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Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Congratulations to President Biden and Vice President Harris. Thank you to President Trump and Vice President Pence for their service. I attended today’s inauguration with my guest, Richmond Mayor Robert Blythe and also caught up with Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
I spoke to and thanked Kentucky National Guard servicemembers, who answered the call of duty to protect our Nation’s Capitol. The KY National Guard always steps up to meet the moment, whether it be COVID-19 response, natural disaster relief or protecting the home of our Republic —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is conducting ethnic cleansing of Uyghur minorities. Watch this video to see for yourself. Listen to this CCP official try to explain away religious persecution. I commend @SecPompeo for calling this out. —
Secretary Pompeo @SecPompeo
I have determined that the People’s Republic of China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjian…
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Let’s honor Dr. King’s legacy by striving for a more perfect union for all. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Today, I attended an event celebrating the life Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in Jessamine County, home of the historic Camp Nelson National Monument. Great to spend time with Reverend Gates, pastor of the Historic First Baptist Church of Camp Nelson. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
These grants fund equipment, vehicles and upgrades to facilities at departments nationwide. AFG grant applications close on February 12. You can reach out to my office (859) 219-1366 if your department needs help or has any questions. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
🚨Attention Fire Deparments🚨 The Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) opened for applicants. Career and volunteer fire departments and emergency services corps can apply through FEMA. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
U.S. Capitol Police officers protect and defend the home of our Republic every day. Thank you to all of the law enforcement who serve with honor and courage in our nation’s Capitol and around the country. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
This selective censorship is totally hypocritical, un-American and outrageous. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
On @CNNnewsroom, I called out @Jack for his hypocrisy. Twitter hosts a hashtag that says kill Trump, allows the Ayatollah of Iran to tweet freely, but decided to permanently ban a sitting U.S. President from its platform for “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
One year ago today @WHO promoted this lie created by the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, the virus supposedly “not transmissible” from human-to-human has killed 300,000+ Americans and upended day-to-day lives worldwide. America must confront the CCP threat. —
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO
Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human tran…
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Access to capital should never be dependent on your politics. We must do more to protect businesses and individuals from political retribution in finance and elsewhere. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
@BrianBrooksOCC issued a new rule requiring big banks to provide fair access to bank services, capital and credit. With the far-left weaponizing access to capital to target industries they despise, like fossil-fuels in KY—this rule is critical. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
@BrianBrooksOCC issued a new rule requiring big banks to provide fair access to bank services, capital & credit. With the far-left weaponizing access to capital to target industries they despise, like fossil-fuels in KY—this is rule is critical. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
My statement on voting against the impeachment of President Trump today in the House ⬇️ —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
@Harvard has become monolithic in their thinking—the exact opposite of why we send our kids to universities, to learn how to think, not what to think. I feel like I am living in an Orwellian 1984...Without the good music. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
@Kennedy_School faculty panders to the woke mob. Instead, they should follow @EliseStefanik and offer their students a real lesson about profiles in courage that #JFK would be proud of. #CancelCancelCulture —
Elise Stefanik @EliseStefanik
🚨🚨My statement on @Harvard @harvardiop @Kennedy_School bowing to the woke Far-Left 🚨🚨
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
How about @Jack gives us #OpenInternet in the United States first? —
Twitter Public Policy @Policy
Ahead of the Ugandan election, we're hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block soc…
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @FinancialCmte: #REPORT: Ranking Republican @PatrickMcHenry and Subcommittee RM @RepAndyBarr released a Republican staff report detailin… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.” —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
We would do well to remember the wisdom of John Stuart Mill, who in his famous treatise, On Liberty, wrote: “The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
First Amendment protections may not apply to private companies, especially in the absence of state action, but the values of freedom of speech and expression are implicated nonetheless. Americans deserve an uncensored and open debate on these public forums. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
I am calling on the DOJ to initiate investigations of possible antitrust violations by these tech giants. When speech is suppressed, people resort to extreme measures to make themselves heard. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
(Thread) Amazon, Google and Apple’s decisions to block the download or use of Parler by their consumers is dangerous. This blatant monopolistic behavior is designed to shut down debate and silence conservatives. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Earlier this week, we were reminded of the threat that our nation’s law enforcement officers face every day when @CapitolPolice officer Brian Sicknick lost his life. I am thankful for the bravery of our law enforcement across the nation to keep our communities safe. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @DanCrenshawTX: This will not end well and will only make things worse. Big tech must stop. For the few liberals left in the Democrat… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
I am outraged that an American social media company permanently banned a U.S. President and other conservatives from its platform while the Ayatollah of Iran, the Leader of the Nation of Islam and many officials from the Chinese Communist Party operate freely on their platform ⬇️ —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepLeeZeldin: Khamenei, Rouhani & Zarif's Twitter accts are still active. Their regime pledges Death to America, calling us the Great S… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
“If conservatives in Anderson County, whether they are Republican or Democrat, are disappointed in me because I didn’t reject the electors, I want them to know what’s worth fighting for in the long run is the Constitution and our Electoral College.” —