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Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Make no mistake, CBO says the REAL cost of the Dems’ BBB bill will add nearly $5 trillion addition to the deficit. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
*Update* Multiple KY counties have been approved for a Major Disaster Declaration, qualifying residents to apply for individual disaster assistance through FEMA. The link to apply for individual assistance can be found below ⬇️ —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
With this designation, FEMA and other federal agencies are authorized to coordinate disaster relief efforts in the Commonwealth. Help is on the way. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
*Update* President Biden approved Kentucky’s federal disaster designation request. Earlier today, the Kentucky Congressional Delegation sent a letter supporting this request. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
My prayers continue to be with all Kentuckians impacted by this horrific tragedy. I will keep working with my colleagues to deliver timely resources to help those in need and begin our recovery. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Today, the Kentucky Congressional Delegation sent a letter to President Biden supporting Kentucky’s federal disaster designation request. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @McConnellPress: The Kentucky Congressional Delegation Contacts @POTUS to Support @GovAndyBeshear's Request for Disaster Declaration: ht… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @JacquiHeinrich: Full Kentucky federal congressional delegation writes to POTUS, expressing support for Governor Andy Beshear's request… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Please join me in praying for all of the communities across the Commonwealth that experienced the deadly tornadoes last night and early this morning. Thank you to the first responders working to assist in the rescue and recovery efforts. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
During the pandemic, the hospitality industry took a hit. I led the HOPE Act to provide flexibility on mortgages to hotels and other commercial borrowers when business was slow. I will continue to support these businesses, their employees and the customers they serve. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Great to participate in the groundbreaking of the Manchester Hotel. This six-story, 125 room hotel, restaurant and event space will be a boost for downtown Lexington. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Taiwan is a great defender of freedom. This decision is bad for Nicaragua. More countries need to stand on the side of Democracy instead of Communism. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
I’ll keep fighting for fiscal policies to bring inflation under control and hold the Fed accountable for not meeting its price stability mandate. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Biden’s tax, borrow & spend policies are an unmitigated disaster. And the Fed’s failure to expedite normalization of its overly accommodative monetary policy has made Biden’s inflation crisis even worse. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Warning ⛔️ 🥃 You may want to pour a glass of bourbon be4 reading this post 🥃 Inflation spikes to 6.8%, the fastest pace since Nov, 1982, when the great Joe Hall was still coaching UK Basketball and Olivia Newtown-John topped the music charts. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @JuliaBenbrook: The CAROL Act passes the House with unanimous support. This legislation supports research into heart valve disease. It's… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepMarkGreen: Proud this crucial legislation passed the House unanimously. @RepAndyBarr’s CAROL Act will save lives. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepJuliaLetlow: .@RepAndyBarr has been an incredible friend and mentor since I arrived in the House eight months ago. I’m so proud to s… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepDavidValadao: I’m proud to have cosponsored and voted for @RepAndyBarr’s Cardiovascular Advances in Research and Opportunities Legac… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepStefanik: So proud of my colleague @RepAndyBarr for this difficult - but incredibly moving - speech on the House Floor regarding the… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepMMM: I was proud to cosponsor and support @RepAndyBarr's CAROL Act to help us better understand valvular heart disease. Thank you,… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
My full speech on the House floor on the passage of the CAROL Act. Thank you to @RepGuthrie, @RepHuizenga, @GOPLeader, @RepKathleenRice, @RepJimmyPanetta, @SteveScalise, @FrankPallone and all my other colleagues who supported this legislation. Together, we are saving lives. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @michaelcburgess: I was honored to support my friend @RepAndyBarr in furthering his beloved wife, Carol's legacy through #TheCAROLAct. T… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
This bill delivers critical resources to close the gaps in understanding about valvular heart disease and save lives. I am grateful to the American Heart Association, WomenHeart, the American College of Cardiology and so many of my colleagues who supported this bill. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
Today, the CAROL Act passed the House of Representatives. With today’s vote, we are one step closer to pushing the CAROL Act across the finish line and enshrining Carol Barr’s legacy. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepHaleyStevens: I was so incredibly moved by your floor speech today, @RepAndyBarr. I am a proud supporter of the CAROL Act, which wil… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @GOPLeader: When @RepAndyBarr tragically lost his wife, Carol, from an undiagnosed valvular heart disease, he channeled his grief into a… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepHuizenga: I’m honored to have known Carol and to call her a friend. She is fondly remembered and deeply missed! Today, I’m so please… —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
About to go on @larrygloverlive in just a few minutes to discuss the CAROL Act, Inflation and the National Defense Authorization Act I voted for to support our military last night. —
Rep. Andy Barr @RepAndyBarr
RT @RepHuizenga: Happy to join you, Andy, on voting yes! This is a positive step towards rebuilding our military. —