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Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Orange County is home to the second largest Korean community in the U.S., so many families in our district know how hard it's been for Korean Americans to connect with loved ones in North Korea. I joined colleagues this week to pass legislation to help reunite these families. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
A 21st century Civilian Conservation Corps will help put people to work—in jobs our economy will need to remain globally competitive for years to come, including jobs in clean energy, green infrastructure, and more. These opportunities ought to be available to all Americans. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
The mass exodus of women from the workforce during the pandemic is a threat to us all. We won't have a strong economy without a strong workforce, and we're not going to have a strong workforce without women in it. We must invest in affordable child care. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Too often, our military justice system does not actually deliver justice. @gillibrandny has been a leader on these issues for years, and I'm pleased to see these vital changes getting one step closer to reality. —
Steven Dennis @StevenTDennis
! Kirsten Gillibrand has won inclusion of her provision overhauling the prosecution of major military crimes, inclu…
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
RT @nafcc: When parents don't have child care, they can't go to work. When businesses don't have employees, it impacts their bottom line. C… —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
California is devastated by worse and worse wildfires each year. Four million acres—more land than the state of Connecticut—burned last year, forcing families across the U.S. to breathe polluted air. Climate change is a crisis. We must take action. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Ten years ago today, Congress created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to crack down on corporations cheating families. So far, this critical watchdog has returned more than $12 billion to consumers across the country. Happy birthday, @CFPB! 🎉 —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
There's a cost to making it hard for workers to take temporary time off. Every other developed country guarantees paid leave because it makes their workforces stronger. Offering paid leave to federal workers is a key step in the fight to making this a reality for all Americans. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
I wrote a textbook on consumer protection law, but you don't have to read it to understand that no one—regardless of political party—likes to be cheated. Today, I urged my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make it easier for families to get justice if they are scammed. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Government officials must be accountable to the people. Today, I urged my colleagues to close loopholes the administration can use to skirt the constitutionally-mandated vetting process. I'm proud my bill cleared a key committee hurdle, and is now one step closer to becoming law. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Orange County is blessed to be home to a vibrant and flourishing Muslim community. Wishing a blessed and joyous #EidAlAdha to all who are celebrating in California and around the world! —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Sharing accurate, up-to-date information is a top priority for me, especially during this pandemic. Orange County families struggling to pay their rents or mortgages should review these resources from @CFPB to learn what protections are in place ⬇️ —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Millions of American families—including those of 2/3 kids in our district—are getting monthly payments to help cover the costs of raising a child. The expanded #ChildTaxCredit is an investment in our kids that will make our economy stronger. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Governments and health care companies use something called Quality-Adjusted Life Years to measure the "value" of a treatment. But this metric devalues the lives of people with disabilities. I'm fighting to create a system that isn't discriminatory. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
As of today, roughly 60 million kids in the U.S. are getting help from the expanded #ChildTaxCredit 🎉 This tax relief will help families with children buy nutritious food, afford quality child care, and live in safe housing—which will make our economy stronger for years to come. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
The American people deserve to know how the largest dialysis providers, @DaVita and @Fresenius, are colluding with @KidneyFund to juice their profits at the expense of patients. Today, our office is releasing a report that details this abuse. READ IT ⬇️ —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Patients in need of lifesaving care aren’t pawns for health care companies to line their pockets. I'm calling for action to stop dialysis providers from colluding with a supposed patient advocacy group to boost their profits by pushing patients towards unaffordable insurance. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Competition is critical for a healthy, capitalist economy. For years, we have failed to curb consolidation—leading to higher prices for families and lower wages for workers. @POTUS' executive order will make our economy stronger. More ⬇️ from my interview with @PodSaveAmerica. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
We can't tackle the climate crisis without updating our outdated transportation system. I used to be a professor at @UCIrvine, so I know how transformative their electric vehicle infrastructure is. I'm glad I had a chance to help show it off to @SecMartyWalsh and @RepMikeLevin! —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Whiteboards are great for breaking things down, so they were key when I taught bankruptcy law. Now, I use them to make issues plain, both for witnesses and the American people. It's much harder to dodge accountability when a whiteboard is involved! —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Whiteboards are great for breaking things down, so they were key when I taught bankruptcy law. Now, I use them to make issues plain, both for witnesses and the American people. It's much harder to dodge accountability when a whiteboard is involved! —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Building back better is about creating a strong, globally competitive economy that doesn't leave anyone behind. We haven't prioritized child care and other pro-family policies like other countries have. That’s holding our economy and our entire workforce back. —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Happening today! —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
I’ve promised to put Orange County families first. This weekend, I'm hosting "Policy in the Park," a family-friendl…
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
T-24 hours until Policy in the Park! I'm so excited for our first in-person town hall of the term. By the way, we'll have activities for the whole family—so kids and teens encouraged! Hope to see you all there 🌳 —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
I'm looking forward to being in conversation with Orange County families at my town hall tomorrow about how investi…
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
RT @Elex_Michaelson: .@RepKatiePorter is hosting her first in person town hall since the pandemic on Sunday July 11th. "Policy in the Park"… —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
I'm looking forward to being in conversation with Orange County families at my town hall tomorrow about how investing in child care will make our economy stronger. I'll dive more into this at tomorrow’s event (join me at 3 PM at Mike Ward Community Park!), but here's a preview 👇 —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Finally, today's action takes steps to stop hospital consolidation, which drives up costs and decreases quality of care. @POTUS asks key agencies to revise guidelines for hospital mergers, which will help increase transparency. (5/5) —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Congress provided billions to help health care workers fight COVID-19. Turns out, some health care systems may have…
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Let's talk about returning competition to health care. Since January, my office has been fighting to fix the broken pharmaceutical market. @POTUS has taken some of the important steps I’ve advocated for to lower drug prices and inspire innovation. (4/5) —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
Big Pharma knows that healthy markets (and affordable prices for consumers!) depend on competition. So, they gobble…
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
President Biden's order will also prevent internet service providers from charging excessive early termination fees, saving people money. Every American should be able to afford internet access, and requiring clear details on cost will help consumers find the best deal. (3/5) —
Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter
First, let’s talk about consumer protection. It's now easier and cheaper for consumers to switch banks. Banks are required to transfer your financial transaction data if you choose to take your business elsewhere. (2/5) —