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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Wearing a mask and maintaining a social distance should continue to be observed. The CDC recommends that you wear a mask indoors and in public areas with high transmission rates. If you haven't been vaccinated yet, locate a vaccine clinic near you: —

SilverSummit HP @SilverSummitHP

Before and after you get the COVID-19 vaccine, continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask in public. Le…

Posted Aug. 12, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

@NevGOE @DRIScience @KTVN @AriannaBee @davidbobzien Arianna is pouring coffee and David is saying no. That's what I'm seeing here. —

Posted July 23, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Once again, thank you to the Bi-State Tribal Natural Resources Committee, NV’s & California’s Tribal Nations, The Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, & the @NVIC_gov for their steadfast leadership. I remain hopeful we can continue to work collaboratively to build a better future! —

Posted July 14, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

RT @GovSisolak: Road trips, baseball & #COVID19vaccines go hand-in-hand! When more people are vaccinated, more of us can feel safe & protec… —

Jennifer Taylor @jentheatty

#Baseball @Cubs Baseball at the 3rd oldest and storied stadium! Worth the one day road trip to be sitting outside…

Posted July 7, 2021 Retweet Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

The effects of #COVID19 have not changed, but our tools to fight it have – we now have vaccines, which are highly effective at reducing the severity of cases, hospitalization & deaths. Today, I reiterated the State’s support to help on-the-ground efforts in Clark County. —

Posted June 28, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

What a beautiful site! Getting back to what we love - including in-person attendance at Knights games - is just one of #3MillionReasons to get a #COVID19 vaccine. Learn more about how to get the vaccine at —

Kaitlyn Olvera @kaitlyn_olvera

Battle towels & GLOW STICKS! Only in Vegas🤩 #VegasBorn #KnightUp #StanleyCup

Posted June 15, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Today, we renew our commitment to reduce gun violence, pledge to do all we can to keep firearms out of the wrong hands, & encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our children safe. #WearOrgange —

Posted June 4, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Our comeback will be strengthened by the continued collaboration and efforts of all Nevadans committed to working together for our families and a brighter future. #nvleg —

Posted June 1, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Today's historic vote was only made possible thanks to the partnership of education leaders, business & industry, a bipartisan group of legislators, stakeholders & community members. #nvleg —

Posted June 1, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Today's passage of #AB495 is one of the most significant steps our State could take on our road to recovery -- one that will provide a meaningful and dedicated investment for every educator, every student, and every family throughout Nevada. #nvleg —

Posted June 1, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Today, I released the following with @Nicole4Nevada & @JasonFrierson on the passage of #AB395 Over the last year, hard decisions had to be made & we faced unprecedented hardship due to #COVID19 , but I remained committed we would emerge from this & build a stronger Nevada #nvleg —

Posted June 1, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

These programs will make a tremendous difference in the lives of veterans & their families. These programs fill a need by allowing those who have served our country, along with their families, to live their best lives in the State they have chosen to call ‘home.' —

Posted May 26, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Additionally, we were joined by @LisaKrasner4NV as I signed #AB102, which allows the State to issue annual permits for entering, camping, and boating in all state parks and recreational areas to all honorably discharged Veterans with a permanent service-connected disability. —

Posted May 26, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Today, I signed 12 bills, including 4 pieces of legislation aimed at increasing services for Veterans in Nevada. Thank you to @NVDeptVeterans Director Miller and Andy LePeilbet & Tony Yarbrough with the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC) to sign #AB22, #AB76 & #AB77. —

Posted May 26, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Nevadans deserve to feel safe in their own homes & communities & it's critical that they trust that those charged with protecting them do so with integrity. I want to thank @NevadaAG Ford for bringing these measures forward in his consistent pursuit of justice for all Nevadans. —

