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Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Happy National #ForestProductsWeek and Timber Innovation Day! As the only forester in the Senate, I'm proud of #Idaho's innovation and leadership in the timber industry and its work to protect the health and vibrancy of our forests and rural communities. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Women entrepreneurs in rural Idaho face unique challenges. Read my op-ed in @IBRnews about how we're working to change that. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I will continue working with @SenatorMenendez and my colleagues in the Senate on our legislation as a means of supporting the president’s deal and securing a number of other important provisions related to our national security. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I commend @POTUS, @VP & @SecPompeo on their work to secure a ceasefire in #Syria. The events of today are evidence that this is a very fluid situation, and the next few days will be critical as it remains to be seen whether #Turkey will abide by the terms of this agreement. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateForeign: The Syrian Kurds have been critical partners to the US & our allies as we have worked to counter ISIS & others in Syria,… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateForeign: I'm introducing a bill with @SenatorMenendez today meant to confront the instability being sown in the Middle East by Pr… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Congratulations to @HansonGarageInc of Orofino on being named the Idaho #SmallBiz of the Month for October. You make our great state proud and I look forward to watching your continued growth and success. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateForeign: It is long past time that #Iran behave as a responsible member of the international community. I believe the U.S. must c… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
.@INL is making Idaho the epicenter of cutting-edge cybersecurity research. I look forward to following the Lab as it trains the next generation of talent while continuing to lead the world in cyber research. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Congratulations @INL! —
Idaho National Lab @INL
Today we welcomed more than 200 guests, including our Idaho legislators, to a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Cyber…
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @DeptofDefense: Faith, courage, service, honor ⚓. Establishing naval superiority since 1775, the @USNavy can reach out and face the enem… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
ICYMI: Enjoyed showing @BetsyZRussell what a typical week in the Senate looks like between meeting with Idahoans and chairing the @SenateForeign Committee. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Congratulations @TrailheadBoise on winning a @SBAgov Growth Accelerator Fund award to bring more economic success to Idaho. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateForeign: I am glad the administration has taken action against the Chinese govt’s brutal repression in #Xinjiang. We stand in sol… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
On his trip to the Center of the Universe (a.k.a. Wallace, Idaho), @HarrySmith said it best: “No one and no thing has ever been able to stop Wallace.” —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateGOP: 📉 𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆𝙄𝙉𝙂 Last month, the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%—the lowest in 50 years. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Today in North Idaho, I had the distinct honor to restore service medals to a Korean War veteran, Charles Riffel. Charles, thank you for answering the call to defend our country and our freedom! —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @Interior: An incredible destination for outdoor recreation, more than 300,000 anglers, campers, hikers, boaters & birders visit the Sou… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @INL: JUST ANNOUNCED: @INL has announced the selection of @theNIAorg executive director Dr. Ashley Finan to serve as director, and Nicho… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateForeign: As many of us feared, Assad continues to violate international law by using chemical weapons against his own people. Con… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I'm glad to join @SenCoryGardner in cosponsoring the Ski Area Fee Retention Act, which will allow some of the revenue generated by ski resorts in national forests to be put to use supporting skiers. This will allow forests in Idaho to better support ski permit administration. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I am proud @SenateForeign today passed the #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct. After more than 2 decades of broken promises it's time we hold the CCP accountable for erosion of Hong Kong autonomy. We are all proud to stand with Hong Kongers in pursuit of fundamental freedoms. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I have discussed @MicronTech’s story with @RealDonaldTrump many, many times & today he shared it with the world. I thank POTUS for all he does to hold China accountable & to seek its adherence to the rule of law. Micron is a true Idaho gem & we will continue to fight for them! —
The White House @WhiteHouse
LIVE: President Trump Addresses 74th Session of UNGA
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
Idaho’s relationship with Singapore is just one example of the many ways that our state contributes to strong international partnerships and security – a role Idaho takes seriously. I commend President Trump for making this partnership a priority. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
I was proud to stand with Singapore PM @leehsienloong & @realDonaldTrump today as they took an important step to ensure our partnership continues to grow. Idaho is proud to host a Singaporean F-15 training squadron at Mountain Home Air Force Base. —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @USGLC: .@SenatorRisch at @ConcordiaSummit: “American leadership not only secures our national interest, but has the added benefit of li… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
This week I was honored to present the @NEAarts Heritage Fellowship Award to Dan Ansotegui of Boise. Dan is a master of Basque music, dance, and cooking. He makes Idaho proud by sharing and preserving traditional Basque arts heritage. Congratulations Dan! —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
RT @SenateForeign: I was inspired by my meeting yesterday with @joshuawongcf and others pushing for #HongKong’s autonomy and democracy. The… —
Jim Risch @SenatorRisch
America’s energy production has changed in ways unimaginable when #PURPA was written 40 years ago. @FERC agrees it’s time to modernize. —