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Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
ANNOUNCEMENT: Don’t miss my Facebook Live Townhall! I will be discussing the latest efforts to address the coronavirus outbreak with Mississippi’s State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs. We will be answering FAQs to give you the most up-to-date information on the COVID-19 response —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
Our rural hospitals are vital in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. I joined my colleagues to call on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to prioritize and provide immediate support for our rural hospitals. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
Thank you to our physicians who work hard to protect our community from injury and sickness. We appreciate your dedication now more than ever. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
I’d like to thank our Vietnam War veterans for their service to our nation. Our country is grateful for you and the sacrifices you made in defense of our democracy and values. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: Take simple daily precautions to help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like #COVID19. Learn how to protect yourself… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @msdh: This morning MSDH is reporting 84 new cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, with five new deaths. Mississippi's total of coronavirus… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @RepGregPence: Here in D.C. with my friend @RepMichaelGuest on behalf of our constituents, fighting for the health of the American peopl… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
I returned to D.C. to provide relief for the American people, to support healthcare workers & first responders, & to keep small businesses open. @realDonaldTrump is leading our country through a difficult moment. I will continue to support his efforts to protect American families —
Craig Caplan @CraigCaplan
Rep. Greg Pence (R-IN), the older brother to Vice President Mike Pence, is on Capitol Hill today for COVID-19 econo…
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
If you aren’t subscribed to my newsletter, you can see our latest update at the link below. Be sure to subscribe to receive regular updates on the coronavirus delivered directly to your inbox. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
Today, the TVA announced an initiative to support local power companies during the coronavirus outbreak. These options for local power facilities will help ensure that Mississippians serviced by TVA continue to have access to affordable power. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
I’ve compiled a list of resources for individuals, families, & businesses to find more information about government programs designed to assist our communities during the coronavirus outbreak. Visit my website at the link below to learn more. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
Tomorrow morning at 7:05 am, I will be on air with @paulgalloshow to discuss the latest #Coronavirus relief package. Tune in to your local @supertalk station or listen on the SuperTalk website or app. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: Has #COVID19 put your work life or school life on hold? Use this pause to get prepared for possible community spread. Start wit… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
Our nation has overcome many adversities throughout history. This outbreak is another test of our nation’s endurance, but with American determination, we will overcome this challenge too. —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: #HCPs: Is the stress of the #COVID19 outbreak affecting your ability to care for your family and patients? See how to keep your… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @MSEMA: Governor Reeves signed a new executive order to further slow the spread of #COVID19 across Mississippi. This order outlines addi… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @alzassocms: Thankful for @RepMichaelGuest support of the Alzheimer’s Association this year. Together, we passed crucial legislation and… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
ANNOUNCEMENT: This year’s Congressional Art Competition winner is Sonia Matrick, an 11th grade student at the Missi… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
A national emergency is not a tool for Democrats to force through their progressive policies. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck S… —
Jake Sherman @JakeSherman
A bit of a clap back from republicans.
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: Feeling stressed or anxious about #COVID19? Make time to do activities that you enjoy and can help you relax.… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @MSEMA: Take a look at testing sites across the state: —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @msdh: Next week MSDH will be setting up 6 drive-up testing sites across the state for those with COVID-19 symptoms such as fever of 100… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @fema: ⚠ Due to the large amount of speculation regarding #COVID19, this is a reminder to rely on OFFICIAL sources for accurate informat… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: Everyone has a role to play to reduce & slow transmission of #COVID19. Physical or social distancing is one way to prevent the… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: Practice social distancing by putting space between yourself and others. Continue to practice healthy habits, like washing your… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @NWSJacksonMS: Severe storms are possible across northern portions of the area on Tuesday. This severe weather potential is still severa… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @DHS_Wolf: Hearing a lot about texts from "friends at DHS" or "friends with connections at DHS" that say DHS is planning a national lock… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
If you are feeling sick, telehealth is a great way to talk to a medical professional from your home. C-Spire has pa… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @CDCgov: If you had #COVID19 and will not have a test to see if you are still contagious, only leave your sick room and home when ALL of… —
Congressman Michael Guest @RepMichaelGuest
RT @WhiteHouse: LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force —