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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

We must find ways to balance the budget and rein in excessive spending. Congress must return to an appropriations process where individual aspects of federal spending are examined instead of lumping everything together into a massive funding bill at the last minute. —

Posted Feb. 1, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

The Biden Administration’s recent ESG rule would further harm Americans' retirement funds by forcing fiduciaries to advance social causes rather than investing to get the best return. They should not play political games with Americans' hard-earned money. —

Posted Feb. 1, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Thanks to funding provided by our bipartisan infrastructure bill, communities across Utah—including Cache Valley, Cedar City, Green River, and those in southern Utah and along the Wasatch Front—will receive grants to prevent deaths and serious injuries on our state’s roadways. —

TransportationGov @USDOT

We're announcing funding for 500+ projects nationwide to improve safety & save lives along America's roadways. Our……

Posted Feb. 1, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Meaningful legislation requires bipartisanship to become law, which is why I've worked with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get things done. I didn’t come to Washington just to “fight” and lose, I came to win and deliver results for Utah and our country. —

Posted Feb. 1, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

If the Great Salt Lake runs dry, exposed dusts and metals at the lakebed could seriously harm our health and wellbeing. Real action—collaborative efforts among local, state, and federal entities—is essential to saving the Lake, which has hit historic lows in the past year. —

Posted Feb. 1, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Congress only votes on one-third of our federal spending—two-thirds of this spending goes to our entitlement programs and happens automatically. Programs like Social Security are on the brink of insolvency and Congress must work to rescue these programs before they collapse. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

As we begin working in the new Congress, I remain committed to the legislative objectives that I believe are most critical, including balancing the budget and reining in spending; fixing our broken immigration system; and helping Utah mitigate the effects of historic drought. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Utahns continue to do their part to conserve water and respect the needs of our neighbors who share the Colorado River as a significant source of supply. While the challenge remains to find an agreement among all seven states, I’m glad to see consensus-based progress being made. —

The Salt Lake Tribune @sltrib

Six Western states that rely on water from the Colorado River have agreed on a model to dramatically cut water use…

Posted Jan. 31, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

On #HolocaustRemembranceDay, we honor the 11 million victims—including 6 million Jews—who were senselessly and brutally murdered during the Holocaust. As #WeRemember those lost, may we also affirm our commitment to fight against anti-Semitism and bigotry in all its forms. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

History has taught us that when one country feels they can invade another country with little consequence, violence spreads and we become vulnerable to being pulled into a conflict. Supporting Ukraine is not just the right thing to do, it’s imperative for U.S. national security. —

Posted Jan. 26, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

I helped craft the bipartisan infrastructure bill so this Administration wouldn't look past the needs of our growing state. Met with elected officials from @WasatchCouncil and @Utah_mag to discuss their collaborative efforts on new infrastructure projects to best support Utahns. —

Posted Jan. 25, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Religious freedom continues to be suppressed by authoritarian regimes around the world, including the CCP. Met with @IRF_Ambassador to discuss developments related to religious freedom, persecution, and discrimination and how we can better protect it at home and abroad. —

Posted Jan. 24, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

It’s imperative that we improve strategies to prevent wildfires from becoming catastrophic disasters, which is why I fought to ensure funding for projects that strengthen Utah’s wildfire resilience was included in the bipartisan infrastructure bill. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

All human life, including the life of unborn children, is sacred. In solidarity with all those who #MarchForLife today, I affirm my commitment to defending the dignity of life and supporting policies that protect society’s most vulnerable. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

As the Utah Legislature begins its 2023 General Session, I send my best wishes to @BradWilsonGOP, @JStuartAdams, and the @UtahHouseReps & @UtahSenate legislators. May the tradition of bipartisanship continue so Utah remains one the best-managed states in the country! #utpol —

Posted Jan. 17, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke: “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. ... You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." On #MLKDay, let us be united in advancing the dream he had for our country through service and commitment to freedom. —

Posted Jan. 16, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Law enforcement officers play an irreplaceable role in keeping our communities and institutions safe. On #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay, we express our gratitude to those who wear the badge and recognize their commitment to service. —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

127 years later, still as beautiful as ever. Happy Statehood Day, Utah! —

Posted Jan. 4, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

This past year, I focused my efforts in Washington on helping tackle Utah’s drought and water issues, countering the China threat, supporting Ukraine, pushing for fiscal responsibility, and promoting key Utah priorities. My 2022 Policy Highlights report: —

Posted Jan. 2, 2023
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Although this year hasn't been easy, it's been a year of great legislative achievements. I'm proud to have advanced many priorities for Utah and for the nation, and I’m looking forward to what's to come in 2023. Recap of my 2022, as told through photos: —

Posted Dec. 31, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Washington Democrats’ spending is unsustainable and is fueling historic inflation. When Congress returns in January, alleviating the burden of inflation on Americans and taming our mandatory spending and national debt must be top priorities. —

Posted Dec. 30, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Despite a year of new difficulties and challenges, I remain grateful for the opportunity to represent Utahns in Washington and help tackle some of the biggest issues facing our great country. My reflection on 2022: —

Posted Dec. 30, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

The holiday season gives us reason to pause and take stock in our blessings—one of the greatest of which is living in the best country on Earth. I especially render my thanks to our servicemembers for protecting the freedoms that we hold dear. From mine to yours: Merry Christmas! —

Posted Dec. 25, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

Given the choice between having elf ears or Santa’s white beard, I’d go with the beard—by far. In fact, I have a white beard—you just don’t see it very often. Weighing in on this and more holiday topics with a Christmas edition of “this or that”: —

Posted Dec. 24, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

I voted in favor of the government funding bill because it includes priorities for Utah and for our national security. Learn more: —

Posted Dec. 22, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

My thoughts on the government funding bill ↓ —

Posted Dec. 22, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

The Biden Administration has dealt with the crisis at our southern border with raging incompetence—our overwhelmed border communities and country at-large cannot afford their lack of attention. Title 42 must be kept in place to help stem the tide of illegal immigration. —

Posted Dec. 20, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

We have record numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border and an alarming increase in drug trafficking, yet the Administration refuses to accept the solution sitting right in front of them: finish the wall, keep the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and keep Title 42 in place. —

Posted Dec. 20, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

As China becomes a greater threat, working with allies like Japan is key to defending freedom and maintaining the global order. I applaud Japan for increasing its defense spending to 2% of GDP within the next 5 years. Investing in defense now is how we deter future conflict. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Japan will double its military defense spending, breaking with decades of precedent as it looks to strengthen its a…

Posted Dec. 16, 2022
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Senator Mitt Romney @SenatorRomney

This year’s defense bill includes provisions which will counter the threats from China and Russia, help save the Great Salt Lake, and move forward efforts to bring a passport agency to Utah. I’m pleased to see the NDAA overwhelmingly pass the Senate. —

Posted Dec. 16, 2022