Simon Hoare MP @Simon4NDorset
Oh, you seem to have forgotten those arch remainers: Dominic Raab, Michael Howard, William Hague, Peter Lilley, Liam Fox etc etc etc in your little list. The Tory Party is at its best and most electorally attractive when it’s a broad church not a narrow cult — PolitiTweet.org
⒟⒪⒰⒝⒧⒠⒯⒣⒤⒩⒦-⒡⒭⒠⒠ 🇬🇧🏴 @moondevil
@yelseldusty @Simon4NDorset @trussliz Exactly this. If we are now to judge the candidates by who endorses them, wha… https://t.co/fpnaISLE64