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Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Thanks to the @cdachamber for hosting a superb gathering yesterday. I gave a DC update, fielded questions, and honored @EmpireAirInc. Always good to be in North Idaho. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
We owe a debt of gratitude to Sue Gordon for her decades of public service in the intelligence community. Her dedication to preparing the community for the future as well as her candor and insights will be missed. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Had a great time touring Perimeter Solutions in Post Falls this morning and enjoyed talking with the entire @PerimeterSltns team. Keep up the good work! —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Idaho received an 'A' from @thumbtack's 2019 Small Business Friendliness Survey. See the full set of results at #Idaho #SmallBizFriendly —
Thumbtack @thumbtack
Over 5,000 small business owners in all 50 states took our Small Business Friendliness Survey this year. Here’s wha…
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @DeptofDefense: On this #PurpleHeartDay, we honor the brave service members who have sacrificed for this nation. #HonorThem… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
The US & our NATO allies are unified in the conviction that Russia bears sole responsibility for the end of the #INFTreaty. Today marks the end of 1 treaty, but it does not mark the end of arms control or nonproliferation efforts. —
Jens Stoltenberg @jensstoltenberg
Today, the #INFTreaty ceases to exist. Russia bears sole responsibility for the Treaty’s demise. #NATO will respond…
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
This class of interns went above and beyond their duties as interns to serve Idaho and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this summer. I’m grateful for their outstanding work and I have full faith they will accomplish anything they set their minds to. Thank you and good luck. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateGOP: Since 2017, Senate Republicans have confirmed 144 of @realdonaldtrump’s well-qualified judicial nominees: ✓ 2 Supreme Cou… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
A one-size-fits-all approach to land management does not work, and I am pleased the Forest Service is rolling back this federal overreach and taking into account the needs of the species, wildlife managers, and local communities. —
Western Caucus @westerncaucus
BREAKING → @SecretarySonny just announced the @ForestService will amend the overly restrictive Obama-era sage-grous…
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Congratulations to @EmpireAirInc of Hayden for being named Idaho #SmallBiz of the Month. The entire Empire family shows how one big idea and a dedication to hard work can lead to small business success. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Congratulations to Amb. Kelly Craft who was just confirmed to be our next US Ambassador to the UN! She will represent the US well in New York at @USUN. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Last week, @RepRussFulcher and I introduced a bill to streamline the discovery and permitting process for geothermal energy projects. This clean, low-cost resource is rich in Idaho and across the West, and our bill will cut red tape to unleash geothermal's enormous potential. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Director Dan Coats has been a great leader of our intelligence community from his time in the Senate to now, and I thank him for his many decades of steadfast service to our country. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Today is National Day of the American Cowboy. Cowboys represent the best of the American West with their hard work, courage, integrity, and grit. Here’s to all the cowboys and cowgirls across #Idaho. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Congratulations to my good friend @SenatorCardin, he is a great leader and advocate on these very important issues. —
Helsinki Commission @HelsinkiComm
Ranking @HelsinkiComm member @SenatorCardin re-appointed as @oscepa Special Representative on Anti-Semitism, Racism…
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Very concerned about reports of indiscriminate airstrikes by the Assad regime and its Russian backers, which have killed scores of civilians in northwest Syria. This escalation is unacceptable and a clear violation of Russia’s ceasefire agreement and international norms. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Proud to support Amb. Kelly Craft’s nomination to be US Ambassador to the UN—she was reported out of @senateforeign 15-7. Looking forward to a quick confirmation vote for her on the Senate floor next week. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Thanks to @GovernorLittle for stopping by my office yesterday. We had a great discussion about Idaho initiatives we're working on at the state and federal levels, and from one (former) governor to another, I can confirm he's doing an excellent job. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
It’s #NationalLabDay on Capitol Hill. Appreciated catching up with @INL Director Mark Peters and talking about the extraordinary work the INL is doing as the nation’s lead laboratory for nuclear and cyber security research. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Mark Esper has a history of solid and steady leadership, and is highly regarded by Republicans and Democrats alike. @EsperDoD is more than qualified for the post of Secretary of Defense, and I congratulate him on his well-deserved confirmation. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I’ve been proud to be a part of the effort to bring a women’s business center back to Idaho. The new Idaho Women’s Business Center will provide female entrepreneurs across the state with the resources they need to make their businesses thrive. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Thanks to @EnergyGOP's Subcommittee on Water & Power for holding a hearing yesterday on my aquifer recharge bill to benefit Idaho’s water users & restore western aquifers to healthy levels. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Read my op-ed in @IBRnews about how the new Idaho Women’s Business Center will support women entrepreneurs in every corner of the Gem State. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
PASSED IN THE HOUSE: My bill with @SenAngusKing to put our national labs, including @INL, at the helm of efforts to secure our energy infrastructure from cyberattacks. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Yesterday I was honored by the U.S. Nuclear Industry Council with their Distinguished Leadership Award. I’m proud to advocate for nuclear power initiatives that strengthen @INL & the nation. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Vicki and I are wishing @SenatorIsakson a swift and full recovery. Anyone who knows Johnny will tell you he’s a fighter, and I look forward to having him back in fighting condition at @SenateForeign very soon! —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
.@CBSThisMorning ran a wonderful piece this AM on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s hearing coordinator, Bertie Bowman. Bertie is an institution in & of himself & the SFRC is made better by his decades of steady leadership. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Hunting & shooting sports are woven into the fabric of Idaho’s history. Today I introduced bipartisan legislation to update the Pittman-Robertson Fund to ensure future generations can carry on this treasured pastime while conserving wildlife. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
There needs to be a change in Saudi conduct going forward. My bipartisan bill will address the tensions between our nations & aims to change their conduct. This would have a very real impact at a time when there are many ideas, but few plans. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Had a great conversation with Richard Gere about freedom of religion, Tibet, and foreign policy challenges in the world. Impressed with his commitment to the issue and his aspiration for the world to understand what’s happening in this region. —