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Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
We're getting ready to start our live Twitter Q&A in just a few minutes. Thanks to those who have already sent in questions. I'm getting ready to answer now. Send in your questions by using #AskGovInslee in your tweet. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
We can’t and won’t stand for this abdication of responsibility for the health and safety of Washingtonians. Together with @AGOWA we will challenge the @EPA's so-called "Affordable Clean Energy" rule in court. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
We can’t and won’t stand for this abdication of responsibility for the health and safety of Washingtonians. Together with @AGOWA we will challenge the @EPA's so-called ""Affordable Clean Energy" rule in court. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
The Trump administration has chosen to ignore facts, clear science, & the letter of the law. The @EPA has a legal obligation — established by the Clean Air Act and subsequent court rulings — to keep Americans safe from dirty and polluted air & the impacts of climate change. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
That’s why WA passed 100 % clean energy & a full suite of other policies to reduce emissions. But carbon emissions & pollution do not respect borders, & without a strong federal partner we are leaving our children & grandchildren vulnerable to an increasingly hostile climate. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Our communities have experienced the dire consequences of inaction, including horrific wildfires, extreme heat and dangerous flooding. We have also proven in WA that bold climate action goes hand-in-hand with creating jobs and building a strong economy. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
This rule leaves the U.S. isolated in the world, actively undermining the progress other nations are making to reduce their carbon emissions. States like WA will continue to press forward, because it’s clear we must take the lead. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
What’s worse, @EPA has somehow made its plan even weaker and more feckless — increasing carbon emissions compared to its original proposal last year. This rule effectively leaves it to individual states to protect themselves from the harms of climate change. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
The Administration is sending a clear signal that it cares more about propping up the dirtiest sources of energy than it does about protecting the American people. Their own analysis acknowledges the plan will cause thousands of additional people to die and suffer from illnesses. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Our nation and our planet cannot afford for the federal government to be a bystander in the climate crisis, and @AGOWA and I will challenge this unlawful action in court. By finalizing this plan, the EPA is abandoning its legal and moral responsibility to protect Americans. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Today the Trump administration released its final "Affordable Clean Energy" rule, which significantly increases carbon pollution & conventional air pollution compared to the Clean Power Plan. This action is one of the most dangerous steps taken by this administration to date. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Want to know what we're doing in WA to help orcas, combat homelessness, transition to clean energy or increase access to broadband internet? Or maybe what is my favorite between-meeting snack? Serious or fun, I'm taking your questions. Use #AskGovInslee to send them to me now. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
We just had a phenomenal 2019 #waleg session passing laws that will benefit Washingtonians statewide. I'd love to…
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
This expansion is not inevitable. I stand with Premier Horgan in wanting to defend the coast. Canada has led so many important climate initiatives, and it’s time for them to do it again. We will continue to pursue every option possible to protect our waters and our communities. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
It would unwind our urgent efforts to reduce toxics in our environment, protect our orcas and improve oil-transport safety. If the pipeline is expanded, we may see a call for additional investments to bring more fossil fuels into WA state. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
This pipeline, if built, will impose significant negative impacts on our coastal communities, increase the risk of oil spills in our shared waters and double down on carbon-intensive fossil fuels at a time when world leaders need to double down on clean energy. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
The Canadian government’s decision today to approve the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion is both alarming and deeply disappointing. The costs to our environment and communities are simply too high. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
In WA state, we’re electrifying planes, trains, ferries and automobiles. And now, we’re showing we can electrify buses, too. It’s exciting to celebrate WA's first electric school bus, because this effort is, ultimately, all about our kids and their future. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
We just had a phenomenal 2019 #waleg session passing laws that will benefit Washingtonians statewide. I'd love to take your questions on how we're tackling major issues in WA. Send them my way now using #AskGovInslee in your tweet. I’ll answer them live tomorrow at 1:45 p.m. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Yesterday we honored 20 outstanding state government leaders for setting priorities, managing risks and achieving results. They and their staff are responsible stewards of WA residents’ resources as they serve capably and honorably every day. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Creativity, collaboration & public engagement: all key to ensuring communities grow responsibly. Congrats to our 13 Smart Communities award winners for their projects that allow people to thrive, economies to prosper & create sustainable infrastructure. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Washington state wins again as the Trump administration takes another loss in court today. Many thanks to @AGOWA Ferguson, his team and all who supported this crucial effort to protect the health and safety of Hanford workers. —
WA Attorney General @AGOWA
AG Ferguson statement on victory in Hanford workers’ compensation case:
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
I am proud that WA is #1 state for aerospace manufacturing. While I won't be able to attend the Paris Air Show this year, our state will be well represented by @RepRickLarsen and the leaders of the WA state delegation @waltgov and @WAComDirector. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Congratulations CAPT Wolfson, we are glad to have you on board and I look forward to working with you on the future of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Today @ESDwaWorks announced that WA's average annual wage went up by 5.5 percent in 2018. That's our largest gain in worker salaries since 2006. Our strong economy, robust growth in jobs & improved wages all factor into why @OxfamAmerica named us the Best State to Work this year. —
Lisa Brown @WAComDirector
#WAState's average annual wage grew 5.5% in 2018, largest growth since 2006. Big gains in #tech & #science. Unemplo……
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
This is a transformational investment in our #cleanenergy future and continues to push WA toward zero-emission transportation technology. Getting 50 more all-electric buses on the road is a big step forward, and it will pay off in better air quality across our state. #ZEV —
WA Dept of Ecology @EcologyWA
The number of zero-emission, all-electric buses on Washington's roads will more than double in the months ahead as…
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
That’s why WA stands strong to protect the gains we've made expanding health care access, despite the many federal actions over the past 2 yrs to undermine the #ACA and bring instability & uncertainty to our market. Now, #PublicOption will offer coverage to even more WA families. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
WA's new #PublicOption will ensure families can get the care they need. It builds on the life-saving benefits the #ACA has provided to 800,000 Washingtonians, including veterans, cancer patients and those battling opioid & substance abuse disorder. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
WA was the first state to adopt a health care #PublicOption. Thank you to @WAplanfinder CEO Pam MacEwan for taking our story to Congress today, and sharing the bold steps we've taken to expand access to affordable health care. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Since 2001, our wind industry grew from $0 to $6 B. Clean energy jobs on the West Coast grew by 20 percent in 5 years. Solar now costs less than coal. And, this year #waleg passed our #100PercentClean bill to help us do more even faster. Let’s keep it going. —
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Our plan to close WA's last operating coal plant in Centralia provided for $30 M to diversify the local economy & support workers' transition to new careers. Those efforts continue today. I applaud the Colstrip owners' commitment to also supporting their local community. —