee children back to the violence they fled: How about ending regime change wars & military coups - like HRC brought us in Iraq, Honduras, & Libya - that turn children into refugees in the 1st place? —

Neera Tanden @neeratanden

Hillary would never have separated children at the border from their parents. Instead of doing a damn thing about tā€¦

Posted Dec. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Neera. Everyone knows the DNC & Clinton camp worked together to sabotage Sanders. Not to mention your "Pied Piper" strategy to use your media network to promote Trump. Now you're boosting a smear campaign to defeat Corbyn. Save us your "I support progressives everywhere" BS. —

Neera Tanden @neeratanden

Iā€™m for a progressive government in the UK & everywhere. But the person who helped stop that in the US -by tellingā€¦ā€¦

Posted Dec. 11, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

They lied to us about Vietnam. They lied to us about Iraq. They lied to us about Syria. They lied to us about Honduras. They lied to us about Ukraine. They lied to us about Bolivia. 18 years of lies about Afghanistan? Just business as usual. —

Posted Dec. 10, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Neera Tanden - Clintonā€™s diehard enforcer of ā€œvote blue no matter whoā€- joins the bogus right-wing smear campaign to stop the UK from electing a progressive government. Just in case you're curious how Clintonites will react if Bernie got past the DNC. —

Neera Tanden @neeratanden

That this letter has been written by so many I admire, including John Le Carre, Oz Koterji and Tom Holland, is a trā€¦

Posted Dec. 10, 2019
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Dr. Jill SteinšŸŒ» @DrJillStein

Lisa Savage is a teacher, organizer, & grandmother fighting to take Maineā€™s Senate seat back from the big banks, war profiteers & fossil fuel giants running the show in Washington. Please pitch in to help @LisaForMaine jump-start an unstoppable campaign! —

Posted Dec. 10, 2019