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Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Very honored to join Joshua Navy Junior ROTC’s annual ball this evening. Our nation’s future is brighter because of these young people exemplifying integrity and honor in their communities, and stepping up to inspire the next generation of leaders in America. —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Great to join Hillsboro business owners for a forum today discussing the urgency of greater relief during COVID-19 — while we’ve made great progress injecting capital into Main Street, we must provide further targeted aid so our economy can rebound quickly. #TX25 #smallbiz —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @kdhnews: The boxes of food, which were packed with things such as chicken nuggets, hot dogs, shredded cheese and fruit, were part of th… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
The majority of our #TX25 counties need access to reliable, high quality internet. That’s why I introduced the Eliminate the Digital Divide Act to empower states like Texas to carry out their own broadband networks and expand access for those in need ➡️ —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @SBAgov: 🇺🇸 Watch how one @USNavy veteran turned her dream of owning a small business into a reality with help from a local Veterans Bus… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Honored to be named a Guardian of Small Business by the @NFIB. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and I’ll continue fighting to ensure Main Street has the freedom and support needed to promote greater growth in our communities. #smallbizguardian —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Great to join Texans in Bosque County this morning for a forum on the path forward during COVID-19 and my efforts to expand reliable, high quality broadband access to our #TX25 rural communities. #EliminatetheDigitalDivide —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Millions of Texans across our state don’t have access to reliable internet. That’s why I introduced the Eliminate the Digital Divide Act to level the playing field and expand broadband access for our rural and unserved communities in #TX25 ➡️ —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @GOPLeader: Our freedom is a precious gift, but it is never more than one generation away from extinction. Republicans are the only par… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Thank you to our Copperas Cove first responders for serving our #TX25 community! —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
I’m deeply humbled to receive this award from my friend Eddie Bell, State President of the Korean War Veterans Association. We will NEVER forget the service of these heroes and the sacrifices they made on behalf of our nation. May their stories and legacies live on forever. —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Texas is the embodiment of freedom with lower taxes and less regulations than anywhere else in the U.S. — and because of these principles, we’re home to millions of skilled craftsmen and innovators that strengthen our economy every day. #MadeinTexas —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Honored to participate in the coin toss tonight between the Lampasas Badgers and the Burnet Bulldogs! There’s no better way to spend a Texas Friday night. #TX25 —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @SecretaryRoss: Thanks to strong consumer confidence, we saw U.S. retail sales continue to increase in September (1.9%), & increase 8.2%… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Gibraltar does important work in #TX25 — it was great to visit and learn more about their operation today. —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Great to join business owners and leaders this morning in Burnet to discuss the strength of Main Street America and how our economy is poised for recovery. I’m proud to serve as their voice in Congress and will continue fighting for more targeted relief. #TX25 —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Thank you to Mark and Connie for allowing me to visit Chapman 3C Ranch in Hico. The Chapman’s diversified their operation a few years ago to sell mail order meat packages and have seen business booming since then. Our ranchers are vital to our #TX25 economy & Texan way of life. —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Great running into my friend Coryell County Sheriff Scott Williams in Gatesville today! I’m proud to support our law enforcement and will always fight on their behalf in Congress. —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
For decades, October has been celebrated as Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog-Month in an effort to help millions of dogs living in shelters waiting for their forever homes. I encourage Texans to save a life and consider adopting a dog, like Tucker here in Gatesville, into your family! —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
There’s no question that COVID-19 has dealt a devastating blow to our nation, but I am committed to restoring our economic dominance and REBUILDING the greatest economy we’ve had in generations. #CommitmenttoAmerica —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @alzcaptx: Just this month, the #Justice4AlzAct passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Read our Ambassador's letter to the editor i… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @HouseGOP: "Prior to the pandemic, the American economy was the strongest it had been in generations and showed signs of gaining momentu… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @FinancialCmte: Republicans are working to rebuild the record-breaking #economy we experienced before the #COVID pandemic by supporting:… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Texas is the most pro-business state in the country, with low taxes, fewer regulations and more freedom than anywhere across the U.S. It’s because of these principles that the future of manufacturing belongs to innovators in Texas. #MadeInTexas —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
It was a privilege to thank our Johnson County law enforcement officers for protecting our families. I’ll always support the thousands of men and women who put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe. #TX25 —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @BurlesonChief: Thank you @RepRWilliams for visiting with Johnson County law enforcement @BurlesonPolice department today. Thanks for yo… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
Technical Chemical Company employs 325 workers in Cleburne — and thanks to the Paycheck Protection Program, they did not have to let go of any of their employees during COVID-19. It was great to tour their impressive facility and discuss the future of their operation. —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @alzambassadors: Austin reader thanks Williams for support of Alzheimer’s legislation @RepRWilliams #ENDALZ —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
RT @USNavy: Happy 245th #Birthday, Shipmates! 🎉 May we all continue to serve with Honor, Courage, and Commitment and uphold the long #USN… —
Rep. Roger Williams @RepRWilliams
While we’ve come a long way, there is still work to be done. I’ll continue partnering with our innovative private sector, local officials and @POTUS so #TX25 can recover and rebound from COVID-19. Together, we’ll build a stronger Texas. —