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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

So, yes. We CANNOT let Mike Lee win in November. He's an ineffective Senator and a threat to our democracy. But together, I know we can do so much more. —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Before entering this race, I sat down to think about the future I wanted to see for our five kids. I came up with 5 priorities for renewal that I'm ready to work tooth and nail for in the Senate. If you haven't seen them yet, you can find them here: —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

One of the first things I did was commit to taking $0 from special interest groups, and I'm proud that our campaign is powered by grassroots supporters. As an independent, I also made a promise that I wouldn't caucus with either party and would never bow down to party bosses. —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

When I saw @SenMikeLee bend over backward to help Trump undermine our election and overturn Americans' votes, I knew he had to be stopped. So I decided to run against him, and I promised to run a different type of campaign. A campaign that Utahns could be proud of. —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

In 2016, I ran for president as an independent. Trump's rhetoric worried me. It sounded too similar to the authoritarian leaders I had heard while overseas. When Trump was elected, I watched as our country became more and more polarized. He stoked that division. —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

After 9/11, I knew our democracy was at risk and I volunteered to go undercover as a CIA operative. I saw the effects of authoritarianism abroad, but I NEVER thought our own country would face the same problems. When I returned home a decade later, things had changed. —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

The @sltrib ran an op-ed titled: "Evan McMullin isn’t Mike Lee and that’s good enough for me." Look, I understand the sentiment, but it's the bare minimum for our representatives not to betray the Constitution, and I want Utahns to know me. So here's why I'm in this fight👇 —

Posted Aug. 8, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Small business leaders in Utah have told me that they're struggling to keep up with rising prices—and that @SenMikeLee isn't doing enough to bring down these astronomical costs. Utahns deserve leaders that will find common ground to solve their problems. —

Posted Aug. 7, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

The kids and I spent yesterday morning playing keep away from Moose … or at least trying to 😂 Hope everybody is enjoying their weekend! —

Posted Aug. 7, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

When I was a kid, my dad brought home an old spy film for us to watch together. I loved it: Not just for the action, but because the idea of serving a greater cause inspired me. Ultimately, my love for our democracy motivated me to join the CIA then and to be in this race today. —

Posted Aug. 7, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

It’s embarrassing how many times I’ve had to explain your job and what it means to be an independent to you, Mike. You can’t imagine a world in which our politics aren’t as broken as your own. In the Senate, I won’t answer to party bosses or your extremist pals. —

Mike Lee @MikeLeeforUtah

In Chuck Schumer’s Senate, you’re either in or you’re out - even before you know what’s in the bill. It’s not an a…

Posted Aug. 6, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

There are important parts of this bill that I support and others I don’t. Sadly, @MikeLeeforUtah thinks his job begins and ends with sitting on his hands until it’s time to vote no. I’d be at the negotiating table carving out a better bill for Utah—because that’s the job. —

Mike Lee @MikeLeeforUtah

Utahns deserve to know… @EvanMcMullin, do you still want to be the Joe Manchin of Utah and vote for the “inflation…

Posted Aug. 6, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Our kids love soccer. But here in Utah, there have been days in which the air quality gets so bad that their games are canceled. That's not normal. We have to invest in our air and water—and our children's futures in turn. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

"As an independent, [Evan] listens to people and speaks with knowledge and integrity. The coalition he is forming has the potential to get everyone out of their seats ..." Thank you for your kind words, Stephanie. Together, we will defeat Mike Lee. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

The Coup Caucus gave authoritarian dictator Viktor Orban a standing ovation at CPAC yesterday. Yes, the same guy who said he’s against “race mixing.” America’s far-right extremists are trying to take a page from Orban’s book. We cannot let them. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

.@SenMikeLee hatched this plan and he pushed Trump officials like Mark Meadows to run with it. They all knew it wasn't right—that this is not how our democracy works—but they did it anyway. We have to hold them accountable. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 —

Liz Cheney @Liz_Cheney

“In our nation’s 246 year history there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than D…

Posted Aug. 4, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

After years of appeasing Russian aggression, our coalition pushed @SenMikeLee to finally vote for NATO expansion. But it shouldn't have to be an election year for us to get him to do the right thing. Too often, he's been Putin's proxy vote in Congress. Utahns deserve better. —

Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

.@SenMikeLee: There’s still time to do the right thing—will you stand up to Putin, get tough on national security,…

Posted Aug. 4, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic political machine just got what they wanted: Peter Meijer, a principled Republican who voted to impeach Trump, just lost his primary because of their meddling. They're playing with fire and threatening our democracy by supporting extremists. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

This is just the kind of thing Americans are tired of: Politicians so entrenched in their partisanship that they can’t even tell when our systems are broken. @SenMikeLee, Americans know the difference between right and wrong. And they see you breaking the rules. —

Firing Line with Margaret Hoover @FiringLineShow

"He could not be more wrong," @SenMikeLee says of opponent @EvanMcMullin's claim that refusing to consider Merrick…

Posted Aug. 3, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

.@SenMikeLee voted NO on bipartisan legislation today to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. When politicians send our heroes into war, they make a commitment to stand with them when they bear the wounds. You don’t balance the budget on the backs of our veterans. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

.@SenMikeLee, your amnesia seems to be getting worse. Let me help. You’ve been a senator for nearly 12 years, the national debt has more than doubled under your watch, and last week you voted against bringing critical manufacturing back to the U.S. to lower inflation. Remember? —

Mike Lee @MikeLeeforUtah

A vote for my opponent is a vote for more failed policies of the Biden administration that have had tremendous cost…

Posted Aug. 3, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Salt Lake City: Swing by our table at Westpointe and Jordan Meadows Night Out and pick up a t-shirt! —

Posted Aug. 3, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

.@SenMikeLee: There’s still time to do the right thing—will you stand up to Putin, get tough on national security, and commit to expanding NATO? Or will you put the interest of Russians over Utahns yet again? —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Mike Lee is one of the ONLY senators who is refusing to support Finland and Sweden in joining NATO. He’s playing right into Putin’s hand. As a CIA officer, I saw firsthand how relationships with our allies helped keep Americans safe and free. His vote is a bad move. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

RT @EvanMcMullin: Last month, Politico's @sambbenson joined Moose and me on a stroll around our neighborhood. We talked about how Utah has… —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022 Retweet Deleted after 12 seconds
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

We’re less than 100 days out from Election Day! The energy and excitement I’ve seen from people across Utah gives me hope—together, we can replace Mike Lee and begin healing the political divisiveness in our country. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

People across the country are noticing what we’re doing here in Utah: Listening to one another, finding common ground, and building a winning coalition. That’s why I was so excited to sit down with @people and talk about our incredible movement—read now: —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

RT @steele_podcast: U.S Senatorial candidate @EvanMcMullin discusses his run against Utah incumbent Mike Lee and putting country over party… —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022 Retweet
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Evan McMullin 🇺🇸 @EvanMcMullin

Last month, Politico's @sambbenson joined Moose and me on a stroll around our neighborhood. We talked about how Utah has become one of the most competitive Senate races this cycle—read now: —

Posted Aug. 2, 2022