Posted May 25, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Today, I signed #AB58 & #SB5050 into law with @NevadaAG Aaron Ford. Today marks the anniversary of the killing of George Floyd.     We are taking a step forward in honoring George Floyd & Breonna Taylor’s memories by taking action to address historic injustices in our country. —

Posted May 25, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Thank you, @BrianforLV! Here are 3️⃣ of my reasons for getting the #COVID19 vaccine. 1. Visiting my Mom again safely! 2. Seeing smile faces without masks. 3. Getting Nevadans back to work - every shot in an arm is one step closer to our full reopening. #3millionreasons —

Brian Knudsen @BrianforLV

#TeamKnudsen wants to hear YOUR top 3️⃣! Tag 3 friends on their reasons why: @votereese @GovSisolak…

Posted May 24, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

The @NevadaDMV is hiring! They need an accounting assistant trainee and 30 entry-level customer service technicians in Carson City. Techs start at $31K plus state benefits. Join the family! Visit for future DMV openings in other areas and all state jobs. —

Posted May 14, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Small businesses are the backbone of our State & I will do everything I can to continue providing them my full support. Thank you to all of the community leaders for joining me today. I look forward to many more trips to Midtown in the future! —

Posted May 14, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

On the last stop, we were grateful to visit Panglin Café, whose signature drinks, tea shot lattes & amazing food & confections can certainly satisfy any coffee cravings. —

Posted May 14, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

We started the morning at Perenn Bakery. We were able to try some of their delicious coffee & fresh pastries. To learn more about them and their menu, make sure to visit their website: —

Posted May 14, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

It brings me great joy to see @ReedRaiders science teacher Leigh Metcalfe being recognized with @NCWIT’s renowned Aspirations in Computing Award & student Abbygail Nerger being highlighted as a ‘Rising Star’ for her exemplary computer work in school – Congratulations! —

Posted May 12, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

RT @frcojmorales: Thank you @GovSisolak and members of the Joint Subcommittee on Human Services. These retroactive cuts would have been dev… —

Governor Sisolak @GovSisolak

Today, NV legislators voted to restore more than $301 million to Medicaid. The cuts no longer appear necessary to d…

Posted May 12, 2021 Retweet Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Because of NV;s limited economic structure, this crisis hit our State worse than any other, & like so many families, the State’s budget took a dramatic turn due to the pandemic. —

Posted May 5, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Mentorship matters, & whom you receive that mentorship from, along with seeing yourself represented in these spaces is just as important. That is why the panelists are all amazing women & leaders in their fields & we are grateful for them sharing their experiences – Thank you! —

Posted April 28, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

This two-hour special aims to raise awareness and dispel concerns surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines, with the goal of increasing access to vaccinations and testing among Nevada’s Hispanic/Latinx communities. #EstaEnTusManos #TakeYourShot —

Esta En Tus Manos Nevada @EstaEnTusManosN

¿Dudas sobre las vacunas? Llama a nuestra línea de ayuda este próximo 29 de abril. Responderemos preguntas sobre va…

Posted April 28, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

I had a great time meeting with @NSEAOnline today. I am so appreciative of your continued dedication to Nevada’s student - especially during the #COVID19 pandemic. —

Posted April 26, 2021 Deleted Just a Typo
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

RT @GovSisolak: Today, in celebration of #ClimateAction and #EarthWeek, I had the pleasure of touring @RedwoodMat, where they recycle lithi… —

Posted April 23, 2021 Retweet Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

Lithium is a critical material in batteries that power our cell phones, solar battery systems and electric vehicles. Electrifying transportation is critical in achieving our ambitious emissions reduction targets; sustainable lithium is vital! —

Posted April 23, 2021 Deleted
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Governor Sisolak ARCHIVE @GovSisolak

The Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator Act is a bipartisan resolution that would ensure 25GW of renewable energy on public lands by 2025. With more than 80% of NV managed federally, we can lead the nation in these critical projects. #NevClimateAction #ClimateActionWeek —

Posted April 22, 2021 Deleted