Tim Pool @Timcast CNNs story is "joe rogan apologizes" If joe didn't apologize this wouldn't be in the news cycle. The video of Joe has been around for a while and the only reason it went mainstream is because Joe made a video and pushed it to the forefront — PolitiTweet.org Tom Elliott @tomselliott CNN's @BrianStelter & Jim @Acosta strongly suggest Spotify should remove Joe Rogan from their platform; also note h… https://t.co/EjvWK… Posted Feb. 6, 2022 Deleted after 7 months
Tim Pool @Timcast Left wing and Right wing are completely meaningless terms The internet has largely gone tribal and we have begun to speak different languages The culture war is over We aren't fighting over culture anymore We are now fighting for influence and control — PolitiTweet.org Posted Feb. 6, 2022 Deleted after 7 months